They'd already lost by then, the bombs were for the Bill - Off-topic
Someone's raped and killed your Gran, it was likely arson Bill - Public Discussion
QuoteYalk Not even a snarky reply? What happened to this place My blessed influence became less and less. Can I RP having sex with that golem from the first game?by Bill - Other Games
It's still moderately grindy, no need to get defensive, I've hardly said it's shit or anything. Supply 3 would likely do me in fairly quickly what with being in a Zaku Bill - Other Games
I'm aware of the pledges Yalk, none of the others particularly interest me, this is the only one that got more than a cursory glance. So I'll get it when it's released, and besides all of the pledge ships will be available in the game so I'm really not following your logic here. I'd be paying the money to get the ship/experience I want, what's the issue?by Bill - Other Games
Blew up my Zaku 2 getting ai spawn ambushed at Depot 2, so I guess I'm back to grinding in a 1 (it's pretty grindy Bane).by Bill - Other Games
So? It's about the only ship I'm really interested in, it's going to be a gameplay aspect that i've not had before in a space sim. I'm not going to buy it any time soon anyway as I'm still really not overly sold on the game being what it claims it's going to turn into. So minimal investment on my part, if it turns out to have worked then great, otherwby Bill - Other Games
I'll have to wait till the ship I want is actually for sale ofc before I can Bill - Other Games
So lack of temp space on my C: notwithstanding I'll grab and install this later on Bill - Other Games
So I might end up getting that electronic warfare type ship down the line, seems like it could be Bill - Other Games
Afaik all DCS modules can play with all other DCS modules, so it doesn't really matter too much. I'd play KA-50 more often if I could get facetracknoir working properly, basically so it doesn't rotate my head entirely on it's axis forty thousand times when I slightly turn my head. In regards to Rise of Flight, yeah I'd probs be up for playing it. I've a modicby Bill - Other Games
Well Matt bought this for me and after playing it for a touch I remember that I never was good at this Bill - Other Games
Pretty much well good mate, admittedly I meet I never quite got to grips with KA-50 fully (though I am better at it than I let on really), but yeah one of my all time favourite planes in a super serious sim. For all your super interceptor delta wing fun and games. Also Ice I got your text, no means to reply. It'll be sent tomorrow, been fairly busy & stressful Bill - Other Games
QuoteYalk Because I have a 40hr a week job and require something to think about occasionally to keep insanity at bay. Taking a 5 min break to post about something or respond here helps tremendously. Why do you need to comment on it? just ignore this thread and play with us when its out of closed beta. Plus, half this thread is me not knowing anything about the game and trying to undeby Bill - Other Games
Why must you all autism in everything I Bill - Other Games
Well it won't be all the time any more as I really can't go back to how things were a couple of years back, I was making myself quite demented sitting here night and day, I've too much I've got to sort out in order to have a life again. But yeah, it's going to be a laugh. I'm sure we can all have mining/crafting alts to knock out what we Bill - Other Games
The most fun I had in this game was the raid me, bane, Tom and Ens did on Zeon deep space mining stuff, the thrill of sneaking in there (which took a good half an hour) in pretty low tech assets and causing millions of Gundamdollars (whatever the currency actually is called) in damages before finally getting noticed and obliterated by the one active pilot (who I repeatedly ganked enroute to his hby Bill - Other Games
Well as the days are starting to grow shorter and boredom is a reality I'll be up for playing this. Stick me on the tester list or some such duder, I won't be as serious buisness as you all in terms of stats and all that, but I know enough about the source and all that. Not to mention I played enough of the other one to know what's what. Plus Zeon is Bill - Other Games
I like the guy, but this game looks like an upscaled version of the 90's style of these games. There's things to be looking for in these era, have a look at what Flying Squirrel are up to these days Bill - Other Games
I have been following this game, I think it shows real potential. Soo, sod of Clay you peep Bill - Other Games
I have it, just not really in the mood for Stalker games atm. But when the time comes I've got Misery 2.1 and this to go Bill - Other Games
QuoteYalk I think it's a matter of Matt having to role up a new character... ....but I understand I've no interest playing someone else Bill - Roleplaying