This is an insane proposal. like, if they could do it, i know what my new career would be, but i honestly cant see the pulling it off. Arguable the most advanced walking robot in the world is this thing: It managed to beat all other humanoid robot competitors at darpas robotics challenge, even PETMAN/ATLAS. And you can see even now just how dependent it is on people still for theby Deathbane - Off-topic
Sorry to hear that, hope she gets well soon. The client is whacked up in our chat, so just grab it from that link when everythings Deathbane - Other Games
Best image! Ok guys, so, looks like everythings been knocked back a week. This is good news for us, as it means we get to play with new toys. The Zok will be included, as will fixes to pretty much all weapons when it comes to their cones of fire in a new client update. This means we need as many people as we can for pvp related tests to get to the next test event. This event will be 8pmby Deathbane - Other Games
Its because John became a high performance federation mobile suit. Also, testing at 19:30 GMT this Friday. Whoever can turn up id appreciate it. Might need the odd person to run counter force as EFF for PVP testing. I know, feddie scum yadda yadda, but we need to make sure that everything worse and it doesnt hurt to understand what suits are available to the other Deathbane - Other Games
Need internal testers for every release to try out the full retard changes and concepts that might fuck OBT gameplay. Cant just shit out large updates that need some level of testing before the go out... although a public beta is a public beta, dont want to full pgi it now do we? Lol. I leave you with this short story for toight. Im hoping to get on for chill times tomorrow night if anyone isby Deathbane - Other Games
multiple times. The first release is the first public release, but then obviously, theyll be large updates that are also known as releases in tech Deathbane - Other Games
It means everytime it gets close to release, ill be kicking people up the arse to help test. I have 6 new potential eu testers, and people i know very well irl who are interested, im pointing em to this thread. Idea is even if the west coasters arnt on along with the japanese lot, we can get a good test and some derping going on. It will help test larger PVE etc. Inks etc and some others fromby Deathbane - Other Games
Its ok dude, its going to be a semi regular thing each time we get close to release, and the actual game will be out soon!by Deathbane - Other Games
haha excellent! That is a valid response. So yes, if you know anyone in the clan or even outside of it that would get a hard on for the game and want to be on in none retarded hours to test it, that would be Deathbane - Other Games
Will get when my pc isnt finally not a bag of dicks. got so many games on that list!by Deathbane - Other Games
Definitely going to get some gouf variants it. We have plenty of zakus and doms, but only one gouf.. heresy grows from idleness. Also got some serious testing for you guys to do this coming weekend if you are about, we are on target for our release date but need a show of hands. Halo has said i can invite new testers, so if anyone wants in who isnt already, let me Deathbane - Other Games
Cheeky bugger Ive just spent 5 hours ensuring the saxons ge the fuck off England. I don't hate them so much as the dutch, and they are allied with the dutch because they want my lands. So I have no choice but to fight them. Thankfully im friends with both the Visigoths and a massive tribe of french pagans i cant remember the name of, so they would get wrecked if they declared war. My armby Deathbane - Other Games
Thought i'd answere dthis but it musnt have posted. yes it should be able to, if we do decide to add it. that is because the knowledge of the animation system the game uses has increased greatly. Also that is a pretty cool and easy to add suit - i think we are concentrating on EF suits for now, considering how many toys zeon is getting. I've suggest it in the chat though! Anyway hby Deathbane - Other Games
I have just converted Northumbria into England, after I have taken over everywhere except Norfolk. For some reason, the fucking dutch vassalised Norfolk, and it looks like a long and bloody war between me and the dutch is now inevitable. Midea, is now basically defacto island, i am working to make my vassal after very good relations for the past one hundred years. I had to sell out another potby Deathbane - Other Games
Awesome, I have EUIV and had started a good game on it as northumbria in 600 ad or something with the extended mod. Nearly have the entire country under my control and want to form England.. its going really well so far.. too well.. Just started to get into it finally. But yes Hearts of Iron 3 is more.. military orientated because of the timeline, which is pretty awesome and is a good additionby Deathbane - Other Games
If Yalk can do it, so can I. Sale is on to the 6th, really really good game. I think i prefer it slightly to Europa Universalis 4. 'TheOGFatBert 57 products in account 17 reviews Recommended 2.2 hrs on record You can be Hitler 11/10'by Deathbane - Other Games
ill have final brisbane and southern cross tonight, if i get chance to upload them ill send em to zweiby Deathbane - Other Games
My viewpoint is that anyone who tks for any reason on our servers, given the size of the community and how its important to retain what little playerbase is left that plays the mod, should be banned for a time period of several months if it can be corroborated with evidence. This should be without discussion, or appeal, if video evidence is provided. Im recommending that any further reports ofby Deathbane - Servers
Zwei should know, as should other testers in the chat. Im having to not be lazy lately, so my times evaporated- detailing slave @ Deathbane - Other Games
Yep, I'll let you guys know as soon as I catch you on TS, or you can ask in tester chat. Can't post it in thread as its public and we haven't announced it yet officially. It's looking good that we will make it and its not far Deathbane - Other Games