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Real-life Solaris Arena

Posted by haarp 
Real-life Solaris Arena
November 01, 2014 07:22AM

Yeah, no way this'll ever succeed. But fuck damn, it would be entertaining!

If the radiance of a thousand suns
were to burst, at once, into the sky
It would be like the splendor of the Mighty One...
I am become Death, the shatterer of worlds.
Re: Real-life Solaris Arena
November 01, 2014 09:53AM
Robot Jox would become a reality, but man is that an ambitious project.

Remember shoot or die!
Re: Real-life Solaris Arena
November 01, 2014 10:05AM
This would be awesome, but there are a couple of issues:
-1,8 million $ seems very little for the scale they are going for. 1.8 will probably get them a robot or two but I highly doubt much else.
- They are way too passionate. Firing giant paintballs is ok, but explosions and flames? That would inevitable lead to injury and/or death at least in those steel cage cockpits they have and I really down't want the good old Roman times of gladiator battles back.
- Hydraulics is ok I guess, but you would need tome serious pumps and really strong valves to have move at any reasonable speed.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: Real-life Solaris Arena
November 05, 2014 03:34PM
This would be awesome, but there are a couple of issues:
-1,8 million $ seems very little for the scale they are going for. 1.8 will probably get them a robot or two but I highly doubt much else.
- They are way too passionate. Firing giant paintballs is ok, but explosions and flames? That would inevitable lead to injury and/or death at least in those steel cage cockpits they have and I really down't want the good old Roman times of gladiator battles back.
- Hydraulics is ok I guess, but you would need tome serious pumps and really strong valves to have move at any reasonable speed.

- agree, if it only takes 1.8 million to build an arena fighting combat effective mech? Sign me up! I'll take 2...
-you were around back then? What was it like? Was watching the Christians bring eaten by lions popular or boring? Also, disagree...people are pussies today, fucking have a pair....I'd watch
-hydraulics are fine, you actually wouldn't need anything amazing to have a reasonably responsive machine, Hydraulics are super effective at what they do....the real issue is the balancing software, advanced scientific robotic M.i.T departments haven't fully developed fully adequate software to allow smooth bipedal movement....the Japanese....let's let that sink in.....THE JAPANESE (makers of like 90% of Mecha porn and real robots) haven't developed adequate bipedal software...they have that one piloted track thing but, it's clunky....hell even in Battletech it requires nural inputs from the pilots own sense of balance plus like 5 gyros to keep a mech up right...

I'm not really buying two white dudes and 1 Asian American with 3d modeling software developed something better...and not for 1.8 million

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/05/2014 03:36PM by Yalk.
Re: Real-life Solaris Arena
November 10, 2014 12:05PM
This is an insane proposal.

like, if they could do it, i know what my new career would be, but i honestly cant see the pulling it off.

Arguable the most advanced walking robot in the world is this thing:


It managed to beat all other humanoid robot competitors at darpas robotics challenge, even PETMAN/ATLAS.

And you can see even now just how dependent it is on people still for the impressive but limited scenarios it can run. And this is on a relatively small scale - as you get bigger, things actually get harder, due to the forces involved.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/10/2014 12:05PM by Deathbane.