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Crysis Rcon Tool

Posted by haarp 
Crysis Rcon Tool
April 18, 2012 05:39PM
Attached is the official Java Crysis Rcon Tool, and the unofficial Python one (preferred).

If the radiance of a thousand suns
were to burst, at once, into the sky
It would be like the splendor of the Mighty One...
I am become Death, the shatterer of worlds.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/29/2016 03:39PM by haarp.
open | download - CrysisRcon.7z (1.48 MB)
open | download - rcon.py.7z (1.1 KB)
Re: Crysis Rcon Tool
April 18, 2012 09:59PM
It would appear that Rcon can still cause deadly lagspikes. Until that's solved, try to use ingame rcon whenever possible.

edit: External rcon is now disabled. It's not worth the risk.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/25/2012 07:39AM by haarp.
Re: Crysis Rcon Tool
April 19, 2012 08:36AM
It would appear that the Java tool can still cause deadly lagspikes. Until that's solved, try to use ingame rcon whenever possible.


Re: Crysis Rcon Tool
July 02, 2012 10:52PM
So, who can use the ingame rcon? Who has the permission?
Re: Crysis Rcon Tool
July 03, 2012 09:23AM
So, who can use the ingame rcon? Who has the permission?
I briefed Bane, Bill and Erk on it, but I doubt any of them remembered the password. Or anything, really. drinking smiley

If the radiance of a thousand suns
were to burst, at once, into the sky
It would be like the splendor of the Mighty One...
I am become Death, the shatterer of worlds.
Re: Crysis Rcon Tool
July 03, 2012 04:12PM
I do have a file on it somewhere, I've just never had any reason to use it.

Re: Crysis Rcon Tool
July 23, 2012 02:40PM
Lots of use could be made nowadays, with douchebagels trolling fapptarded Blasps and Eponas all around, especially in ticket mode.
A week ban for some of those diehard abusers would be nice imho.
Re: Crysis Rcon Tool
July 25, 2012 09:48AM
I totaly agree with RAD !!!
Even when u tell them about this BUG they use it and for my opinion that´s only cheating and should be banned from our
wonderfull CJW Servers!!

Even it´z not easy to get the win when u are behind a few tickets and they all start using poney´s and Asp´s!!

Ban forever is a bit hard (because that would be RAD´s tactic = just listen to him when he starts to curse them
Bug Users ) (just jokin Rad i´m on your side!) but a time ban for 1 or 2 hours and a post next to the ServerRulez
should be enough !!

Greetings and burn them all!

Curse the damm freebirth´s !! The Clan´s will reach TERRA anyway!
Re: Crysis Rcon Tool
November 18, 2012 05:10AM
I'll try and get myself educated on it, I'll PM some of you my mobile number and if there's extreme cases I'll put down the iron fist(er).