=CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
May 17, 2011 06:35AM
Ok, as most/some all of you might know our stall ward brother in arms Yalk is coming over to the miserable set of islands that I call come and as such I've been attempting to arrange us meeting up.

As it stands the dates are the 24th-26th Jun and the venue is shitty ol' London Town. Our equally radical and bodacious Austrian ally Radfarter (hurr durr) is most likely making the trip over to us also.

Yalk has managed to get his company to book him in a none too shabby looking hotel over those days and has extended floorspace to those of us brave enough to attend. As you can see the hotel gets pretty solid reviews across the board, some minor issues about the rooms being outdated, but to be honest it'll fine for our needs.

The British contingent that are confirmed at the moment stands at myself and our glorious Khan Deathbane.

Both Bin, Warden and Namarah have expressed an interest to attend and this thread is to facilitate such an arrangement.

I will say that the four of us who are attending already is likely going to max out the currently available floorspace, so as such I would suggest the following alternatives:

1. You three split the cost of a hostel/hotel over the two days (this is obviously the most expensive option, but given the distance that our Cymraeg (sorry if i've used a totally out of context translation, your language is some crazy jive brother) sibkin has to travel it would make the most sense in terms of getting the most out of the journey.

2. You guys all just come down for one of the days, the day can be discussed later. This is obviously cheaper, but doesn't allow for that much to do given travel times and everything.

3. Z&B come down for the one day and N'bro stops for the two and we just make it work in the hotel room. This is doable, but we've no idea how much space is going to be involved and what's going to be available.

I'd also say it makes more sense for Bane and Rad to travel just into London rather than the original idea of having them stop off at mine first, this just adds travel time and is now defunct.

Ok, so we need to discuss what we want to do. Please bear in mind that I'm a pauper and the travel alone is likely going to leave me fairly tapped, so nothing too expensive (there are plenty of free things to do in London mind you)

Any ideas for activities or alterations of the plan are welcome, let's do this full force.

Also haarp/Erk, if you guys think you can make it you're both welcome. This is also acting as a sort of test bed for a potential #mwll meet up in the future, so anything that goes tits up this time can be rectified for the next one.

Lovely boys.

Re: =CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
May 17, 2011 12:43PM

Im trying to get my salary payers to grant me 2 days of holiday (24th and 27th that´d be, fyi, wanna have a day break just in case, would be going home evening 26th latest anyway) and if that is given, will surely try anything to get over to you guys.

Concerning the cash situation : well, I´m just a lousy shift worker, so dont expect fat-ass bundles, but I will definitely try to talk my parents into giving some premature birthday gift to have a bolster for any case again ^^ .

Sleeping space: If manageable fast enough, we can go for a hotelroom, or a hostel.
Otherwise gimme a couch or lone chair and I´ll be fine winking smiley

Elsehow I´d be in need to amourize one of those lovely women you guys are sporting on the Isles and get her to give me a bed for a night or two....hehehe .
Re: =CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
May 17, 2011 04:17PM
Lol, well radbro you would most deffo be crashing in the hotel. I mean apart from Yalk you'll have come the furthest.

I don't think we'll need tonnes of money, there are plenty of offies where we can pick up some tins/brew/whiskey and there's always something happening.

Hell who knows, you could all end up slumming with my london friends in some horrific crack den!

Re: =CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
May 18, 2011 04:42PM
Just to add we'll be going over this on TS3 on Saturday, 7pm GMT onwards.

Re: =CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
May 21, 2011 08:35PM
Sorry guys, I have to take a bow from it tonight, serious business at home's been sprung on me.

Tomorrow bludz. innit.

Re: =CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
May 22, 2011 10:31PM
Sorry but I will have to pull out due to my work being gay then the guyest guy thing and not letting me take the holiday as there isn't any allacation at the moment. won't be till september.

of course you should fight fire with fire, you should fight everything with fire. grinning smiley
Re: =CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
May 23, 2011 03:57PM
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo .

Arrr, move the September, goddamnit !

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/23/2011 03:59PM by Radfahrer.
Re: =CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
May 24, 2011 02:36PM
Well if this one goes down well. We could always do another in September!

Sorry to hear you can't make it though dude.

Re: =CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
May 25, 2011 06:32AM
Arrrr....if you cant come by in June, Namarah I will have to haunt your Isles at least once more^^
Pls dont make it all go "buff and away"....I m really looking forward to this as it would be my first holiday since 2002 winking smiley
Re: =CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
May 25, 2011 03:52PM
Im good to come down to Landan and hang out then get the train home whenever. Just let me know the dates you decide on and I will check that I am not working.
Re: =CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
May 25, 2011 08:38PM
They're up the top bro'heem.

24th-26th June.

26th is sort of off limits for late night frolics as I think it's when a few of us will be heading back that evening.

Idk, whatever one you fancy best you warm front of good times you.

Re: =CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
May 27, 2011 12:48AM
I'll come along with BinFish. smoking smiley

(shamfru nigs(suck my big veiny one semendribbler[read:tiny asian penis, augmented with critical whiskey dick failure]))
Re: =CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
June 01, 2011 05:02PM

Is it somehow possible to stay somewhere until Monday?
Would spare me a good 95€ when Im flying one day later.
If impossible, no broken leg either, ill just return sunday eve winking smiley

Awesome to have you guys also coming, Bin and Zone smiling smiley

Possibly Purpleflufybunny might join the fray too on Saturday (unsure bout it, but can surely be fixed) cos he is nearby on a holiday trip .

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/01/2011 05:04PM by Radfahrer.
Re: =CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
June 02, 2011 09:37PM
Me casa su casa Radbro.

Re: =CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
June 03, 2011 04:30PM
Hell awesome Bill !
Many many thanks.
We will have those €´s invested into our debauchery, my gentlemen, HARRHARRHARRHARR !

And I will be buying ma tikkit to LawndonTown-Stansted tomorrow afternoon, as I need a Credcard for that OP and my good momma will help me out here.

Sidenote: thought about getting some heavy-issue worker-shirt with buttons and pockets and shit to have the CJW-Logo stitched into, whatcha guys thinking?
Re: =CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
June 04, 2011 11:20AM
I think that's a little excessive.

We should likely have a proper chat about this soon though, I mean times running out.

Yalk said to me he's away for a few days, but I'm sure we can relay anything important to him.

Re: =CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
June 06, 2011 12:20AM
SInce im a mega doyle, what times/dates do you want my between to have my good ole pale ass in london for? Megabus is mega bro, so i shouldnt have trouble booking. Just not sure what to book for, and dont want to fuck it up and be stuck in the capital for longer than is necessary tongue sticking out smiley.

The station from here it picks me up is no fucking problem - as long as i know when i have to be there for, this will be super easy unless megabus steals my organs to pay for their horribly low and suspicious prices.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/06/2011 12:22AM by Deathbane.
Re: =CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
June 06, 2011 10:22AM
Weeellll, mah confirmed flight-booking tells me my pale ass is gonna be deposited in London-Stansted on 24.June 2011 17:45 GMT+1 (should be just right for teatime with you guys, eh? )
So Id need some kind of meeting spot, the rest I can figure out I guess (how to come there, etc).

Where does our troop rally in London ?!?
Id just go for some park and have the first beer right away
Re: =CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
June 06, 2011 08:12PM
Rad I can literally meet you at Stansted (It's where I used to work). I'll pm you my mobile so you can call me when you've collected your baggage (I will be travelling via stansted anyway so it's not even an issue). From there we can get a direct coach (with a handy open return) direct to Victoria.

I know which hotel you're staying at Yalk my old bean, so if you leave me the contact details we can get the front desk to raise you. Alternately we'll sort something out before.

Bane I'd say we're all pretty much doing the 24-26th (though radbro is at mine an extra day) I'd say we'll likely get into london at around 18.30 GMT, I'll give you my mobile as well (i'll be sure to get some credit before as well).

So basically, in 24th out 26th with as much gay sex as we can fit in between.

Re: =CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
June 10, 2011 02:17AM
That sounds totally sweet to me.
Bane, Yalk, fit with these propositions?

Meetup saturday on TS to hammer it out in talk too?
Asides from some high level trolling/rampaging/badmouthing that happen oh so sweetly often cool smiley
Re: =CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
June 11, 2011 01:14PM
Sounds good guys, I'll be on tonight and we can start making final arrangements.

Re: =CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
June 19, 2011 12:59AM
This is next week, I literally cannot believe this.

I might cry.

Re: =CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
June 22, 2011 07:47PM
Im already tense like a bowstring...wanna do that NOW smiling smiley
Hells, I guess we will have a furball of a time.
Uhhhhh, only 2 days now, in fact less than 48 hours already.....RAAAAWWWR
Being giggly as shit, dont wanna go work today, bleh.
Re: =CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
June 22, 2011 08:24PM
have fun guys. I'm going to be going to the zoo.

of course you should fight fire with fire, you should fight everything with fire. grinning smiley
Re: =CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
June 23, 2011 05:18PM
I say we will down the first drink in toast to our comrades that arent present !
And fun....aye we shall have boatloads^^
Re: =CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
June 24, 2011 08:35PM
Sorry lads, it's looking doubtful me and Bin will be attending, he's got work till 9pm tonight and we have family stuff to do tomorrow and Sunday is out of the question for me as I'm fucking skint.

This makes me a sad bro.

(shamfru nigs(suck my big veiny one semendribbler[read:tiny asian penis, augmented with critical whiskey dick failure]))
Re: =CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
June 28, 2011 05:41PM
You all missed out, hard.

Re: =CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
June 29, 2011 02:21AM
Very, very hard.
But as fugging Arnie already said: I´ll be back, PERIOD .

Next time the north might has to suffer my presence hähähähä keke
Re: =CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
July 19, 2011 01:38AM

The horror.

Re: =CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
July 19, 2011 11:52PM
Re: =CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
August 06, 2011 04:40AM
fuckin lol you derps, wish we all couldve been there
Re: =CJW= Operation Bulldog (licking piss off a nettle)
September 21, 2011 08:57AM
same to you bro, would have been great.