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X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension

Posted by Zweistein000 
X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 23, 2013 07:37PM
I'm trying to be all hard core in this game, but I am considering using the editor to perform "genetic surgery" on you guys that aren't the preferred race/gender. Should I do this?
Only registered users are allowed to vote for this poll.
7 votes were received.
Fuch yea. I better be what i wanna be or i'll cry like a baby! 0
Hello no. I'm gonna suck it up an be a man and wait it out/change my request. 7

They have come!

X-Com apocalype

It has been 1 week since the initial incursion. Aliens have yet to return, but the senate of Mega-Primus has scrambled together the Second X-COM. We have been tasked to destroy the alien Scum much like the first X-COM did in the wars on Sectoids and their underwater Cousins. You have been Chosen as agents in this desperate fight.

This will be a balls-deep, Ironman stile, turn based fight on superhuman difficulty. The only difference is that you will be able to control your character to some degree. You will be able to choose between:

Mutant, Human or Cyborg race
Your weapon
-Autocannon with
~AP ammo
~HE ammo
~Incendi ammo
-Rocket launcher with
~HE Rockets
~Incendi Rockets
-Stun Graple
-Plasma pistol
-Alien disruptor gun
-Alien devastator cannon
-Power Sword
-Marcec Mini [rocket] launcher
-Entropy Launcher

Your training:
-No training
Additional Equipment you wish to carry:
-HE grandades
-Incendi Granades
-Smoke Granades
-Stun granades
-Motion Detector
-Proximity Mine
-Alien Boomeroid (homing) mine
-Alien Vortex Mine (grenade)

Standard Issue equipment:

-2x HE grnanade
-2x Stun Granade
-Alien vortex mine
-Alien disruptor shield

There will be more as time progresses.

If you are unsure what I am talking about here's the link to the X-com wiki: UFOpaedia

For now I will assign you guys myself, but I will still be taking character requests.


RadFahrer - Brainsucked
RedBeard - Brainsucked
Sucubussy - Brainsucked
eRkkituo - Brainsucked
RadFahrer MK2 - Brainsucked
eRkkituo MK2 - Brainsucked
RadFahrer MK3 - Eaten by Hyperworms
IceVamp - Eaten by Hyperworms
RaT-mAn - Devastated by Anthropod
Bill - Devoured by Multiworm
HAARP - Popped
Zweistein - Disruptored by Anthropod
IceVamp MK2 - Autocannoned by a Osiron Gangster
Zweistein MK2 - Devoured by Multiworm
Ensalus - Eaten by Hiperworm
RedBeard MK2 - Eaten by hiperworm: survived, popped by popper: survived and the fell to his death.
Zweistein MK3 - Devastated by Skeletoid
Dhalin MK2 - Popped
Dhalin MK3 - Double Popped
RaT-mAn MK2 - Eaten by Hiperworms
RaT-mAn MK3 - Brainsucked
Haarp MK2 - Brainsucked
Leeko - Brainsucked
BinFish - Devastated by anthropod
Erkkituo MK3 - Devastated by anthropod

Casualty count: 25

Waiting list:

Erkkituo MK4 - human
Leeko MK2 - human


Current roster - days service/missions/kills/skill improvement/medals /rank:

eRkkituo MK4       102 / 41 / 6  / 52% / 2 / Squaddie (1)
BinFish   MK2       102 / 35 / 25 / 67% / 3 / Squaddie (1)
Gouty                  129 / 72 / 138 / 102% / 5 / Squad leader (2)
RedBeard MK3      110 / 50 / 58 /  61% / 4 / Squad leader (2)
Yalk                     129 / 79 / 221 / 73% / 9 / Sergeant (3)
Trunham               129 / 71 / 94 / 73% / 5 / Sergeant (3)
Zone Warden        129 / 72 / 122 / 83% / 5 / Squad leader (2)
Riviera MK2          108 / 48 / 37 / 59% / 4 / Squad leader (2) 
Namarah              128 / 67 / 77 / 85% / 5 / Sergeant (3)
Succubusy MK2   122 / 70 / 58 / 84% / 4 / Squaddie (1)
RadFahrer MK4    122 / 71 / 83 / 90% / 5 / Squad leader (2)
Rajveer                122 / 61 / 46 / 58% / 4 / Squad leader (2)
Leeko MK2          105 / 47 / 50 / 80% / 4 / Squad leader (2)
Dhalin MK3          109 / 53 / 52 / 100% / 4 / Squad leader (2)
Haarp MK3          105 / 48 / 28 /  74% / 3 / Squad leader (2)
Bill MK2              115 / 56 / 81 / 79%/ 5 / Squad Leader (2)
Ensalus MK2       110 / 57 / 58 / 75% / 4 / Captain (4)
Zweistein MK4     108 / 55 / 45 / 72% / 4 / Squad leader (2)
Deathbane           108 / 53 / 60  / NA / 4 / Squad leader (2)
IceVamp MK3      112 / 62 / 59 / 75% / 4 / Squad leader (2)
RaT-mAn MK4     106 /  18 / 16 / NA  / 2  / Squaddie (1)


I have decided that the winners of the following stats will be awarded a second go at the game, when I replay it on Very Hard setting "Terminator mode*".

-Highest Medals: Terminator (Yalk - 9 medals)
-Highest Average** Kills: Backup team member 1 (Gouty - 1,069/dayHonorable Mention Yalk - 1,713/day)
-Highest Average** Improvement: Backup team member 2 (Dhalin - 0,9174%/day)
-Highest Deaths: Backup team member 3 (Radfahrer - first to die 4 times)
-Most missons: Backup team member 4 (ZoneWarden - 72 Missions. Honorable mentions: Yalk - 79, Gouty 72)
-highest Rank***: Backup team member 5 (Ensalus - Captain)

Congratulations on the winners, you get to do it all AGAIN!

*Terminator mode means there will be one central badass player who will do solo missions unless critically wounded. A team of five other team members will basically sit home training and defending the base unless he is wounded, at which point they do the mission for him untill he is fit for active duty.
**Average means stat/days of service
***Rank is awarded randomly so I don't have any control over it.
****One person cannot win two prizes at once.
*****In the event of 2 or more persons achieving same score the person who achieved it first will be the winner. If the score is achieved at the same tine (unlikely, but possible) I will recruit both of them and they will not kick others out.

How this looks like in action.


We have a second base! It will be used primarily as a factory to build x-com craft and supply us with ammunition for toxiguns.

Character Sheets:

Final form


First encounter:

Yalk deciding he's not gonna walk around the wall, but go through it

Yalk standing in Erks fire while gunning down aliens point blank:

My brother - the grenadier that can't throw grenades:

Yalk repeatedly running down and stunning he big fucking worm alien, then sitting on his unconscious body so it doesn't wake up:

Radfahrer MK3's last turn. We started on the middle floor and the aliens on bottom. It was Radfahrer MK3's own reaction fire that spelled his doom, as our scientists decided that after death: multiworm release 4 hyperworms.

X-COM has become known for it's inability to walk around the wall. IceVamp made the hole, Gouty ran though and filled the guy with rocked launcher full of led.

Erk's handy work. 50% of map is on fire.

Gouty in an one-on-one point blank firefight with cult of sirius guy

Cult of sirius Panicking after we killed then and all the aliens they were trying to hide from us. X-COM knows no mercy for those that oppose it.

X-COM in line, besieging the new UFO type, filled with roughly 3x as many aliens and the previous ones.

They say cats have 9 lives. Succubusy MK2 certainly proves that with surviving a point blank explosive encounter with a popper, who set of another point blank gas tank explosion and then an alien barinsucker rand out of TU's literally in front of her. She now has half a life remaining.

Yalk and Gouty entering 0 fucks given mode as they run right up to the aliens face and stabbing it repeatedly with a plasma sword.

Erk, burning it up again. He will be one of the few people keeping his gun and having a toxigun as a secondary weapon.

Our brave psionics gassing 10 terrorists in 1 turn and killing a skeletoid. Too bad they all died, 2 on the mission and one 1 day later.

X-Com is feeling the pressure. 5 agents dead in 3 missions, 15 wounded, only 3 people (2 of them replacements for dead agents) are capable of performing their duty. I even pull wounded people and then this happens: 2 poppers go off one after another in 1 turn, critically wounding one agent and killing another. The week of HELL is here

Beware of Bane's erection. It know no mercy.

X-Com with their shiny new shields. Aliens beware!

For the first time in game, ALIENS COVER AND PANIC! X-Com as adapted their shields making us immune to their weapons. X-Coma also has weapons that are deadly efficient against aliens and break through shields. Aliens know this. They fear us. Most of all yalk, who has gotten (as requested) a toxigun, resulting in him doubling his kill count over the course of 3 days and vastly improving his skills.

X-Com standing outside a new Alien UFO with the strongest shields we have yet encountered. It also held something interesting inside: a new alien - micronoids, usually found in the blood stream of other aliens and brinsucker victims. Our biochemist shave decided that it is imperative we get a live specimen.

Poppers- once a bane of our existence, now they cant even get close enough to detonate and even if they do, they are either put down or their explosions only scratch our shields. We even brought one home alive, you should have seen the drooling by our biochemists.


X-COM on destruction derby in hostile organization structures. Not a single fuck was given that day.

Our probes have returned with the look of alien dimension. It is a hostile place, full of UFO's. There is one city, buildings are impervious to external fire meaning we will have to infiltrate them and destroy them from within. Our scientists have identified one entrance, but the structures are connected together by a bio tube meaning that one we access and disable that structure we can use it to access the other.

With the invention of bio transport this allows our team to finally attack with full force of 21 people (before we were limited to maximum 18). This + shields + cloak + toxiguns with toxin c + X-COM disruptor armor = instant death. The aliens sent out their motherships and battleships upon us only to get shot down and wiped out by our craft and agents. Thy are disheartened and now only invade once every 2 weeks, allowing us to build a flotilla to wipe them out. ALL OF THEM!

Hostile organizations raiding our base. But they made 1 mistake. They attacked Yalks HOME BASE. Evonet only picked up the picked of cut-in-half bodies and burned remains after Yalk and Goutly slashed them in half, Bane and Trunham filled them with their rockets.

X-COM Full assault on alien dimension. Over 30 Alien craft were laos, 0 X-Com craft.

Alien Buildings fall one by one. First one was Sleeping Chamber (Alien Building 1), then Food Chamber (Alien Building 2), Alien Farm (Alien Building 3), Maintenance Factory (Alien Building 4), Incubator Chamber (Alien Building 5), Control Chamber (Alien Building 6), Spawning Chamber (Alien Building 7), Organic Factory (Alien Building 8), Megapod Chamber (Alien Building 9) and finally Dimension Gate Generator (Alien Building 10)

The ultimate insult to aliens: The alien queen captured alive and studies by X-COM, than put down, after being tea bagged by every X-COM member ever.

Last contact - The fall of dimension generator, around 20 skeletiods, 6 megaspawn and 6 psimorphs. Erk had some final fun here.

IT IS DONE! The aliens have been defeated and their dimensional gates closed. After a gruesome 3 months war, 25 casualties and 75% of Mega Primus destroyed, X-COM emerged victorious, despite the lack of funding from government due to it being bankrupt.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard


Edited 59 time(s). Last edit at 04/21/2013 01:24PM by Zweistein000.
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 23, 2013 07:49PM
Give me huge boobies !
Give me huge guns !
Give me decent aim !

Done smiling smiley
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 23, 2013 08:54PM
sweet, lets do this.

My bro:

Sniper related shit
Standard, we dont need no fancy shit
Pistol/ SMG or grenades for backup work.
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 23, 2013 09:19PM
Not sure of purpose, but if you are asking for recruits to command (ie, your playing a game and want to use us as characters) then sign me up

Carbine? Rifle etc (not sure of applicable weapons)
Commando, physical close combat
Standard or flying (I do like me some jets)
Pistol, C4 (relavent explosives) grenades

Dierson basically

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 23, 2013 10:00PM
Yalk.. in the previous mission your guys basically blew a hole in the wall and went through it and killed 2 giant alien worms, rather than walking around and missing half the action.

aslo yalk: you get either hand-held Autocannon, SMG or sniper. Later there will be rocket launchars with incendi and HE emmo, mini rocked launchers, plasma pistols, toxiguns and alien weaponry.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/23/2013 10:05PM by Zweistein000.
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 24, 2013 11:45AM
I have updated the topic wict screenshots of the characters and their stats.


Most of you are gonna lose your SMG in favor of autocannon.

Yalk - Autocannon or SMG. That is now the question.

Week one of dry rape by an asian is over. Week 2 of dry rape by a white man is about to begin.

Next on the plan: We are broke and Cult of Sirius happens to be our enemy. They also happen to worship the aliens as gods. They also happen to have psi clones (Psionic drugs). Psi Clones happen to sell good. It's an accident waiting to happen, isn't it? It would be a shame if someone accidently reported alien activity in their temples and we needed to check that out.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 03/24/2013 11:59AM by Zweistein000.
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 24, 2013 02:00PM
Smg or auto cannon

Well, I like me some SMG....but killing is better...

Your choice

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 24, 2013 02:08PM
SMG it is then. This will also make you the fastest X-CJW agent.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 24, 2013 04:45PM
I approve of speed

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 24, 2013 07:33PM
Gotta go fast

"Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam"
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 24, 2013 07:44PM
I approve later though I wish to have a Mini launcher and a Toxigun

Remember shoot or die!
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 24, 2013 11:31PM
All life and speed haha kill them filthy sectoids

(shamfru nigs(suck my big veiny one semendribbler[read:tiny asian penis, augmented with critical whiskey dick failure]))
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 24, 2013 11:40PM
Psi training. Do it nao!
I wanna Prof. X it up in the hizzouze.

-I would if I could, but I can't so I won't.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/24/2013 11:40PM by IceVamp.
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 24, 2013 11:54PM
That's number 3 for psionics... I don't think there's gonna be any mutants applying any time soon. You ok with psi training on a human? It's not as effective and you probably wont be able to mind-control anyone (just probing and stunning them), but if you wish I can take you out of circulation and have you wait for a psionic. I'm also thinking of using an editor, not to spawn agent, but to change your appearance/race. Also there's the tird alternative: we raid the living shit out of Cult of sirius and possibly Psyke so we get a fuckton of money and just payy of the mutants and android to improve relations.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/25/2013 12:06AM by Zweistein000.
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 25, 2013 02:00AM
Give it a week or two if you can survive that long also if things go as crap as it is then the Robots and Mutants will want to join up anyway thinking that their life will be better in X-Com then being treated as dirty slaves.

Remember shoot or die!
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 25, 2013 09:28PM
Dhalin requested a male human so I switched him with Namarah. Also Ice... you got a mind bender, but I cannot give you a mutant at this time so your psionic abilities are limited to probing and sunning only.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 25, 2013 10:26PM
Mmm.. probing,

-I would if I could, but I can't so I won't.
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 25, 2013 11:03PM

kill dems aliems good

Remember shoot or die!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/25/2013 11:03PM by Trunham.
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 26, 2013 12:20AM
Character sheets updated. First UFO assault run - successful, 4 wounded, 0 casualties.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 26, 2013 02:29PM
RIP Radfahrer MK3, you will be missed.

Out of 17 Agents, 4 Aren't wounded.

It's the beginning of a day... It's looking pretty grimdark and it isn't even week 3/4 yet.

We are out of:
Stun grenades
HE Ammo for Autocannon

Also aliens seem to have developed shields for their craft.

A stroke of luck.. no attacks in 2 days: all agents have fully recuperated.

We have researched the Alien disruptor gun. It's basically a more powerful, laser SMG. Anyone wanting to trade in their weapon for this, prease write so. Yalk and Gouty: SMG or Disruptor?

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard


Edited 6 time(s). Last edit at 03/26/2013 03:17PM by Zweistein000.
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 26, 2013 03:00PM
Zwei, you are worst commander. Lady Gout should request transfer.

"Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam"
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 26, 2013 05:51PM
Gimme dat laser cheesemaker

(shamfru nigs(suck my big veiny one semendribbler[read:tiny asian penis, augmented with critical whiskey dick failure]))
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 26, 2013 11:45PM
Aw yeah.

Glad to see you're staying true to the template of my character.
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 27, 2013 02:52AM
Laser SMG nigga ftw

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 27, 2013 02:37PM
Thanks for pointing this out to me, Zwei, this is pretty awesome! Name one after me. I've no preference for equipment or being a cyborg or whatever, so pick at your whim.
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 27, 2013 05:39PM
Thanks for pointing this out to me, Zwei, this is pretty awesome! Name one after me. I've no preference for equipment or being a cyborg or whatever, so pick at your whim.


Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 27, 2013 11:08PM
WE have a spare mutant. Yell of you want her if you know what I mean, hehe!

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 29, 2013 02:43AM

Remember shoot or die!
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 29, 2013 02:46AM
Well by looking at every one else it seems that i may well be the Strongest and the Bravest dude in out team.

So basically I can run at dems aliens shouting "Fuck you Inter-dimensional Aliens! DO YOU EVEN LIFT!"

If I have such a high strength, I don't mind exchanging AC for something smaller and a tone of nades or some shit.

Remember shoot or die!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/29/2013 02:47AM by Trunham.
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 29, 2013 10:26AM
yea.. kinda. I can load you up with C4 if you want. That is kinda heavy.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 30, 2013 01:55PM
IceVamp knows what when through RadFahrer MK3's head, before he died. It was the alien hiper-worm. On the plus side the question on who will take up the free mutant has been solved.

Week 2 is over. prepare for dry rape form a black man in week 3.

RaT-mAn was first to discover how brutally effective the new alien weapon is. Bruva I am hit he shouted, as the devastator shot literally flew through his head and armor like it wasn't there. I have a score to settle wit the aliens.

Bill has found out that a stomach of a multiworm is a dangerous place indeed.

We have 1 flying suit available. We have also researched the alien devastator canon technology allowing us to reproduce it. It's basically an alien assault rifle that can potentially one-shot people (see the terminator mode demonstration video). We will also research biological warfare soon, which will mean I will need everyone, who want to keep the current weapon to post it here as toxigun basically makes 90% of alien/earth weaponry obsolete.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard


Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 03/31/2013 06:22PM by Zweistein000.
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
March 31, 2013 11:35PM
Dibs on flying suit

I'll take whatever weapon is in that 10% of weapons that isn't obsolete from Toxigun

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
April 01, 2013 12:23AM
You already have the flying suit, yalk tongue sticking out smiley I'll leave you with the devastator cannon and power sword then, but you're really gonna gave trouble dealing with humanoids late game, since they will all come with single/double personal shield generators.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/01/2013 12:23AM by Zweistein000.
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
April 01, 2013 01:04AM
Dibs on all the flying suits

I want whatever makes me fast and kills shit

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
April 01, 2013 03:09PM
Like I said Toxigun and Mini-launcher and I'm all set, Toxigun for lol fuck you Aliens and Mini-launcher for clusters of aliens and Megaspawns (Megaspawn is the equivalent of a 40k dreadnought)

Its a shame there's no Heavy support Vehicle like there was in UFO Defence and Terror From The Deep.

Remember shoot or die!
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
April 01, 2013 05:08PM
Yea, but that's mostly cause game was unfinished when it was released. They had a fuckton things planned: interactions more between organisation, greater effect of them on X-COM, possibly aliens attacking civilians, etc. But they ran out of time and money and they released the game as it is. But even unfinished this game is more playable and enjoyable then many of modern finished games.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
April 02, 2013 08:25PM
Status report:

Haarp died during poppers explosive diarrhea.
I got distruptored in the head by anthropood.
Ice Vamp MK.2 got shots by a terrorist.
Gouty and Ensalus barely escaped with their lives.
mission STILL isn't over.

Did I mention this week is gonna be dry rape?

3 missions later:

Multiworm eats me alive. Ensalus kills it, but hiperworns spring form it's body, eating ensalus alive. 3 turns later: one of the hiperworm wounds my dad. he kills it, bit then a popper jumps from out of nowhere blowing in the face of my dad. HE SURVIVES, but the floor gives way under the stress of explosion and he falls 3 stories down to his death.

week 3 is over. But Don't hold your breath. Aliens have pulled out personal shield generators meaning that unless 5 people focus fore on 1 alien or someone is carrying a toxigun, the alien ain't gonna die. Dry rape by black man is over. Dry rape by an elephant is about to begin. WE ARE FACING THE TOUGHEST WEEK YET! If you live through this week, there's a good chance you're going to live though the war.

AGAIN... anyone wanting to keep their current weapon please say so. We have toxin type B in production and it wont be ling till all of your weapons are replaced by it. Exceptions are: Bane - he will keep his rawkitlawnchair, Erk - autocannon with incendi ammo for ultimate flaming dakka and Yalk - devastator and sword.

I have mostly dropped the autocannons. With disruptor shields they really aren't strong enough to be compatible. Everyone is either armed with devastators or toxigins. Soon everyone who isnt Yalk and Erk will get a toxigun.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard


Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 04/05/2013 01:56AM by Zweistein000.
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
April 06, 2013 06:03AM
You should do this with Terror from the Deep and not edit the soldiers, just have multiple peeps named after death.

Apocalypse is good after all, but idk, it's not my favourite.

Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
April 06, 2013 03:30PM
Another decent X-Com clone series is UFO starting with Aftermath followed by Aftershock and then finally Afterlight witch was on Mars, all means continue playing this but if it gets too much and your too frustrated with it then I recommend giving them a try

They where developed/published by Cenega I think, I have all three and they are hard as balls.

Remember shoot or die!
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
April 06, 2013 03:38PM
UFO series Sucked balls. I tried them and the first one had promise, but the rest weren't that good.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
April 07, 2013 04:47AM
UFO series Sucked balls. I tried them and the first one had promise, but the rest weren't that good.

You're out of the clan.

Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
April 07, 2013 10:18PM
Another day, another set of casualties.

Aliens have brought back brainsucker launchers. Heerp MK2 and Leeko are testament to that. Erkkituo MK3 and BinFish ley pray to a devastator/shield anthropod assault squad ambush. I almost lost 8 people in there, but I managed to get away with 4. Out of 21 people 2 are dead (waiting for replacement), 16 are wounded and 3 are battle ready. Toxigun ammo is starting to run short and devastators are provin less and less effective. My anus... it bleeds.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
April 09, 2013 03:46AM
39 kills?


(shamfru nigs(suck my big veiny one semendribbler[read:tiny asian penis, augmented with critical whiskey dick failure]))
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
April 10, 2013 12:53AM
WEEK 4 is over and congratulations are in order. Those of you standing here have made it. This is the turning point in the war. Aliesn see their weapons have become useless and adapted by X-Com. Toxiguns are putting in work as aliens fall one after another. They have begun panicking. WEEK OF DRY RAPE BY AN ELEPHANT IT OVER. DRY RAPE ITSELF IS OVER FOR THE ALIENS. IT IS NOW TIME TO SHOW OUR MASSIVE ERECTION AND JAMM IT DEEP IN THE DRY ALIEN ASS AND GIVE THEM NO PILLOW TO BITE IN WHILE WHIPPING THEM AND CALLING THEM A BITCH. Remember those unlucky, that have fallen before today. On this day chances of aliens killing an agent are 90% lower. Soon we will also start building X-COM craft - craft based on alien UFO technology that are 2-3 more powerful than even Hawk air warrior.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/10/2013 02:23PM by Zweistein000.
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
April 10, 2013 04:15PM
Now that you got shields Disruptor Armour is a must get.

Remember shoot or die!
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
April 10, 2013 07:22PM
I am become death

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
April 10, 2013 10:10PM
Heyyy... if my character were to habitually punch/stab/slash aliens with fists/whatever, would his bravery stat grow faster?
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
April 11, 2013 01:06AM
Nope... bravery goes up though training, the amount of kills you make and you overall improvement. Don't worry about bravery though. Low bravey doesn't mean you'll start panicking randomly. The higher the bravery the slower your morale drops (morale is only seen in combat) and every one starts combat with 100 morale. When your morale is low you start panicking. Bravery only comes into account when shit hips the fan in a really bad way (for example: 2 poppers pop, killing 4 crew members, then a vortex mine goes off, creating 50 explosion, killing another 3 and wounding the 2 remaining. For the sake on the argument let's say one is you and one is Yalk. You would most likely panic, faint or go berserk. Yalk, while shitting his pants horribly, would probably maintain his composure. But if you get wounded or 2-3 people die, but the rest are ok, there is very little chance of you panicking.) Also remember: you just got your forth iteration. Your soldier hasn't seen any combat or training yet.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/11/2013 01:07AM by Zweistein000.
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
April 12, 2013 04:20PM
Walk softly, and carry a big gun.
Re: X-CJW vs Aliens form another dimension
April 12, 2013 06:11PM
X-com is beyond caring when popper appears. They cant even get cole these days. The only thing we pear now is a brain sucker ambush. Those wannabe headcrabs can eat your brains though shields.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard
