Hey guys. sorry I dropped the face of the earth again. I am alive but the idiots are doing my head in and work is getting a little interesting these days. Add that that I am working to midnight most nights now not conducive to rps or playing in general. so I am going to have to pull out. Sorry guys.by Namarah - Roleplaying
I won't be either I'm spending the weekend with the kids and won't be at a computer.by Namarah - Roleplaying
Gonna have to miss this week as I am to tired tonight.by Namarah - Roleplaying
I finish at 10pm tomorrow but I have next saturday and every other one after that off so can play on those. (I have fixed shifts for the forseeible)by Namarah - Roleplaying
4th or 11th me thinksby Namarah - Roleplaying
Hmmmnn this will be fun. *runs and gets popcorn.*by Namarah - Roleplaying
Woo go Bran. Sorry I totally forgot about the game. I also had my kids with me that night and right now I am spending all the time I can with them.by Namarah - Roleplaying
I'm going to a burlesk night on the 26th. lolby Namarah - Roleplaying
I'm in Manchester this weekend.by Namarah - Roleplaying
thats good. I'll be there for the next one.by Namarah - Roleplaying
Sorry about last night guys my net went screwy for ages.by Namarah - Roleplaying
Vane I would say as he is point 2.by Namarah - Roleplaying
Personal log. I have been thinking about everything thats happened the last few weeks. Going from a police officer to warrior is a dream come true. But why when some good comes into my life must there always be bad. When I get to the dust off I will find the bastards that took out the colony ships and kill them. With my bare hands if neccecery. I want to see the life leave their eyes when I kby Namarah - Roleplaying
I ahve it just need to install it.by Namarah - Other Games
I won't be playing at all tonight/today. as I am again going to my mums but I will also be heading to my dads grave early on sunday morning. So an early night for me.by Namarah - Roleplaying
Hey there. I am not sure if anyone has seen this but its still in early development should be interesting.by Namarah - Other Games
I won't be about this weekend as I am going to my mums to destress. (as much as I can) So won't be rping with you guys.by Namarah - Roleplaying
So in some ways its gonna be like EVE online.by Namarah - Other Games
And Bran more Flamethrowers. LOLby Namarah - Roleplaying
I won't making it today as I have to help me mum with some last minute stuff with my gran. (her ashes are being beried tomorrow). SO i need to be there to help her with that sorry I just found out today.by Namarah - Roleplaying
Quote Internal Communication system Message Author: Bran Destination: Jacob Dorn Other Destinations:- Source: Internal Server/Closed beam communication Time: 19:15 Message Stamp: Pending.... Jacob I understand where your coming from. Yes I am trueborn. But unlike a lot of warriors of my Clan I see everyone weather trueborn of freeborn as equals. I would rather fight with you and Biby Namarah - Roleplaying
Quote Internal Communication system Message Author: Bran Destination: Jacob Dorn Other Destinations:- Source: Internal Server/Closed beam communication Time: 18:20 Message Stamp: STMP-02-3213.19015486 Dorn I will be looking after you as it were. Making sure that you know the correct way to speak to the trueborn such as myself and Dierson. Now I do not want to come across as overbeariby Namarah - Roleplaying
Quote Internal Communication system Message Author: Bran Destination: Dierson Pyre Other Destinations:- Source: Internal Server/Closed beam communication Time: 18:05 Message Stamp: STMP-02-3213.19013152 Dierson I am going to offer to keep an eye on Dorn and help make sure that he is capable of piloting once the guns start blazing. I will also be trying to make sure that Stephan doesby Namarah - Roleplaying
I don't think I'll be able to make it due to this week. My grans funural was today and to say her death has hit me really hard now is an understatement. I will have to have a couple of sessions with you Yalk next week. just let me know when your free and I 'll work it out with you.by Namarah - Roleplaying
(IC) Pitted myself against a cobra with some success. I killed it after missing with my main gun. (OOC) Sorry this has taken so long I have been busy with stuff this week.by Namarah - Roleplaying
sounds good let me know thursday or friday is gonna be better for me.by Namarah - Roleplaying