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CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs

Posted by Deathbane 
CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
December 12, 2012 05:58PM

Thread has been opened for posting for casual rp in between sessions.

Remember this thread is for IC discussion only. Respect this so i can easily manage the rpg,

go here for discussion: [clanjadewolf.net]

Violators will be shot, survivors will be shot again.


Next Session is currently : Sat 25th July begins 17:30 PM UTC. Join Teamspeak server, and remember to check this thread regularly for changes!

Current Game Date and Time: 18:00 hours, 5th October, 3067. Location: Unknown Jumpship, MT-698-2a Debris Field Orbit, MT-698 System.

Campaign Rules and Guidelines for Players

The Clan RP i am hoping to run I want to ensure will be fun and everyone will get maximum enjoyment out of it. However, in past campaigns I had some trouble because of the actions of a minority of players - none of these were malicious, but they did slow down and interrupt sessions.

To try and make it more clear what is expected, the following are general rules and guidelines for the RP which i hope will ensure it continues in a timely and organised manner without disruption.

Policy on GM decisions

You may always raise an issue with the GM, but what the GM rules is always final. Constantly arguing with the GM is groundsto be removed from the campaign. When possible, raise any concerns after a session to avoid interupting the flow of the game.

The RP is for the most part using the A Time of War ruleset which has been providedin the resources section.
However the GM reserves the right to change aspects of the system, or deviate from it entirely if it suits the current
needs of the campaign. Just because its not in the rulebook, or a houserule is being used, does not mean that it is incorrect. Refer to the point above.

Policy on OOC and IC chat

The RP will strictly differentiate between OOC and IC chat. All out of character chat must be prefixed with \\ to indicate what follows is now being said by your character. This is vital so when people are reading logs later, they understand what the hell is going on. When in doubt, contain IC text to IRC, and OOC to be over teamspeak chat.

As long as you try to follow this rule, no problems will arise. If you simpy ignore it and continually spam the IRC with ooc chat once the game is underway, you will receive a warning.

Policy on character sheets

Each player is held to be adult enough to look after and track their own character sheet once the campaign is underway. If Google Docs is not used, after a significant section of a campaign has been completed, the GM reserves the right to ask for all character sheets to be uploadedand sent to him so that they may be synced with locally held copies. This is so the GM may help people develop their characters and see where points are being spent, without having to track all information themselves whilst the game is in play.

Policy on disruption, cheating and metagaming

Anyone found to be cheating or playing unfairly will receive a warning. The second time they are caught cheating or playing unfairly, theywill be removed from the campaign.

Anyone found to be metagaming (ie, powergaming, performing exceptionally out of character acts etc) or causing disruption during play will be warned. If they heed the warning, no action will be taken. On third warning, they will be removed from the current session and will receiveno XP from that session. Repeat offenders will be removed from the campaign.

Policy on non attendance

If a player cannot attend a session, his character is regarded as being present and active in whatever scenario is unfolding
in a background role. He may be with the party, or on some other errand, but is otherwise counted as being present. It
is up to the remaining party leaders where an absent character is.

Absent characters may be used in any mech battle, as long as the GM and player who owns the character gives their permissionin advance. The character must be roleplayed as best to his / her original manner as is possible. Bonus EXP for the controlling player will be given for accomplishing this.

Absent player characters will receive group exp, but for obvious resasons will not be rewarded individual exp for any missions their player misses.

For the above to work, please inform the GM via pm or the discussion thread if you cant make one of the scheduled sessions. If you missan exceptional asmount of sessions in a row, please inform the GM of why. I am usually very leniant of people missing sessions for quiteawhile, as long as they do intend to come back and it does not impact the game - however please realise there is a waiting list of playersfor the campaign.

Policy on leaving the campaign

If you desire to leave, please inform the GM of which of the following options you wish to take.

1) Transfer your character to a new player. In this case, you need to pick the player who will replace you and use your character.
2) Transfer your character to another duty, therefore removing them from the campaign. If this is not possible for story
reasons,the GM or Party Leader will control the character until it is doable.
3) Kill off the character, if possible under the current situation.

One is the most desired, due to it having less of the impact on the campaign. Remember the campaign is large, and to ensureit runs smoothly please think of the other players when making decisions which could impact the group.


Megamek Version

We will be using the latest development snapshot of Megamek set up with Jakes Camo and Board packs installed and custom game settings.

To avoid you having to do this manually, i have uploaded a pre-prepared version here.


If this link does not work, try the main link [www.sendspace.com]

This is still as yet semi untested, so please run some multiplayer games and give feedback in the other thread.

A Time Of War

The campaign uses the AToW ruleset outside of Mech combat. To ensure I dont have to continually look up things for people, I have linked the main sourcebook for AToW below. Its not necessary for you to be overly familiar with it, but if you have a question on a rule, please refer to it BEFORE asking the GM for clarification.


Preliminary Player Biographies and Stat Sheets

AT GAME START - Google Drive has the current sheets. Will update this at some point

Ensalus - Remus

Piloting Urbanmech IIC


Yalk - Dierson Pyre

Piloting Thunderbolt (C)


Riviera - Ridian

Piloting Jenner IIC Prime


Trunham - Jacob Dorn

Piloting Cobra (C)


Icevamp - Vane

Piloting Stalking Spider


Zone Warden - Shinzi Nobotada

Piloting Icestorm


Namarah - Bran

Piloting Clint IIC


Zweistein - Joseph / Stephan

Piloting Incubus


Kira - Biorn

Piloting Locust IIC


Edited 107 time(s). Last edit at 07/25/2015 05:31PM by Deathbane.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
December 12, 2012 06:46PM


Origins of Clan Jade Wolf

The campaign resolves around our own clan, Clan Jade Wolf. Clan Jade Wolf is a highly aggressive crusader clan comprising warriors from both Clan Jade Falcon and Clan Wolf and has its origins in the bitter refusal war fought by both clans.

Jade Wolf splintered from both of its parent clans after the death of Elias Crichell at the hands of Vlad Ward. Initiating a bloody rebellion, elements from disgraced refusal war units turned against their former clans in acts of kinslaying.

Supporters within the other sections of clan society and the dark caste soon flocked to the banner of the Jade Wolf and its unified crusader message. The clans had abandoned their true path, it said, and had allowed the taint of warden philisophy to obstruct the true mission of the clans given by Kerensky himself.

In the aftermath of the refusal war, it was a message many were willing to heed.

In the wake of a slow military response, Jade Wolf units hit various strategic sites within the Clan occupied territories including a Wolf genetic repository. A call went out to gather on the southern border of the Jade Faclon and Wolf occupation zones, in the name of starting a new, third exodus.

The fighting was bitter as both parent clans responded with force, declaring that anyone who was affiliated with the rebellion would be reaved from the bloodlines. Running battles erupted within the occupration zone, but the Jade Wolf units were always one step ahead, managing to evade capture and destruction.

The assembled fleet of merchant, military, scientific and civilian craft disappeared into the darkness of the periphery in the beginning of the year 3060. The aerospace forces sent to intercept them by Clan Jade Falcon were destroyed, leaving no indication of the fleets final destination.

Ever since, the Jade Wolves have haunted the southern borders of both clans territory, even striking deep within the Lyran Alliance and Draconis Combine. All raids have left few survivors, leaving little information for those who still seek to unravel the mysteries of the shadow wolf.

Organisation of Clan Jade Wolf

Fleeing deep from their home territories, the Clan discovered a pocket of star systems which they coined the 'Ristar Expanse'. This series of stars was made up of 4 distinct clusters, of which only one was suitable for immediate colonisation.

Coined Crossroads for its appearance, this group of 5 densely packed stars would become the ideal hiding place for the clans assets. In orbit around the central blue giant star, a harsh but survivable planet, coined Trivia, was selected for habitation and colonised to become the clans new homeworld.

For the next seven years Clan Jade Wolf gathered its strength, forming a new heirarchy out of necessity that differs from traditional clan approaches.

The clans military consists of only two Galaxies, Jade Fang and Jade Claw. Both are understrength,w th the clans access to supplies being highly limited.

Jade Fang Galaxy acts as the clans primary military force, and consists of units expected to fight on the frontlines or fufil garrison duty. This galaxy contains almost the entirity of the clans mech, battlearmour and aerospace forces.

Jade Fang Galaxy is split into 3 Clusters, the Jade Fangs, Black Fangs and White Fangs respectively.

Jade Fang Cluster acts as the primary, elite assault cluster and only concerns itself with the most critical of missions. It is almost entirely comprised of warriors that have seen heavy combat during the refusal war. it is split into a command element and four smaller binary elements. The comm and element and the 1st Jade Fang Binary act as the clans keshik, and is a mix of both Wolf and Falcon warriors out of design rather than accident. The jade fang cluster is alsmot entirely comrpised of Omnimechs.

Black Fang Cluster acts as the main mech force of Clan Jade Wolf. This force is comprised of seasoned, but often younger and less experienced warriors. Almost all of these warriors were cadets or otherwise at the beginning of their warrior careers when they left their respective clans. The Black Fang cluster is well supplied with omnimechs and the best second line mechs avaialble to the clan. They are tsked with handling many of the missions on the frontlines which are important but not critical enough to be handled by the Jade Fang cluster. They are also tasked with garrisoning worlds too important to leave defended by Jade claw galaxy forces alone.

White Fang Cluster acts as a supporting unit to the other clusters, and in missions where the attrition rate is expected to be high. White Fang cluster is mainly comprised of young clan jade wolf pilots, old pilots, abtakha and dezgra pilots 'repurposed' for the good of the clan. The White Fang cluster is mostly comprised of second line battlemechs, many salvaged from raids and in relatively poor condition. Despite this, the unit is not treated as 'expendable' as every mech and pilot is vital to the clans survival and the White Fangs commanders are often highly experienced warriors.

Jade Claw Galaxy acts as the clans paramilitary force, and primarily consists of warriors pulled from outside the warrior caste. This galaxy is practically mechless, and almost entirely comprised of conventional infantry, armour and other obsoleted equipment. this 'galaxy' is expected to be the final line of defence for many holdings due to how stretched thin Clan Jade Wolf forces are.

Jade Claw cluster acts as the commanding cluster for the Jade Claw Galaxy. It is the only cluster to be made up exclusively of warrior caste members. Its equipment numbers several light omnimechs, significant numbers of more recent clan vehicle designs, some battlearmour and conventional infantry. It also has an attached aerospace element for transport and air support.

Black Claw cluster acts as the primary paramilitary force for clan jade wolf. It is comprised of vehicular aassets supported by conventional infantry. Like the jade Claw cluster, it has an attached aerospace element for transport and support. Unlike the Jade Claw cluster, it possesses no battle armour. The majority of the infantry do not belong to the warrior caste, but are drawn from reserve troops at clan holdings within the labour caste.

White Claw cluster is the 'lowest' section on the totem pole of the clans military. Comprised almost entirely of ATVs, outdated aerospace, conventional aircraft and reserve infantry, the White Claw cluster is the absolute last line of defence for the clans holdings. Almost all personnel in the White Claw cluster, outside of the aerospace pilots, come from outside the warrior caste and are treated accordingly by many of the crusader old guard.

Clan Mentality of Clan Jade Wolf

Due to their unique situation, the Clan holds widely differing viewpoints on many issues. These can be separated into three categories.

Crusader - Crusader old guard are still prevalent within Clan Jade Wolf and hold to traditional values. They loathe the current state of affairs, but recognise its necessary for the clans survival. They are often at odds with the radicals, who show little regard for the traditional ways of engagement and other customs.

Radicals - Radicals possess the spirit of the Crusaders but lack regard for many traditional clan values which they see as having outlived their usefulness. Whilst still attempting to adhere to Kerenskys vision, they have adapted a flexible mindset which holds that without victory and the reclamation of Terra, the clan way means nothing, so that results come first and tradition second. The Khan of the Clan, Thresa Helmar, belongs to this group.

Wardens - Wardens still exist within Clan Jade Wolf, mostly within abtahka circles and other warriors not involved in the clans own exodus. This faction hopes to work from within and steer the clan in a direction which can see its force turned against its former parent clans and away from the inner sphere.

The players unit: the Third White Fangs

On its last operation, the White Fang cluster suffered crippling combat losses whilst supporting elements of the Jade and Black Fang clusters on an assault on a Falcon genetic repository. This resulted in the death of many promising trueborn clan mechwarriors, and the loss of significant mech assets.

It is September the 1st, 3067. Your character will be assigned to the newly rebuilt Third White Fangs, as replacements for the pilots killed in action.

Chosen by Star Captain Holger deVega, your character has been hand picked as a promising candidate amongst dezgra castoffs and drafted into the warrior caste as cadets under emergency measures.

The Third White Fangs is undergoing preparation and final combat training in preparation for deployment on its preliminary blooding mission.

Third White Fangs Command Star

The third white fangs command star is made up of the following five individuals. Although older warriors long in the tooth,
many of the skills of the . They have been selected to oversee the entire rebuild, a mission which is seen as vital by the
White Fangs presiding Star Colonel.

Star Captain Holger deVega

Age: 39
Status: Active

Piloting/Mech: 3+
Gunnery/Mech: 2+
Administration: 5+
Tactics: +5
Strategy: +5
Leadership: +5
Toughness: +1
Edge: 2


Pain Resistance
Gunnery Specialisation
EI Implant
Clan Pilot Training

Mech Used: Loki D


A wolf warrior in origin, Holger is a veteran bloodnamed warrior that fought throughout the refusal war as a front line crusader Mechwarrior.

One of the first clan warriors to abandon the newly formed Clan Wolf, Holger was promoted to Star Commander and assigned to command a star within the 1st Black Fang Company.

Although successful, Holger soon began to experience psychological problems caused by his Enhanced Imaging
implant. Over time, the problem began to seriously effect his chance of further high level command.

It was decided to reassign him to train new Clan Jade Wolf cadets. Initially resentful for his reassignment, in the last 5 years he has mellowed and grudgingly began to respect his cadets. He was instrumental in producing the finest cadets for the White Fang galaxy.

With the decimation of the White Fangs and the loss of many cadets he personally trained, Holger is doubting his abilities to continue to train Mechwarriors and blames himself for their failure.

Although accepting of all warriors assigned to his own star, Holger despises the newly assigned 'freebirths' and 'scum' destined to replace his initial freeborn cadets, believing them underdeserving of replacing his former trainees.

Star Commander Zenobia

Age: 30
Gender: Female
Status: Active

Piloting/Mech: 3+
Gunnery/Mech: 3+
Edge: 2


Clan Pilot Training

Mech Used: Glass Spider 2


Recently transfered from a Black Fang frontline unit, Zenobia is a capable pilot of Jade Falcon origin who acts as the second in command for the Third White Fangs.

Although believing she was transfered due to her rebellious nature by her previous commander, she plans to embrace her new role as second in commander to Holger to serve the clan.

She sees this reassignment as a new opportunity instead of a setback, and believes training the cadets to become a new, viable star will do wonders for her advancement. She hopes by turning the 'useless trash' into fine mechwariors, she will be recommended by Holger personally for advancement to Star Captain rank.

Zenobia regards Lysander as below even the bondsmen and freebirths under her command, believing that he fled from combat and disgraced his star. His disrespectful attitude towards her was the final straw - killing him on the field of honour would give her great satisfaction.

Point Commander Declan

Age: 36
Gender: Male
Status: Active

Piloting/Mech : 2+
Gunnery/Mech: 5+
Toughness: +2
Edge: 3


Pain Resistance
Clan Pilot Training

Mech Used: Guillotine IIC 2


Once star commander assigned to a unit assigned to the Jade Fang galaxy, Declan was severely injured in battle when his Thor was reduced to slag fighting an enemy Mad Dog whilst on a deep strike mission into Jade Falcon territory.

Losing sight entirely in one eye, and becoming partially blind in the other, Declan was recovered alive by his unit.
On return to the home territories, he was immediately stripped of his rank and position, declared Dezgra for having survived and failing his unit, and subsequently challenged in a trial of refusal.

Although still injured, Declan successfully defeated both of his opponents, astounding everyone. Although unfit to serve in a front line unit, Declan was allowed to continue to serve as a solahma mechwarrior, utilising a garrison mech assigned to the newly created trinary led by Holger deVega.

Declan sees this as his last assignment, but is zealous at remaining an active warrior and die in combat on his feet.

He respects all of his starmates, and is in turn well liked and respected by all but Zenobia, who doubts his abilities and believes he is long past his fit term of service.

He is the only one sympathetic to Lysander, understanding how the younger mechwarrior feels to have had his options potentially closed to him for further advancement.

Point Commander Signy

Gender: Female
Status: Active

Piloting/Mech: 3+
Gunnery/Mech: 3+
Toughness +0
Edge: 2

Abilities: Clan Pilot Training

Mech Used: Griffin IIC 2


An outsider within her own clan, Signy was 'reassigned' from her main unit in the Black Fang Cluster after she was 'found' to be harbouring borderline Warden tendencies. Although denying the claims, she accepted the new position as a new challenge and as a way to escape the prejudice within her unit against Clan Wolf pilots.

Signy, like Zenobia, believes that by supporting Holger and training a new generation of mechwarriors, she will be able to show her worth to the clan and dedication to its cause.

Due to her discipline and skill, Holger and Zenobia have remained quiet on the subject, thankful to have a dependable clan pilot backing them up when they go into combat.

In combat she is calm and collected, and is usually assigned to be on point when her star deploys. Whilst not hating Lysander, she believes he is a liability to her unit and avoids him when outside of the cockpit.

Point Commander Lysander

Age: 21
Gender: Male
Status: Active

Piloting:Mech: 4+
Gunnery/Mech: 4+
Toughness: +0
Edge: 1

Abilities: Clan Pilot Training

Mech used: Conjurer


Once a up and coming Jade Wolf Mechwarrior, Lysander is one of the only survivors of the failed raid which saw his trinary devastated.As the only member of his unit that returned, he was declared dezgra and had to fight a trial of refusal to maintain his place within the unit.Although successful, and reinstated into his unit, his relationship with his commanding officer can be described as 'interesting', and is often highly strained.

He remains resentful that advancement is basically closed to him due to this stigma, and he hates Zenobia who constantly questions his honour.On the battlefield, he has has begun to show reckless behaviour, showing unclanlike disregard for his other starmates in his relentless search for battlefield kills.

Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 01/12/2014 10:39PM by Deathbane.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
January 23, 2013 05:24PM
Session Logs

Session One

The recruits were successful in getting to the Grimadi system unscathed, and finally made it down to Borea, albeit in an unconventional manner. They must now brave Boreas arctic weather, as it ravages the central starport area relentless with storm force winds.



4 Group

6 Individual

Session Two

Crossing the snowy wastes, the recruits successfully survived a vicious snowworm attack and met up with two new recruits, Biorn and Vane. After a meeting with the scientist caste administrator Whitmyre, they were directed to the WFTC 1 Facility to take instruction from Star Captain Jerrold.



4 Group

2 Individual for everyone for RP stuff.

1 additional for Stephan for being very engaged in session

1 additional for Remus as he technically saved Dorn

1 additional for Dierson for noticing the horrendous snow worm, which otherwise would have ambushed and raped you all solid.

Session Three

Star Captain Jerrold put the unit through its paces. After several hours of gruelling physical training, the new cadets were briefed on the formation of the Third White Fangs, their equipment, and told of their perilous trial of position to come.

Through the right of trial, Dierson took overall leadership of Claw 2, and Biorn of Claw Three. With three days to hone their skills under Jerrolds and their new commanders eyes, the Cadets can only pray they ll be ready for when they are shipped off to the Elemental Training Facility.

Full Session Log


MegaMek Log



3 Group

1 Individual to all present for roleplay

In addition to the above

Stephan - Stayed In-Character (even when it was unwise) +1

Dierson - Bi Winning +1

Dorn - Being a good sport +1

Biorn - accepting and not passing on Challenge +1

Vane / Ridian - Entertainment narration for the duel +1

Bran - For helping on dorn and being a great sport today +1

Session Four

The cadets were transfered with Jerrolds approval to the elemental training facility. Star Commander Amsdell, commander of the Fourth White Fangs Second Claw greeted the cadets as acting commander for the facility, only to inform them plans had changed.

Instead of training, the unit would be sent out into Boreas wilderness due to personnel shortage, to investigate a station which had stopped sending its reports.

The only clue is a large xenoform which has been terrorising the local convoys, and the answer lies through a dangerous field of fire and ice. Whether the cadets can survive this challenge, or each other, remains to be seen as tensions run high between the commanding officers.

Full Session Log



3 Group

1 Individual to all present for good roleplay.

In additional to the above:

1 additional to all present for making it through the first part of this arc.

Session Five

Setting off from the base, the team set out towards the facility only to come across a stranded, battered hovercraft. After running afoul of the crystal fields and the local wildlife, the cadets managed to salvage disturbing information from the stricken vehicle. With their apc back on course for the facility, nobody quite knows what awaits them...

Full Session Log



3 Group

1 Individual to all present for surviving more spess worms and good roleplay.

1 Individual for all present for accomplishing bonus objective (acquire intel)

In additional to the above:

+1 for Shinzi for sniping everything ever.

+1 to Remus for grenade and salvaging the information completeing the bonus objective.

Session Six

Finally arriving at their destination after becoming lost in the snowstorm, the cadets find the base to be eerily quiet as they take the back route into the facility.

Upon further inspection, they find that the base personnel appears to be missing. Looking for further information topside, they find a badly damaged automated rover which appears to be somehow related to whatever has befallen the base.

Bravely breaching and entering the facility, the cadets encounter more than they bargained for, and in a moment of panic their escape is cut off. Overcoming their fear, they find a single, battle scarred survivor but are unable to save him from himself.

Trapped, alone, and in hostile territory, it remains to be seen if they even make it out alive, nevermind accomplish their mission...

Full Session Log



3 Group

1 Individual to all present for not getting shot to fuck and good roleplay.

In additional to the above:

+1 for Stephan for being useful in opening the back door and acquiring the intel necessary to give an insight to the situation
baseside before your arrival.

+1 to Dierson for hulk smashing the maintainance door so ridiculously well.

Session Seven

Surviving their harrowing experience deep within the weather facility, the cadets manage to pull themselves together and investigate the server room. Vital data is gleaned from its core, indicating the confirmed presence of a large xenoform alongside other disturbances, and the existence of an unmapped research level.

Venturing down to the second level, the cadets managed to breach the command room and deal with the facilities defence system. Only then did the true horror of their situation become apparent as terrifying screams filled the air and Team Leader Dierson was attacked by one of the 'shades', narrowly escaping with his life. Shaken again by their brush with death, it remains to be seen what other secrets are hidden within the lost facility...

Full Session Log



3 Group

1 Individual to all present for not getting brapped up.

Session Eight

With haste, the Cadets quickly decided that retreat was the only option from the doomed facility. Making their way back through the facility, they finally manage a c8 assisted escape after more encounters with the local wildlife. With the power containment of the facility failing, an unknown horror awakens and intercepts the cadets as they attempt to flee into Boreas wilderness...

Full Session Log



3 Group

1 Individual to all present for participation.

In additional to the above:

+1 for Dierson for moving aside rubble facilitating escape.

+1 to Dorn for successfully surviving at the rear of the group (Primary target for xenoforms this session).

Session Nine

With the smaller xenoforms lying dead or dying, the cadets make a desperate escape to their apc only to find the large Xenoform in wait. A powerful psionic attack leaves half the group helpless, as the Xenoform descends upon them in a powerful attack. Several of the group are severely wounded, but eventually the creature goes down to sustained and prolonged fire. Arriving back at base, the Cadets find Amsdell and the Elementals have already left, and are faced with explaining their story to the bases stand in star commander.

Full Session Log



15 Group (Completed first arc, mission successful without casualties)

+3 Individual to all present for participation and fighting the vicious and dangerous Xenoform, and for continued good RP.

In additional to the above:

+ 1 for Ridian righting the APC.

+ 1 for Dierson critically wounding Xenoform.

+ 1 for Stephan for finishing off Xenoform.

+ 1 for Dorn for stabilising Remus.


Session Ten

After a restful night, the Cadets were summoned to give an account of the recon mission to the weather facility as requested by the acting Star Commander, Banthe. Dierson was absent, due to preparing a full report, as was Remus due to medical reasons.

Despite the verbal drilling received by the Cadets, they successfully managed to convince the Commander enough to be dismissed. Meeting a newly assigned cadet, recommended to Banthe under Jerrolds direction, they headed for the VTOL pad for the final trip to form their unit: the Third White Fangs.

On route however, things took a darker turn. Unconcious, the Cadets are now bound to the Starport in an automated VTOL, unaware of the dangers ahead.

(NOTE: Everyone but Dierson is on the VTOL. Dierson is still at base, but presumed to have transported on a separate VTOL to the starport in the next mission)

Full Session Log



3 Group

1 Individual to all present for participation.

In additional to the above:

+ 1 to Dorn for convincing the Star Commander of the threat, stopping the unit from being mega BBQed.

+ 1 for Remus for Wheelchair shenanigans.

+ 1 for Ridian for killing the assailant and reprogramming the VTOL.

+ 1 for Vane opening the door.

Session Eleven

Surviving their VTOL adventure, the cadets awaken in the medical bay, only to find out the the orderlies and recovery crews have no idea of the fatal incident onboard the stricken craft. A meeting with the units commanders turns out to be an important milestone, with the disclosure of vital information about the conspiracy and trials being finally cleared as legal. The cadets
finally are dismissed to their new dropships after being informed of their mission, ready to finally meet their battlemechs.

Full Session Log



3 Group

1 Individual to all present for participation and good roleplay.

In addition:

+ 2 to Dorn for disclosing important information with possible dangerous repercussions

+ 2 to Bran for character arc development

+ 1 to Stephan for acting in character, even though it had the potential to backfire.

Session Twelve

Onboard the Claws of Vengenace Union C class dropship, the cadets finally encounter their machines and the technicians that slave away to ensure they are battle ready.

A past mistake comes back to trouble Dierson, who is forced to dispatch an angered SCM to prevent the loss of his own life in a short and brutal Trial of Grievance. Part of Star Captain Jerrolds unit, the Cadets wonder what the repercussions might possibly be.

A short and to the point meeting with DeVega and the Claws of Vengeance's captain and XO, the Cadets are informed of their imminent departure. Several hours later, both of the Third White Fangs dropships ascend to orbit, heading off to a mission and an unknown fate.

Full Session Log



10 Group

1 Individual to all present for participation.

In addition to the above:

+ 1 to Dierson for successfully killing and disabling the SCM in one blow, thwarting the attempt on his life.

+ 1 for Remus for Wheelchair shenanigans (Not a copy error).

+ 1 to Bran for inspecting his mech for errors, without being detected.

+ 1 for Dorn due to typical freebirthy IC actions making the session more amusing than it had any right to be.

Session Thirteen

The dropships, leaving their parent Invader jumpship, the White Fangs Sirius Horizon, approach MT-698-2a on an approach which was shadowed by the moons large debris field.

Upon arrival at the Area of Operations, Star Captain DeVega hands control over to the Cadets as to the handling of the opening phase of their blooding trial. With the weight of the opening stage of the operation in their hands, the Cadets relunctantly agree that an immediate hard and fast assault drop is the quickest way to take the Bandits by surprise.

Ignoring a detected Merchant class jumpship, in favour of this strategy, the Claws Of Vengeance moves in to establish a low and fast orbit. The cadets, preparing their machines, reflect on the engagement to come as the dropship accelerates to an attack velocity.

With devastating precision, the Third White Fangs drop literally ontop of the Bandit Communication Array, causing confusion and panic in their unwitting victims. Battle is soon joined, as the unit encounters two enemy battlemechs and the airwaves are filled with the shouts of angry Japanese.

Full Session Log:



3 Group

1 Individual to all present for participation.

In addition to the above:

+ 2 for Ridian for not tumbling into the ground at 10000000 m/s.

+ 1 to Linus for decrypting enemy communications.

+ 1 for Dierson and Remus for pinpoint assault drop.

Session Fourteen

The Cadets find themselves in the midst of battle as they engage the enemy battlemechs and point defences. Stephan scores an early victory, under heavy fire, forcing the Wasps to retreat. In their panic, the Wasps are picked off by the majority of the Cadets whilst their sudden reinforcements, two Stingers were intercepted by Linus, Bran and Dorn.

In a moment of confusion, Linus's Icestorm is put down by one of the Stingers just seconds before it itself is brought down with a vicious centre torso hit. Amidst the nuclear glow of one of the Wasps exploded fusion reactors, the Cadets soon finish off the exterior communications dishes before a signal is able to be transmitted.

With the exterior personnel and buildings exterminated, the Cadets now prepare to descend into the heart of the facility.

Full Session Log:


Megamek Log:



2 Group

1 Individual to all present for participation.

In addition to the above:

+ 1 to Stefan for surviving the initial Wasp duel very well and panicking the enemy.

+ 1 to Dorn for primary objective completion and continued anti jamming work.

+ 1 for Ridian for destroying last comms dish on brink on transmitting signal.

+ 1 for Remus for pinpoint infantry destruction.

+ 1 Linus for surviving 0 G mech destruction.

Session Fifteen

With the access elevator secured, the cadets set about repairing its mechanisms and Linus's battle damaged icestorm.
After numerous failed attempts to restart the elevator, including one potentially lethal incident with a short out, the elevator was eventually fixed. Realising the elevator could only hold so many mechs at a time, the Cadets descended in pairs,
with Remus and Stephan going first.

Descending, soon the Cadets entered a wide, large cavern with the enemy already in defensive positions. Long range
scanners detected a lance of enemy mechs, three inactive and one active mech, a Shadowhawk. Launching straight into
action, the Cadets tripped several inferno mines hastily positioned to slow their advanced, and came under heavy fire.

Gritting their teeth, Stephan, Ridian, and Remus braved the heaviest of the enemy fire and suceeded in breaking through the front lines and destroying the Shadowhawk. Joined soon by Dierson, Dorn, and Biorn, the combined firepower of the Claws overwhelmed the enemy force.

However, as the smoke cleared, both Ridians Jenner IIC and Stephans Incubus sported heavy damage, and Remus's Urbanmech IIC lay on the ground disabled with shredded leg myomers. Meanwhile, Biorns Locust IIC, blasted skywards under heavy fire from a Hunchbacks ammo explosion, lay embedded in a light industrial building, both legs snapped at odd angles.

Consolidating their position, the Cadets began tearing away at the defenceless base, and any survivors.

Full Session Log:


Megamek Log:



2 Group

1 Individual to all present for participation.

In addition to the above:

+1 to Stephan for leading the charge without being damaged.

+1 to Remus for also leading the charge and taking on the Shadowhawk practically alone.

+1 to Ridian for acting in character at his own disadvantage.

+1 to Biorn for multiple mech kills.

Session Sixteen

With the base now totally in ruins, the Cadets regrouped on the parade ground, bringing along the prone forms of the Urbanmech IIC and the Locust IIC, badly damaged in the previous engagement. A quick damage report from the Claws
to Team Leader Dierson indicated Claw 2 had suffered extension damage. A search of the smouldering remains of
the Communications Facility for any mech repair facilities was conducted, seemingly in vain, until Stephan accidentally
stumbled across an operational facility within the ruins.

WIth the power failing and Dierson wanting as many Mechs operational again in quick order, the Bran, Dierson, and the Battered Incubus helped load the crippled mechs into the bays. Even as Biorn, Stephan and Remus worked on the computers and mech repair machines, Dorn believed he had recorded a seismic contact on the surface. Sending all operational mechs topside to investigate, Dierson remained below to oversee repair operations.

On the surface, the remaining Claw mechs ran headlong into trouble when the combined sensor skills of Linus, Vane and
Dorn spotted approaching enemy mech units, remnants of the bases forces. Hailed by an outraged draconis combine pilot, identifying herself as the leader of the bases mech forces and daughter of the planetary governor.

Full Session Log:



2 Group

1 Individual to all present for participation

In addition to the above:

+2 to Stephan for securing a mech repair bay against all odds, ensuring a parts supply chain for suitable mechs.
+1 to Dorn for acting in character, even though it puts him as first choice target for the Warhammer, and seismic sensing.
+1 to Linus for avid sensor scans revealing composition of enemy forces in advance.

Session Seventeen

With any chance of negotiation gone, the Cadets engage the newly arrived enemy lance in a frontal, direct and brutal skirmish. The Warhammer advanced upon Dorn as the others fanned out in an attempt to circle the Cadets. In the melee that followed, Linus is downed through coring, and an enemy Hermes is brought down by a combined physical attack which sees it spinning to the ground and its cockpit crushed.

As the battle intensified the enemy commander finally succeeded in crushing Dorns Cobra under its weight, despite the bloody nose given to it by its intended victim. Attempting to assist, Vanes Stalking Spider is sent spiraling to the ground. Under combined fire between Bran and the crippled Stalking Spider, the Warhammers leg breach sends it spinning to the ground, before a daring death from above sees the Clint IIC smashing through its core and spiraling itself to the floor.

Meanwhile, Dierson engaged in a dance of Death with the enemy Crab. Attemping to keep out of his sights, the enemy Crab engaged close in a Zig Zag pattern. Despite sustaining multiple breaches, the Crab finally brought down Dierson, by breaching his mechs knee actuator.

Even as the enemy Urbanmech began to bring its foot down ontop of Vane, a recovered Bran fired at point blank range into the rear area of its side torso. The heavy LBX round tore straight through the armour and lodged firmly into the Urbanmechs engine casing. Exposed to the void, the reactor went critical, causing a huge blowout which rocked the entire surface. The explosion showered Urbanmech debris over the entire area, nearly causing a cascading failure of the surface fuel tanks.

Even as all the cadets recovered from the blinding light of the Urbanmechs total destruction, the Crab prepared to fire on a downed Dierson. Miraculously,Vanes machine arose from the lunar dirt. The Stalking Spider, stumbling forward on crippled legs, brought the Crab down at the last moment by breaching its legs with well placed ERPPC fire.

The last defiant blasts of the Crabs large laser were unable to give the pilot the satisfaction of taking anyone with him, the interference from EM radiation crippled his already damaged targeting computer. Under the combined fire of Bran and Vane, the Crab was unable to bring any more weapons to bear, before Dierson lanced through its core and silenced the mech for good.

Silence again falls in the cockpits of the Cadets mechs, and they are left to assess the battered condition of their stars.

Full Session Log:


Megamek Log:



5 Group

1 Individual to all present for participation

In addition to the above:

+2 to Bran for exceptional mission kills and surviving the battle mostly unscathed.
+1 to Dorn for surviving the Warhammers onslaught and keeping it in the main unoccupied.
+1 to Vane for downing the Crab and arguably saving Dierson.
+1 to Dierson for making it into combat and dealing with the Crab

Linus given a chance to gain an attribute. Rolls 6, Linus gains +1 to his Edge attribute for surviving multiple core outs on a moon without dying or sustaining pilot damage.

Session Eighteen

Deep within the facility, several of the Cadets remained attempting to fix up the battlemechs damaged during the raid on the cave base. Even as they worked to repair the machines, the power to the mech repairs bays failed. Investigating the problem, the cadets would end up in a surprise encounter deep within the heart of the facility.

Not expecting pockets of survivors to still be in action, the underground elements of Claw 3 and 2 blunder into a frantic, close quarters battle for survival, narrowly avoiding serious injury whilst isolated from their comrades on the surface. Once the enemy is overcome, they make a surprising and startling discovery, at the location of the hangars main power source, that puts the entire unit in jeopardy.

Full Session Log:



2 Group

1 Individual to all present for participation.

In addition to the above:

+1 to Stephan for exceptional mission kills and surviving a protracted engagement.
+1 to Biorn for leading the group, problem solving, and tactical support using his Locust IIC.
+1 to Remus for discovering the CEMTEX charges, and disabling enemy combatants.
+1 to Bran for enemy kills, and rushing to save Stephan at the cost of injury.

Session Nineteen

With the bomb ticking down, Remus and Biorn jump into action to think of a solution. Meanwhile, on the elevator, the majority of Claw 2 struggles
to get the elevator in operational condition. After a gargantuan effort, the elevator is freed, allowing free access again to the facility.

Meanwhile, Stephan, angered at Remus and Biorns overhead conversation about neutralising the device and killing the unconscious prisoners with liquid nitrogen, decides to interfere. Unable to understand or comprehend the terrified men, Stephan leaves them to their fate in the reactor room, as Biorn pierces the inflow pipe with his autopistol. Remus, putting the men out of their misery, engages in repeated verbal jousting with Stephan
as Vane and the others prepares the mechs for departure.

Several hours later, the dropships return to an LZ, confused at the reports given by the cadets compared to available intel. Elements of Claw One, the command star, meet the cadets on the surface to take stock of the situation and help secure the area and load the battle savaged Third White Fangs units aboard.

Full Session Log:



2 Group

1 Individual to all present for participation

In addition to the above:

+2 to Biorn for successfully disarming the device.
+1 to Remus for assisting in preventing detonation, and mercy killing the freebirths.
+1 to Dierson for freeing the Elevator
+1 to Vane for assisting Dierson and freeing the Locust without damage.

Session Twenty

With the Cadets safe aboard the dropship, the Techs begin work on the claws shattered mechs. Greeted by Kveta, the Claws of Vengeance Chief Engineer, Cadet Dierson is informed that a developing situation means that the claws are to report immediately to the Star Captain. Entering the briefing room, the Cadets are met by DeVega, Zenobia, and Bakar, to discover that the jumpship spotted earlier is actually of Clan Jade Wolf origin. With its designation unknown, and it potentially matching two ships lost within the last year to presumed enemy activity, the Cadets are tasked with the unenviable task of attempting to wrest control of the vessel alongside their command element before it disappears beyond reach. Remus, concerned about his Urbanmech, makes a trip to see the work being undertaken to get it back in operational condition, striking up a burgeoning friendship wit Chief Engineer Kveta.

Full Session Log:



1 Group

1 Individual to all present for participation

In addition to the above:

+1 to Remus for personal character advancement.

Session Twenty One

With the operation beginning to get underway, a stim recovering Ridian awakes to find himself late for deployment and out of anymore of the 'good stuff'. Hurrying to the aerospace bay on the Claws of Vengeance, he encounters the claws undergoing a briefing for the mission ahead.

Cadet Dierson informs them that, to increase the chances of the operations success, elements of Claw Three, led by Dorn, would lead the assault by creating a diversion, allowing for Claw One and the remaining elements of the Trinary to successfully infiltrate and disable the jumpship.

After some tense arguments due to the claws fluid deployment being led by a freebirth, the operation begins and the rag tag element succeeds in penetrating the jumpship's interior.

With a signal from their transport pilot, the second, larger aerospace transport began its approach. Only time would tell if the tactic had paid off.

Full Session Log:



1 Group

2 Individual to all present for participation

Session Twenty Two

With the second team inside, the remaining cadets accompanied by the command star race towards the jumpship, intending to cover the distance before they are noticed, locked on, and destroyed by the jumpships onboard defence systems.

The second team, penetrating further within the ship, unexpectedly encounters enemy personnel and is forced to fight for their survival, as they attempt to locate systems to destroy to further draw attention away from their allies aerospace transport. Unluckily, they are caught in an emergency lock down by the enemy despite putting up an impressive show of resistance.

Even as they debated their escape options, reinforcements arrived, with the majority of Claws One and Two cutting their way though one of the external docking clamps on the outside of its hull, and getting the jump on a badly prepared security detail. With all opposition quickly dispatched, and with a prisoner in tow, the Claws prepare to move deeper to secure their objectives before the jumpship has the chance to escape.

Full Session Log:



2 Group

2 Individual to all present for participation. Additional awarded for overall good play.

In addition:

+1 to Stephan for causing a 'distraction', in a way which was arguably detrimental to the mission.
+1 to Dorn for being involved in dangerous combat and taking a hit.
+1 to Linus for successful mission kills and assisting in element escape.

Session Twenty Three

Fire Team Two was engaged in a close running battle with enemy personnel who had cornered them in the engineering section of the ship. Putting up a brave fight, the cadets managed to hold off the majority of the attackers before they managed to meet up with the main elements of Fire Team One who were attracted to the gun fire.

With the enemy dispatched, the now reunited Claw Two and Three pushed onwards to the engine section of the ship. Deep within the auxiliary sections, they encountered a battle armoured trooper than placed them in mortal danger. Its high calibre anti personnel rifle caused the group to scatter and panic as Biorn took a solid hit. It was only due to a quick thinking, and overwhelmingly lucky flanking move from Remus which saw the trooper knocked cold that prevented serious casualties.

With the enemy forces between the engineering and engine sections removed, the cadets made thier way through the cramped walkways to the ships conventional engines, where Remus managed to disabled them, much to Stephans annoyance.

With the engines stopped, the jumpship dead in the water, all that now remains for the Cadets is to meet up with Claw One near the bridge..

Full Session Log:



2 Group

1 Individual to all present for participation. Additional awarded for overall good play.

In addition:

+2 to Remus for knocking out the BA singlehanded and disabling the engines..

Session Twenty Four

With the engine room captured, Dierson received a comms message indicating that the command squad was pinned down and in need of urgent assistance. With the Security systems and internal communications still operating, heavy fire was being directed onto their position making it impossible for them to advance.

It was decided that the majority of the claws would work with the command lance in a pincher action, whilst a small element would assault the computer control room to disable the offending systems and cut the bridge off from the rest of the ship. Miraculously, Cadet Dorn manages to salvage the Battlearmour and put it to extreme use, eliminating an entire enemy response team with ease.

The downside: catching Stephan in the crossfire, nearly immolating him with the machines weapons grade heavy flamer. With the flames out and Stephan stabilised, both teams head towards their objectives at full speed knowing time is of the essence.

Full Session Log:



0 Group

1 Individual to all present for participation. Additional awarded for overall good play.

+1 to Dorn for enabling the Battlesuit to be utilised.
+1 to Stephan for surviving an indirect hit from a vehicle flamer.

Session Twenty Five

Pushing up to the command room, Team 2 quickly took over the Communications and Security room, captured several of the ships personnel in the process. After shutting off communication and disabling the ship based security, to prevent the crew personnel from potential escape and assuming control, Cadet Dorn put them to death with the Battle Armours built in machine gun. Stephan regaining conciousness, rejoined Team 2 as they headed towards the bridge to meet up with Team One and the Command Star.

It didn't take long before the teams were rejoined, and they immediately made for the bridge. In doing so, they ran across opposition in the form of unknown elite commando units, equipped with portable autocannons and pulse lasers. Despite the opposition, the power of the battle armour and skill of the clan warriors proved too much, and the defenders were overrun.

A fierce battle for the bridge began as soon as the units arrived, despite an Unknown Enemy Commander holding a supposed friendly scientist hostage. The hostage was quickly dispatched, and the Unknown Enemy commander made a dash for the escape pod, covered by his guards. It was almost not enough, the enemy commander only just escaping, a chunk taken out of his face from Vanes SMG fire.

With the guard dispatched, a 'surprise' left for the party was soon discovered - blocks of C8 lining the bridge. Despite a touch and go moment,the bombs were diffused, and the ship, the Carns Gambit secured for the clan.

Full Session Log:



2 Group

1 Individual to all present for participation.

In addition:

+1 to Shinzi for 3 shots, 3 headshots.
+1 to Linus for diffusing the bomb.
+1 to Dorn for assisting bomb defusal.

Session Twenty Six

With the jumpship secured, the claws, after resting, attempting to drill deeper into the mystery of the Bandit planet, searching both computerized logs as well as interrogating the only surviving crewmember. Shinzis japanese skills came in useful, with the new bondsman revealing that his people were being occupied by the mysterious bandits, and forced to work under them under pain of death. Meanwhile, cross referencing a grainy map pulled from the Cairns Gambits computers provided by Stephan, Shinzi and Vane were able to extract a basic map of the planet below, learning that the enemy was indeed armed with at least a sizable mech force. Meanwhile, Remus, Dorn and Ridian helped prepare for the battles to come, in the repair bay, much to Kvetas initial chagrin.

Full Session Log:



2 Group

1 Individual for participation

In addition:

+1 to Vane for interrogation
+1 to Shinzi for Translation
+1 to Stephan for decoding basic information
+1 to Remus, Dorn and Ridian for successfully performing work on their machines.

Edited 114 time(s). Last edit at 07/25/2015 05:10PM by Deathbane.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
January 23, 2013 05:24PM
Misc Incharacter Data

CJW Specific Equipment - Battlemechs


Movement: 5/8
Engine: 225 
Heat Sinks: 11 [22] 
Gyro: Standard Gyro  
Internal: 75 (Endo Steel) 
Armor: 153/153 (Ferro-Fibrous) 

Internal Armor


3 Internal
9 External

Center Torso

14 Internal 
21 External

Center Torso (rear)

7 External

Right Torso

11 Internal
17 External

Right Torso (rear)

5 External

Left Torso

11 Internal
17 External

Left Torso (rear)

5 External

Right Arm

7   Internal
14 External

Left Arm

7   Internal
14 External

Right Leg

11 Internal
22 External

Left Leg

11 Internal
22 External

Weapons (name, loc, heat)

LRM 20

LRM 20

ER Medium Laser

ER Medium Laser
Ammo (loc, shots)

LRM 20 Ammo

LRM 20 Ammo

LRM 20 Ammo

LRM 20 Ammo

Active Probe

Mounted Searchlight



Faced with several captured IS mechs and low on resources, Clan Jade Wolf enacted a program of several refits for captured mech designs on an individual and batch basis.

The Cobra CBR-02 is a clan version of the default Cobra battlemech. Four of these custom mechs were built from Lyran
battlefield salvage, and distributed to the White Fang and Black Fang clusters respectively.

Of these machines, only two are known to remain in service. The design is not in production, but remains on file to refit any Cobra battlemechs Clan Jade Wolf may come into possession of.


The Cobra CBR-02 (C) has had an extensive overhaul in its capabilities compared to the default Cobra battlemech.

The unit has seen substantial weapon upgrades in the form of extended range medium lasers and larger LRM20 missle launchers.

Utility wise, the mech has been equipped with a powerful searchlight and an active probe to spot and engage targets
whilst on its patrol and garrison duties.

To accomodate all this extra equipment, Clan engineers also added an additional heatsink to deal with excess thermal energy.

Lastly, the design has seen increased armour protection across the entire frame.

Due to a software error, this mech redesign has trouble tracking targets at very short ranges. This is due to a miscalculation due to the replacement of the laser weapons systems on the Battlemech. Clan technicians have yet to successfully recalibrate the closed source control software.

Additionally, Clan engineers have been unable to install CASE units onto the Battlemech without drastically reducing the ammunition bins, reducing combat longevity to dangerous levels. Due to this, the design is still prone to deadly ammunition explosions.

Despite this, the result is a mech that is overall much more effective than the original design.

Combat History

Only two Cobra CBR-02 (C)s have ever seen active combat.

These performed admirably, ensuring a successful rearguard action that saved many of the Clans keshik when a raid on a Clan Wolf genetics repository went sour.

Both of these mechs, along with their pilots, were killed in action through detonating ammo bins.


Only two remain in active service, within the Third White Fangs and Second White Fangs respectively.

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 06/26/2013 08:04PM by Deathbane.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
February 12, 2013 09:40PM
I'll just post this here so no one forgets who is where and what mech is he assigned to.

01[00:32] <Deathbane> Dierson, Claw Two, Point One, Thunderbolt
01[00:33] <Deathbane> Vane, Claw Two, Point Two, Stalking Spider
01[00:34] <Deathbane> Bran, Claw Two, Point Three, Clint IIC
01[00:34] <Deathbane> Jacob, Claw two, Point Four , Cobra
01[00:34] <Deathbane> Remus, Claw two, Point Five, Urbanmech IIC

01[00:35] <Deathbane> Biorn, claw three, point one, locust IIC
01[00:35] <Deathbane> Joseph, claw three, point two, Incubus
01[00:35] <Deathbane> Shinzi, claw three, point three, Icestorm
01[00:36] <Deathbane> Ridian, claw three, point four, Jenner IIC

Basically we have one (almost) clan only star and one (almost) freebirth only depleted star.

EDIT: changed the post to look more like my character (he has eidetic memory after all).

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/12/2013 11:40PM by Zweistein000.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
February 12, 2013 10:37PM
It's not like there's that many of us to keep track of Falcon. We should use the comnet for more pertinent things. Like some sexy vidfeeds.

-I would if I could, but I can't so I won't.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
February 12, 2013 11:38PM

Freebirths... There is more to life than carnal indulgence an reproduction.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
February 13, 2013 04:41AM

Internal Communication system

Message Author: Team leader Dierson Pyre
Destination: Direct personal message
Other Destinations:
Source: Internal Server/Closed beam communication
Time: 13:36
Message Stamp: STMP-02-3213.09013067

Sexual pleasure is best between sibkin

Reproduction is reserved for the iron womb

This is unimportant however, your only concern right now is the combat simulators and physical training

Vane, you have proven your worth as a sim pilot. Being of the clan I am expecting much from you. Please keep your communications in line befitting a clan warrior in the future.

Stephan, I have seen nothing from you as yet. Your first report was acceptable.

Please keep this to official reports on your progress


unique code: 0-236784-456778-9999943
Sent-recieve/////- confirm

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/17/2013 05:38AM by Yalk.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
February 13, 2013 05:57AM
Aff Ovkhan, just trying to input some humor in this frozen wasteland.

-I would if I could, but I can't so I won't.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/13/2013 05:57AM by IceVamp.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
February 13, 2013 03:29PM

Internal Communication system

Message Author: Team leader Dierson Pyre
Destination: Direct personal message
Other Destinations:
Source: Internal Server/Closed beam communication
Time: 13:42
Message Stamp: STMP-02-3213.09013067


Humor is wasteful of the clans resources

You seem to be aware of the frozen shit heap we are currently in, and the.....limited.....resources. It is more important than ever to adhere to strict Crusader ideals, Clan ideals

There will be plenty of humor at the expense of our foes, when we drag their burning mechs back as insorla

Until then....there is but to train, or the humor will be our enemies



Unable to retrieve unique ID
Sent-recieve///// - confirm

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 02/17/2013 05:43AM by Yalk.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
February 13, 2013 04:08PM
(Not IC, obviously)


Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
February 13, 2013 09:42PM
Well, aff. But you know the quality of freeborn work is not completely separate from contentment.
Speaking of, will we have the right of insorla during this blooding?

-I would if I could, but I can't so I won't.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
February 13, 2013 10:11PM

Internal Communication system

Message Author: Team leader Dierson Pyre
Destination: Direct personal message
Other Destinations:
Source: Internal Server/Closed beam communication
Time: 14:03
Message Stamp: STMP-01-3213.09013067

...and that is why the Trueborn are the pinnacle of the Warrior caste and the rightful inheritors of Kerensky's legacy.

I depends entirely on the manner in which it is taken, I will not allow dishonorable behavior. You....I believe are worthy, combat will show your true metal. Nothing can pass hidden through the crucible that is honorable combat between warriors.

Ultimately it is the Star Captain's decision, but it is a proven warriors right to the results of victory.

I will pass this communication on


Unique ID 1-223 serial ID 22246775-344432-0-23455

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/17/2013 05:45AM by Yalk.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
February 13, 2013 11:35PM

You mean to say you guys do get your kicks of watching porn or to put it another way "Procreate without reproduction"

No sexy time enjoyment for you then Vane, you will just have to use your imagination or find "alternative" means.

Remember shoot or die!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/14/2013 12:38AM by Trunham.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
February 13, 2013 11:48PM
Stephan would probably respond to that, but somehow my reading comprehension failed me there and I haven't got the slightest idea what you are talking about.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
February 14, 2013 12:32AM
(OOC: He is taking the piss being the wise crack he is and will no doubt pay for it later along the line.)


Glorious explosions result in catastrophic mission failure...

Just take a look at the log...


Although this is a more favourable outcome, though in a different Mech.


Remember shoot or die!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/14/2013 02:02AM by Trunham.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
February 14, 2013 02:49PM

Internal Communication system

Message Author: Team leader Dierson Pyre
Destination: Cadet Dorn
Other Destinations:
Source: Internal Server/Closed beam communication
Time: 15:45
Message Stamp: STMP-02-3213.09013067

Dorn, I have already warned Stephan and Vane about official communications containing non official chatter.

Please refrain

Your logs are entertaining, Please continue using the Cobra until you have achieved victory. You are not required to post failures, only your final success. You may document the number of your failed attempts if you wish.


Serial ID: 22345-233345
Sent-recieve////- confirm


I know this is open for general RP but since it is a "forum" board etc I'm looking at this as more the facility communication system. After we have seen combat Dierson will lighten up on the train train train , only post official training results etc etc. Until then, all unofficial communications using the facility resources and "wasting" your time is going to royally piss him off....


Dun dun dun DUN DUN

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/17/2013 05:54AM by Yalk.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
February 14, 2013 09:29PM

Moderate success! I was almost outflanked but managed to gain distance from the target.


Remember shoot or die!
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
February 15, 2013 12:25AM

Pitted myself against a cobra with some success. I killed it after missing with my main gun.



Sorry this has taken so long I have been busy with stuff this week.

of course you should fight fire with fire, you should fight everything with fire. grinning smiley
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
February 15, 2013 02:31AM




"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
February 15, 2013 05:13AM
(This match took forever due to miss after continuous miss...)


I lost track of time while in this fight, things where going fine as I laid down Missile fire upon both enemy targets, they both seemed to engrossed with each other so I pressed the advantage.

I stood my ground at a distance so to not to risk the chance of yet another ammo bin causing me to evaporate in a glorious explosion.

After a few hours maybe of exchanging fire the Angry Trash-can (Urbanmech IIC) finally took down the Metal Teddy-Bear (Clint IIC) then turned about to face me and began to charge.

But after a couple of Missile volleys, he changed his mind and darted into a thick nearby forest, instead of giving chase I fired off the remains of my missiles into the Forest in hopes of flushing him out, but still he refused to budge.

so in the end I decided to close the distance and set the Forest ablaze, yet still he wouldn't come out from the forest how ever he did respond with a few AC rounds, but they just glanced me.

Thick smoke began to fill the area as the fire raged away, though after a while the smoke cleared and after a lenghtly fire fight the tin can finally blew up.

Better results and I didn't end up as a giant fireball this time!


Remember shoot or die!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/15/2013 05:15AM by Trunham.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
February 16, 2013 11:48PM
Message Author: Star Captain Jerrold
Destination: Cadet Dierson
Other Destinations: Cadet Biorn
Source: Internal Server
Time: 17:03 Hours
Message Stamp: STMP-02-3213.09013067

Team Leader Dierson,

I have taken the liberty of analysing the logs from several of the mechwarriors assigned to your star.

Your mechwarriors have been posting interesting logs onto the network, and I advise you continue to monitor them and encourage their performance further.

In particular, Cadet Jacob Dorn has shown promise in his recent simulator battles. His ability to contend with, and win an engagement comprised of several clan garrison mechs in an outdated version of a Cobra has suitably reassured me that the timetable for your deployment can remain on schedule.

This so far reflects well on your command. I recommend as many more training drops as possible within the remaining time period.

The next phase of training will have you sent eastward to one of our premier elemental training facilities. I know you are probably thinking of the reasoning behind this, sending mechwarriors on such an errand. It is quite simple, DeVega expects warriors, in and out of the cockpit - with so little time to provide him ideal candidates, its up to me to ensure all the chosen cadets are capable for assignment. I will not lie to your Dierson, I would not be surprised if some cadets remained on Borea... permanantly.

Regardless, I expect all the Cadets to be out on the training ground at 0400 hours as usual tomorrow morning. Ensure this is done, quiaff?

Star Captain Jerrold

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/16/2013 11:51PM by Deathbane.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
February 17, 2013 05:20AM
Internal Communication system

Message Author: Team leader Dierson Pyre
Destination: Star Captain Jerrold
Other Destinations:
Source: Internal Server
Time: 18:15
Message Stamp: STMP-02-3213.09013067

Star Captain,

Aff, they will be ready on time.

I have had difficulty keeping them to keep official communications clear, Clan discipline is remarkably lacking. I will continue to keep an eye on their use of facility servers and their progress in mech and physical combat..

Dorn has shown improvement. If I can keep him from his freebirth vices he may prove useful to the Clan, however short that use may ultimately be.

{Note} Star Captain, His latest simulations were against generated opponents. While this is acceptable, I will test him further against the other cadets and myself. Generated opponents can become predictable.

I will schedule challenges to single combat between available warriors, group combat is well but the true test is between single warriors. This will give me the clearest picture of their abilities.

All warriors of the Clan should be warriors in and out of a Mech. A mech is an extension of the body, and the body is a extension of the mind. The fire comes from within, I do not yet believe that all of the cadets have the fire to be a true warrior. Physical combat will either draw out this fire of extinguish it. This will not be a loss. If they are not stronge enough to endure playing with our elemental friends then it would be wasteful to entrust them with valuable Clan assets.

The Clan does not need anyone weak in the Binary when they are needed most to uphold the honor of the Clan.

Team Leader Dierson Pyre

unique code: 0-4458932-2333346-8999764

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 02/17/2013 05:30AM by Yalk.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
February 25, 2013 07:13PM
Report on training simulation 135092X-L2
After programing the computer with skills and behavioral patterns of my comrades I must state my satisfaction with Dierson as he run right up to enemy pristine atlas, fired all his weapons, blew open a hole in his armor and destroyed his engine in one swift strike. If this is indeed his true tenacity, then I am honored to be under the command of such skilled commander.

Weapons fire for Thunderbolt C (TestBot)
    Large Pulse Laser at Atlas AS7-LL-FLU (enemy); needs 1, rolls 8 :  - Direct Blow - hits  (using Right Side table) RL
        Atlas AS7-LL-FLU (enemy) takes 13 damage to RL.
            28 Armor remaining.

    ER Medium Laser at Atlas AS7-LL-FLU (enemy); needs 3, rolls 2 : misses.

    ER Small Laser at Atlas AS7-LL-FLU (enemy); needs 3, rolls 7 :  - Direct Blow - hits  (using Right Side table) LL
        Atlas AS7-LL-FLU (enemy) takes 7 damage to LL.
            34 Armor remaining.

    ER Small Laser at Atlas AS7-LL-FLU (enemy); needs 3, rolls 6 :  - Direct Blow - hits  (using Right Side table) RT
        Atlas AS7-LL-FLU (enemy) takes 7 damage to RT.
            12 Armor remaining.

Physical attacks for Thunderbolt C (TestBot)
    Kick (Left leg) at Atlas AS7-LL-FLU (enemy); needs 1, rolls 2 : hits (using Right Side table) CTR
        Atlas AS7-LL-FLU (enemy) takes 13 damage to CTR.
 10 Internal Structure remaining
            Critical hit on CT. Roll is (8+2) = 10; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on Engine.
*** Atlas AS7-LL-FLU (enemy) DESTROYED by engine destruction! ***

Note to self that sprinting and firing is ill-advisable as shots are impossible to hit.

Attached is the full log of my actions. Suffice it to say - the simulation anded with 6 kills on my regard.
END.rar - Downloaded 150 times.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2013 07:57PM by Zweistein000.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
March 03, 2013 06:11AM

Internal Communication system

Message Author: Vane
Destination: Dierson Pyre
Other Destinations:-
Source: Internal Server/Closed beam communication
Time: 17:18
Message Stamp: STMP-02-3213.19013098

I can not shake the feeling that something is amiss.
It seems undoubtedly wasteful to send almost two full stars of Mechwarriors, on foot, to scout a base they have no information on, into the path of an apex predator who is tearing hover assets apart, and whose path is a natural flechette minefield. Doubly so when there is a full compliment of Elementals, much more suited for such tasks, in the very location we are in.
We should plan for ANY eventuality. There is no honour in being cut down by an overgrown icicle, or even less.. savory happenings.
I am currently studying the facility schematics, so we are not completely unprepared in that regard.


unique code: 0-246784-456278-9399968
Sent-recieve/////- confirm

-I would if I could, but I can't so I won't.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
March 03, 2013 04:03PM

Internal Communication system

Message Author: Dierson Pyre
Destination: Vane
Other Destinations:-
Source: Internal Server/Closed beam communication
Time: 17:47
Message Stamp: STMP-02-3213.19013098

Nor can I Warrior Vane, I was close to challenging the SC. It would seem this order is from higher than him. It must be, there is no logic behind it otherwise. I would admit that they are throwing away "good" warriors, I have not seen much to warrant that thought.

You, as a Tested Clan Mechwarrior can see we are among weak, what the inner sphere would deem warriors.

Stated, even Dorn alone in his mech would be sufficient to deal with this....and if he was not the Clan would be out 1 inner sphere freebirth and a run down I.S. refit

I am also concurrent in your evaluation that the Elementals here could deal with the threat better than un-armoured Mechwarriors, losing them is nothing. Less than losing any of Claw 2 & 3. They may be next to useless but I WILL not have any Mechwarrior under my command be deemed less than a Elemental.


Stephan and Dorn, keep them in line. Being a Clan warrior and Freebirth will facilitate this. I can not it seems.

Normally it would resolve itself with a circle of equals, the survivor would then find no issue with the loser. We have been ordered to not conduct trials while in cadet status and I would rather not have my command kill themselves after we receive full warrior ranks again. I will not have my command bickering like old female laborer caste either. See they resolve the issue.

I will also mention this Biorn. Even if he is dezgra he seems capable.

I am finding it difficult, this new command. I can only presume the Clan deemed it necessary to include a Bloodnamed trueborn to help turn Claw 2 & 3 into something resembling a Clan Star. I will continue to drill some semblance of what it means to be Clan.

Most important, keep studying the facility. Especially quick escape routes and flanking paths.

I believe that there are holo images of the surrounding terrain, formulate the quickest path from the ice field to the facility. I will do the same, we will compare before departing


unique code: 0-366874-33488665-9987100001
Sent-recieve/////- confirm

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
March 03, 2013 04:27PM

Internal Communication system

Message Author: Bran
Destination: Dierson Pyre
Other Destinations:-
Source: Internal Server/Closed beam communication
Time: 18:05
Message Stamp: STMP-02-3213.19013152

Dierson I am going to offer to keep an eye on Dorn and help make sure that he is capable of piloting once the guns start blazing. I will also be trying to make sure that Stephan does not keep harassing Dorn as it is bad for moral. especially when the attacks are coming across as more vicious with each uttering. I would not stand it when I was in law enforcement I will NOT stand for it here. I hope this meets with your approval.


unique code: 0-366874-33488665-9987400003
Sent-recieve/////- confirm

of course you should fight fire with fire, you should fight everything with fire. grinning smiley
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
March 03, 2013 05:48PM

Internal Communication system

Message Author: Dierson Pyre
Destination: Bran
Other Destinations:-
Source: Internal Server/Closed beam communication
Time: 18:35
Message Stamp: STMP-02-3213.19013152


I have also just instructed Vane to do the same.

Work with Dorn on interactions with trueborn, Stephan is technically Trueborn. As hard as it is to admit.

Vane will work with Stephan


unique code: 23-344234-22$9876-3324-6
Sent-recieve/////- confirm

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/03/2013 05:48PM by Yalk.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
March 04, 2013 02:30PM
(OOC - I would've preffered to do this in session, but I won't be there, and it's only one hour until the claws leave. (Less when all these are sent))


Internal Communication system

Message Author: Vane
Destination: Stephan
Other Destinations:-
Source: Internal Server/Closed beam communication
Time: 17:48
Message Stamp: STMP-64-2426.20126263

Ovkhan is displeased with this aggravation of Star Mates. We are about to be sent on a very strange and dangerous mission. I will not, and Lead will not, die in this place. There is no Honour. If you want to die a proper Warrior's death and have even a slightest chance to get your gene into the Codex, we must currently operate as a functioning unit, quiaff?

And do not even start. You may disrespect my origin, and that is fine. But you WILL respect my Caste. Which is Warrior. I am proven and bloodied. Disrespect this, and you disrespect the Clans and you would be no better than dark caste chalcas scum, quiaff?


unique code: 34-455345-367873-137-8
Sent-recieve/////- confirm

-I would if I could, but I can't so I won't.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2013 02:40PM by IceVamp.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
March 04, 2013 05:03PM

Internal Communication system

Message Author: Stephan
Destination: Vane
Other Destinations:-
Source: Internal Server/Closed beam communication
Time: 18:03
Message Stamp: STMP-99-2564.46141325

Being bloodied does not mean we are equal, freeborn, my genes, though altered come form a trueborn legacy. The current situation demands we work together, however, and though freeborn I will respect you for what you are - a mechwarrior and so I will Remus. You both went through clan training and I will adjust my conduct to you accordingly. But I cannot respect someone whose legacy is that of deception and evil. I need not remind you of the fall of star league and The Remembrance, quineg? And I will not respect those whose actions endanger me or other star mates, namely Dorn as he is a drunken freebirth who would have been executed on sight if clan was not in need of mechwarriors. I do not trust in his skill as a mechwarrior and I will not let him endanger anyone. You speak of a warriors death - tell me: is a death in battle honorable of it came at a mistake of a drunken inner sphere freebirth, whose performance was also limited. If trials were not disallowed by the superiors, I would have already challenged him to a circle of equals where he would either let go of his habits, or die at my hands. Regarding the giftake - you know next to nothing of my genes, but I assure you they WILL make it to the gene pool one way or the other.

As for the situation at hand: expect nothing less than my absolute best. I may hate the inner sphere freebirths, but I will not give them the pleasure of blame, should something go amiss.


unique code: A4-4753576-2568743-157-9
Sent-recieve/////- confirm

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
March 04, 2013 07:37PM

Internal Communication system

Message Author: Bran
Destination: Jacob Dorn
Other Destinations:-
Source: Internal Server/Closed beam communication
Time: 18:20
Message Stamp: STMP-02-3213.19015486

Dorn I will be looking after you as it were. Making sure that you know the correct way to speak to the trueborn such as myself and Dierson. Now I do not want to come across as overbearing (at least not like or leader is but I think that is his character.) so if I do become so please let me know. I want us working as a star rather than individual units it did not help the old Gauls when the Romans appeared so it will not help us now. I do hope to have you co-operation with this I do not want to be fighting with you as we are against the enemy.


unique code: 0-366874-33488646-9527400157
Sent-recieve/////- confirm

of course you should fight fire with fire, you should fight everything with fire. grinning smiley
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
March 06, 2013 05:12AM

Internal Communication system

Message Author: Jacob Dorn
Destination: Claw 2
Other Destinations:- Claw 3
Source: Internal Server/Closed beam communication
Time: 19:15
Message Stamp: Pending....

Though I appreciate the "concern" I don't need a baby sitter one tendency i have found but never really appreciated the fact is that.

Well lets take the gloves off for a moment shall we, Trueborn warriors tend to think with their balls and not with their brains they have egos as large as the Sphere its self, you could say they have a lot in common with the ancient Spartans.

But every now and then you get some that are cool headed and think about the bigger picture.

As far as Trubeborn and what ever caste you hail from, you may or may not of figured it out by now but to me they are meaningless titles that mean Dick to me.

I was defeated by a Warrior rather than just killing me out right for just being there in a Mech she gave me a choice. Die or Serve, so I served her, quite frankly with what I have been though in life I merely don't give a fuck any more.

Star Captain Jerald. gave us our Cadet status and training though its not yet complete. it also means that I am free from her service and am now my own being again, and for that I am most grateful but that freedom is only partly true for now I am training to become a Clan Warrior.

However take away a Mech and a Mechwarrior is just a Man they also have to be a Warrior without a giant mechanical weapons system at their finger tips, something it seems most of you "Trueborn" seem to have forgotten.

For my laid back nature it does not mean that I don't take my assignments seriously, those who are my Commanding officers have my respect those who are my Star-mates have to earn it of witch most of you already have.

But just because I respect you doesn't necessarily mean I like you, as far as Stephan's near endless attempts at provoking a reaction from me in what I guess is a attempt to give a valid reason of witch to set up a fair contest of witch to kill each other in, is a waste of time as I could care less of what he or any of you think of me.

Why does he pick on me? well probably because he sees me as the weakest member and therefore easy to prey upon as others may well beat him to the floor in a instant just for looking at them, my words on that matter about him is He should not judge a book by its cover.

Now to the Mission at hand, It reeks of Bullshit if you ask me, but then to look at it from another point of view we have been sent into a trial by fire, after all what's the point in all the training us if we cant accomplish a simple mission?

I doubt however that this will be "simple" what I highly object to though is taking incendiary weapons and high explosives into what is already a potential time bomb, as for the giant Satan Scorpion roaming around it might not even show its head... or heads?

What concerns me more is what's happened to the personnel of the facility, Why cant the report in, are they still alive, if something has happened where are the personnel, dead? alive? its all a little, suspicious.

But never mind that, we have a job to do so we should do it, when we come back successful it show that we are competent enough and that out superiors trust is well placed, then perhaps we will have earned our Weapons of Mass Trueborn Erections, Or Mechs as hey are more commonly known as, and can die in battle and waste a perfectly good asset in the process, all in the name of Honour and Glory, witch I admit doesn't sound like a bad idea. apart from the part of loosing perfectly good Mechs.

Now with that all said and done with and may well probably down the line pissed of 89% of the Clan.

We have a job to do and as Lead Direson Pyre is too hard wired in his battledroid programming NOT to say,

Shut the fuck up! stop bitching and check your equipment and be ready to head out!


unique code: 0-366874-33468546-9501400157
Sent-recieve/////- confirm

Remember shoot or die!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/06/2013 05:13AM by Trunham.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
March 06, 2013 02:15PM

Internal Communication system

Message Author: Bran
Destination: Jacob Dorn
Other Destinations:-
Source: Internal Server/Closed beam communication
Time: 19:15
Message Stamp: Pending....

Jacob I understand where your coming from. Yes I am trueborn. But unlike a lot of warriors of my Clan I see everyone weather trueborn of freeborn as equals. I would rather fight with you and Biorn then with Stephen and Dierson. But that is my choice. As I said in my last message I do not want to be seen as overbearing or as you put it thinking with my balls. I want all of us to sucseed and for that we need to work together. I will talk to stephan and if need be tear him a new one. You do know I was a police officer in the clan for a while. I want due to the training I recieved there to keep the peace. I will see you in mission and if you need to talk I will listen.


unique code: 0-366874-33468546-9951400112
Sent-recieve/////- confirm

of course you should fight fire with fire, you should fight everything with fire. grinning smiley
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
March 06, 2013 04:16PM

Internal Communication system

Message Author: Jacob Dorn
Other Destinations:-
Source: Internal Server/Closed beam communication
Time: 19:15
Message Stamp: Pending....

Everyone already has my cooperation and you also have my appreciation, its good no know that someone's got my back.


unique code: 0-366874-33468546-9501400157
Sent-recieve/////- confirm

Remember shoot or die!
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
March 06, 2013 06:42PM

Internal Communication system

Message Author: Dierson Pyre
Destination: Open Message
Other Destinations:-
Source: Wide beam/internal server
Time: 19:45
Message Stamp: STMP-02-3213.19015486

I expect all points of Claw 2 and Claw 3 to be ready with specified equipment on schedule.

See me for equipment allotment and acquisition.


unique code: 45
Sent-recieve/////- confirm

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
April 07, 2013 05:31PM
// Session Six uploaded, bumping for great justice.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
April 28, 2013 11:47AM
Where B my xp bane?

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
April 28, 2013 11:05PM
//Its not done yet, ask those questions in other thread plox.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
May 28, 2013 04:45PM
//Session Eight uploaded.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
June 03, 2013 10:57AM
//Bane has updated session 9

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
June 03, 2013 11:29PM

Internal Communication system

Message Author: Jacob Dorn
Destination: Star Commander Banthe [Private Confidential]
Other Destinations: [Undisclosed]
Source: Wide beam/internal server
Time: 10:30
Message Stamp: STMP-01-313.1486008

Star Commander, as per request for a Mission Report at the point of our return from our mission this morning, I have attached the full Mission recording, I also apologise for its lack of quality as the mission recording was done from my own PDA and said items recording software is not so much up to par as proper recording equipment so I made do with what I had.

Should you wish to discuss the mission log then let me know and I will answer any questions as best as I am able to do so, I would also like to mention that Team Lead Diesron Pyre, though his command ability was fantastic and I do not hold it in question, I could not help but feel he held back our unit in they way that we could not or was not allowed to Investigate the facility, or use all of our units potential to achieve our Objectives, the Re-con and Investigation of said Weather Facility.

After all just because one individuals skill is greater than another does not mean that another individual has any less or greater chance of failure or success.

I admit things did get rather drastic out there and we did suffer casualties thankfully none fatal, but as shown in the Vid we was right out side the Command Centre and not 10 feet away from being able to access the Station logs and Security systems when suddenly after a Xeno attack, its time to leave and the assumption is "Aliens did it"

Something strange was going on at that facility that's for sure and my guess is that there was something there some one did not want some one else to know about, something about the events there at that Weather Station do not add up.

I will look though the mission log and work some things out, If I find anything "Out of place" I shall report.

PS. Sorry if this message is late but the Medics at sick bay had been problematic to deal with.

-Attached datafile- Mission Log.

unique code: 63
Sent-recieve/////- confirm

Remember shoot or die!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/17/2013 11:20PM by Trunham.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
June 05, 2013 03:06AM
((Said action would be that I watch through the recording taking notes of certain features mainly the signs of battle and look into what kind of weapons and try to get specifics on such weapons using Dorn's Weapons Technician skill))

((oh yeah Dorn is also roaming the Base every now and then getting a feel for the base layout as well as getting a little exercise rather than sitting on his ass in sickbay but he is still taking it easy and recuperating and just generally being Dorn.))

Remember shoot or die!
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
June 16, 2013 10:45PM
Internal Communication system

Message Author: Team leader Dierson Pyre
Destination: Star Captain Sarah
Other Destinations:
Time: 04:15
Message Stamp: STMP-02-3213.09013087


Claws 2 & 3 departed at 1:12 for Facility Weather Station Beta to investigate unknown large Xenoform that was believed to have caused facility blackout.

Upon reaching coordinates 10005869 : 365524 Nav Epsilon in the attached files, there is an abandoned transport hovercraft. Upon investigation it was discovered that the crew had been dispatched. Inspection showed comparable damage to Facility Weather Station Epsilon. It is now believed that the same Xenoforms attacked and killed the crew of this transport. Several large indigines worms were encountered within this hovercraft,
they were dispatched and Dorn suffered minor wounds from a previous crystal field explosion.

Upon arriving at mission Nav Gamma 10005875 : 365545 Claws 2 and 3 investigated outer perimeter of facility. Remus should be debriefed in regards to audio and
holovid recordings.

Entering facility several large pieces of equipment were damaged, investigation showed that a large creature documented later in this report damaged/destroyed
said equipment.

We gained entrance to the next level of facility. After examining several deceased personnel one of the several ton pieces of equipement was((moved)) to bar our
exit back up to the top level. Remus was ordered to investigate computer terminals on this level. A shape was discerned, acting without orders Dorn engaged a smoke grenade. This caused the unknown ((see later discription)) form to go into a fit of rage. Claw 2 & 3 retreated back to cover the entrance to terminal room.

Once smoke cleared, Vane - Dorn - Bran were ordered into further room to investigate further while Remus continued his interupted investigation of the terminal room.

Dierson moved into next room hearing comm calls. It was observed that Dorn was covered by the soul surviving personnel with a pistol. After a brief struggle all
members were secured but the laborer dispatched himself. It was Team member Dorn inability to contain the situation that lead to the personnel ending himself and the clan lost valuable intelligence there too.

Claw 2 & 3 moved down to the Command center. Nothing of note was found in the interm.

At the Command room, security measures were incountered and deactivated. At this time Claw 2 was attacked by the previously mentioned ((Xenoform) creature.

Unknown Native Life form - 0023
Large, multiple tenicles and scythe like apendiges.

Able to cloak, unable to be seen under any light ampliflying conditions.
Very fast, able to out run Elemental battle armour.
Exceptional Close quaters combat effectiveness

Dierson was targeted by the creature and choked. Team Leader Dierson was able to fend off several attacks and dispatch said creature. No meaningful help was delivered
by other members of Claw 2 or 3. To credit, it would have been difficult to interfer without friendly fire to TL Dierson. If there had been a single Trueborn amoung them
it might have been different.

After encounter Team regrouped and proceeded to Command room. Remus was unavailable to attempt information gathering. The decision was then made that, being unable
gain further information from the Command room terminals and having determined through close examination what had dispatched the facility. Claw 2 & 3 proceeded
to investigate further into facility and determine a way out.

Claw 2 and 3 made way to security room, at this time Facility core meltdown was initiated. Boirn was ordered to create a exit in security posts outer wall.

Exit of the facility was gained as Facility core breached, it is unknown what damage was done by this. Investigation would have been carried out however, at this
time several ((5)) ((Xenoforms)) revealed them selves. 1 Large "Parent" and 4 smaller presummed young.

It was ordered to fall back toward the transport and concentrate fire on the lead creature.

This was when Stephan disobeyed the direct order to fire and concentrate on the lead creature. This would have quickly and efficiently brought down
the creatures in relatively short order. Stephan however, fired upon the larger ((Xenoform)) in the back of the group. This shows profound disregard
for Clan order and discipline. The largest Xeno then proceeded to urge the smaller xeno to greater speed and aggression. Claw 2 and 3 were then unable
to effectively concentrate fire on lead Xeno. This allowed the group to close with Claws. A fighting retreat was then initiated back to the transport.

Despite Stephans disregard to orders the 4 smaller creatures were terminated. Upon reaching Transport the Largest Xeno revealed itself again flipping the transport.

Stephan disobeyed direct order to charge creature with grenade, this was in attempt for him to regain honor lost in previous order disregard. Being a Trueborn he could
have accomplished order with moderately high chance of survival.

The creature was ultimatly dispatched but this was when the majority of the casualties to Claw 2 and 3 were sustained. Stephans disregard to clan protocol and disciplin
resulted in greater lose than was necessary.

At this point with multiple ineffectives Team Leader Dierson ordered immediate evacuation on transport to HQ. It was not feasible to investigate any further with so few remaining
effective personnel. If any remaining Xeno Claw 2 and 3 would have been destroyed attempting further contact.

Mission Results:
Objective Primary:
Recon Research Facility - Successful
Objective Secondary:
Request additional resources to secure facility - Successful
Ojective Tertiary:
Return with all Team members accounted for - Successful


Vane - Preformed to acceptable standards ((Combat awareness and ability))
Remus - Preformed to acceptable standards ((Computer science skills, invaluable))
Bran - Preformed to acceptable standards
Shinzi - Preformed to acceptable standards
Bjorn - Preformed to acceptable standards according to levels capable of a Star Commander position


Bjorn - Keep Claw 3 command
Vane - assignment to position Point Commander 2

Dorn - Disciplinary action - *Disobeyed orders* *caused distraction in combat situation* further Clan Jade Wolf indoctrination required, knowledge of Clan protocol is insufficient.
Stephan - Disciplinary action - *Disobeyed several orders ((some direct))* *caused strife and dissention amoungst Stars during mission.* *Unacceptable behavior for a Freebirth much less a Trueborn.* Will leave action of Discipline at descretion of Command.

Communication Send:
Team Leader Dierson Pyre

unique code: 0-4458932-2333346-8999764

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 06/16/2013 10:49PM by Yalk.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
June 25, 2013 01:21AM
Message Author: Star Commander Zenobia
Destination: Team leader Dierson Pyre
Other Destinations: NONE
Time: 04:15
Message Stamp: STMP-02-4512.35329064


Greetings, Pyre.

Star Captain Holger DeVega has assigned me to handle the official debrief regarding the facility deployment. He is far too busy preparing for the coming operations to deal with this trivial matter himself. So of course, it has fallen to me to ensure this is dealt with effectively in short order. This debrief, in a more official format, has been forwarded to both Star Captain Jerrold, Star Commander Amsdell and back to the Elemental Training facility under orders.

Your report was read, reread, and strictly evaluated. Firstly, I will say that the recording and images were of high importance,
and that their inclusion alongside the report has enabed a conclusion to be reached much quicker than expected. It has been decided that, overall, the claws performed adequately, if below expectation, considering the situation. As such,
it has been decided that the operation and the claws involvement is to be regarded as successful. In addition, it has been decided that no action will be taken formally against any Claw members.

My own interpretation is slightly different however. I believe that, considering the recruits are in the mainly freebirths and
other lower scum, that the performance and outcome was unexpectedly good, and I am astonished that no cadet was killed costing us more time and effort to get this unit formed. The disregard for protocol shown by these genetically inferior freebirths and rejects within the unit is a major cause for concern. From what I have read and seen, I doubt that they would even function within Jade Claw Galaxies militia units, nevermind believing themselves capable of even cleaning battlemechs, nevermind piloting them.

I would normally personally pin such actions and failures on the commander, as it is their duty to keep the unit inline. That goes double for when the officer possesses a bloodname or other honour. However, due to the aforementioned weaknesses in the Cadets breeding and bloodline, I have given you Pyre the benefit of the doubt as a fellow Falcon and not pressed the issues I did indeed see in the reports. Listing these I see as pointless.

My advice Pyre, is to watch your back. When you tested out, you disgraced your name, and it remains to be seen if you will be able to prove yourself indeed worthy of again piloting a battlemech in our touman. When these surats mess up, it is you who will receive the blame, you will be singled out as having failed, and you will be reassigned in disgrace.

I have been informed that several infantry teams have been dispatched to deal with reclaiming the facility and secure it
from any left over hostile xenoforms.. Administrator Whitmyre himself has been clamouring for discretion and a speedy recovery of the facility, leaving me with the feeling that the facility was . This perphaps sheds some light on why the decision to use your unit on a moments notice was made and Amsdell pressured into action.

In regards to Claw 2 and 3s involvement, this will be the end of the matter. I have been told to pass on the order that you are not permitted to share details with this operation outside of anyone on the unit for any reason. To do so would be an infraction, with a minimum punishment of permanent reassignment to the Labour caste and the stripping of all honours and ranks.

In addition to the above, after considerable arguements with Star Captain Jerrold and Star Captain Devega, I have acquired an additional two Wasp battlemechs from the training supply cache and convinced them that as is clan tradition, to provide your unit the opportunity to carry out trials to settle disputes. This was done at my own personal expense, and was at first heavily objected to by both commanders. Only when I stressed that it was vital for unit coherancy, and would provide a means of solving any disputes arising during the mission without lengthy hearings or procedures which could delay the coming operation. Only one trial can be carried out, in any mode of combat chosen, and any injuries that make a cadet unfit for duty will undoubtedly have repercussions for individuals and the mission so only take up this offer wisely and ensure you get Star Captain Devegas approval before engaging in trial.

- Star Commander Zenobia

unique code: 0-4458932-2333347-9841231

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 06/25/2013 07:02AM by Deathbane.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
July 14, 2013 03:18AM
The next few posts deal with the characters downtime upon leaving for blooding deployment to MT-698
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
July 14, 2013 03:29AM

NAME : Dierson Pyre
RANK :Cadet
AGE : 27

Day 1-3 : Recovery of flesh wounds sustained in Trial of Grievance

Day 4-16

5am: Breakfast
6am-8am: Lifting and excercise
8am-12am: work with Yaroslav and tech's to improve operation status of mechs under command
12am : Lunch
1pm-4pm : Melee and martial arts practice with willing fellow cadets or ship crew
4pm-5pm ; Wash
6pm: Dinner
7pm-10pm : Tactical doctrine/Land manuvers and technical specifications of mechs under command (for discussion with Techs the next day)
11pm-5am : Sleep

Day : 17

arrival in MT system

Day : 17-25

(see above with these additions and modifications)

7pm-8pm : Review terrain typical of MT-698-2 and tactical situations possible on planet of type

posted - ship 6674 -

SCpt DeVega

(Personal connections would be made with technicians during working on mechs)
(further player connections would be made during Melee/martial arts practice)

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"

Edited 7 time(s). Last edit at 07/14/2013 04:34PM by Yalk.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
July 14, 2013 05:03AM
For the journey, Dorn has been dividing his time with the Techs getting to know them and learning their trade. and visiting the Medbay on regular occasions doing much the same with the Med-techs as he was with the Grease Jocks.
though most of the time spent in med bay has been because he has been sent there for being "sick" and ends up sneaking out to find some Tech to help or work to do, to keep his mind of his TDS

With each evening after noting down all useful information, he retreats to the peace and quiet of his Cobra's cockpit too study. improving upon his knowledge of Medicine and Mechanics, on that note his skills as a Weapons Technician, have in some way he hopes helped the Techs and Crew, if they didn't chase him off first for being sick

Up until the 10th day the toilet in his cockpit fills with puke. finally he finds his "sea legs" and his sickness settles at witch point he then spends each evening, in endurance training. after all this will be his new home for who knows how long.

Day 1 : Runs full systems diagnostics on Cobra, pukes up some in the toilet, utilizes skills of Weapons technician to find that Targeting Computer derps out within short range, notes to keep distance from targets, pukes up some more.

Day 2: Speaks with Lead Tech or Second Lead Tech too see if another Targeting Computer can be installed in Cobra, told to go fuck him self, does so in privacy of Cobra cockpit to release frustration, pukes up some more.

Day 3: same as day 2.

Day 4: sent to med bay for projectile vomiting like a demon, freaks out the weaker willed Med-techs, sneaks out of med bay

Day 5: gets pissed faced with the more down trodden Techs pukes up some more ends up in med bay.

Day 6: recovers from said piss drunk party.

Day 8: Tries to perform duties of the Techs to help them out and get in their good books, hampered by intense stomach cramps, once again ends up in med bay only to sneak out, tries to chat up Female Techs as Warriors are too spooky, being a uncharismatic fuck he has little success.

Day 10: Finally settles and down stops vomiting like a boss, crew takes him more seriously as he no longer looks like death, feels well enough to perform endurance training and does so, but first calibrates Neurohelmet. all ready for when shit goes down. and not the neon blue kind.
Bribes Techs to keep quiet about frequent visits to sick bay or the involuntary ones involving "medical emergency"

Day 11-20: spends morning helping techs, spends afternoon training, spends evenings studying and resting and nights sleeping.

Day 20-24: psyching self up to mentally pre-pair for the coming trials.

Morning of Day 25: performs final last moment checks on Cobra's systems

Remember shoot or die!

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 07/14/2013 09:50PM by Trunham.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
July 14, 2013 04:12PM
Ship board Communication system

Message Author: Team leader Dierson Pyre
Destination: Claw 2 ; Claw 3 - attached points, syntax alpha
Other Destinations:
Time: 06:34
Message Stamp: STMP-04-12334528


Claw 2 & 3

For the duration of trip I will be following the schedule listed and attached (ooc: see post above) deviation to this will be kept to a minimum.

All point commanders:

physical training will be conducted. Please make time for this. You may join me at the time i have designated

Martial arts and melee weapon practice will also be conducted. Please make time for this. I would encourage all to join me at some point on the trip if not make it routine.

Communication Send:
Team Leader Dierson Pyre

unique code: 0-533456-334-223998-677

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/14/2013 04:12PM by Yalk.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
July 14, 2013 04:22PM
Ship board Communication system

Message Author: Team leader Dierson Pyre
Destination: Cadet Bjorn
Other Destinations:
Time: 06:45
Message Stamp: STMP-04-4458632



I will be going over tactical doctrines and land maneuvers along with planning for drop site specific terrain. You have strategic knowledge, perhaps, we may pool our experiences and be better prepared.

I will be in the ships briefing and information room from 1900-2200 for the duration of trip. Please come by at your convenience.

I expect to see you in the next few days.

Communication Send:
Team Leader Dierson Pyre

unique code: 0-666599-23443-22309

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/14/2013 04:25PM by Yalk.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
July 14, 2013 04:22PM
Ship board Communication system

Message Author: Team leader Dierson Pyre
Destination: Cadet Jacob Dorn
Other Destinations:
Time: 19:34
Message Stamp: STMP-10-0445628874


Cadet Dorn

It has been 10 days since our departure. It appears you have stopped your weak freebirth antics on expelling all over the ship. I would inquire if you would join me for martial arts practice tomorrow at 13:01.

Communication Send:
Team Leader Dierson Pyre

unique code: 0-55784432-5564-23-78995

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/14/2013 04:23PM by Yalk.