TEH CREDIT FILE! Major portion of the sound files sources have been nailed in the SNDINFO.txt, for one's eventual borrowing convienience. Otherwise! Here's the extremely long list of people you should be thankful to for creating this thing!.. well, you'll be surprised. The outside workers I am thankful to!: http://en.midimelody.ru/ - From where I got the midified Motley Crue - Kickstart My Heart song Strelok - Skullthrottle sounds Xaser - BARRELS! I FORKING KNEW IT, THEY ARE THE BEST! Aaand the synthfire code. YOU ARE THE BEST! Marty Kirra - My favourite base for playerclasses is his lad, and apparently - this one is no exception. Heh! The supreme scripting work! (who did what, you should get an idea by looking into the scripts): Zhs2 KeksDose (and a bunch of particles!) If it's mentioned by both me and DN's name, it means we both were supervising that element. Please ask us before you'll use any sprite within the mod first. DoomNukem's graphic work: -Weapons -Effects graphics Item Graphics: -Nightvision goggles -Berzerk -Hazmat suit -Backpack -Cigarette packs -Fullmap -Armor pickups -Medical items -Casings and clips -Melee and arm graphics -Decals PillowBlaster's graphic work: -Berzerk -Hazmat suit -Bacpack -Ciggarette packs -Medical items -Spheres -Jetpack -Ammo pickups -Fonts -Playerclass -Decals