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Star Conflict

Posted by IceVamp 
Star Conflict
April 07, 2013 09:40AM

It's a f2p instanced star fighting game.
So far there are three classes of ships, divided into tiers kinda like WoT. Fast, scout like Interceptors intended for sneaking and capping, Fighters intended for brawling and Frigates who offer long range support.

It plays much like Freelancer. I've had a few rounds thus far, but I'm going to get in some more today after work. I'm playing the evil looking human faction, though it seems like you can play for any of them, and they all have specific rewards you unlock as you progress with reputation.

At this stage, you have a few "gold" ships, that seem to have a very slight advantage over it's normal counterpart. But earning money doesn't seem to take very long. There are several modes, some with respawning, and even changing ship after death, if you have more than one.

Give it a go. It's free. It's also on Steam.

-I would if I could, but I can't so I won't.
Re: Star Conflict
April 10, 2013 02:45AM
Empire = TR
Federation = new Conglomerate
Jericho = Vanu

Almost to a "T"

Maybe this weekend

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
Re: Star Conflict
April 12, 2013 10:40PM
Looks pants.

Re: Star Conflict
April 13, 2013 03:46PM
So its World of Wing-Commander except Wing Commander was good.

Remember shoot or die!
Re: Star Conflict
April 14, 2013 04:59PM
More World of Freelancer. I guess. Kinda.

-I would if I could, but I can't so I won't.
Re: Star Conflict
April 14, 2013 07:30PM
You need to be online more Ice

I keep forgetting about this

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
Re: Star Conflict
April 14, 2013 08:13PM
I was off celebrating a 30th this weekend, and acting as an instructor for the army monday through thursday. That's why I've been off for so long.

-I would if I could, but I can't so I won't.