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New UCGO Server

Posted by Deathbane 
New UCGO Server
December 05, 2013 06:44PM
Yeah so, remember that silly Universal Century Gundam Online game we used to play awhile back for the kicks?

A new private server has started up, with much better and more mature devs that are actively adding features and content. Its currently exceptionally bare bones, more so even than the other server, being simply a combat test at the moment with a sparse population.

However, might be one to keep an eye on as they have plans to go far above and beyond the other server we have played on, and have vastly improved the aspects of the game they've currently been able to reimplement.

I'll be jumping on as a Zeon character causing trouble, especially considering all skills are turned off and all new accounts start with 2 billion. Pew pew robots etc.



For those who are interested in joining me in the wastelands of Australia for maximum derp once more, I'll be about tonight, friday and sunday as i have nothing planned on those nights. I couldn;t not install games on my laptop any longer.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/05/2013 06:44PM by Deathbane.
Re: New UCGO Server
December 05, 2013 08:12PM
I was thinking meh, but then:

I'll be on at about 10 PM your time. I haven't played vidya games in a couple of weeks now so why the fuck not.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/05/2013 08:13PM by Zweistein000.
Re: New UCGO Server
December 06, 2013 12:36AM
was awesome would play again
Re: New UCGO Server
December 06, 2013 10:14AM

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: New UCGO Server
December 06, 2013 09:46PM

Remember shoot or die!
Re: New UCGO Server
March 14, 2014 02:50PM
I'd probs be up for this, was quite fun.

Re: New UCGO Server
March 17, 2014 03:04PM
Would be awesome indeed, they are continually adding to it so it looks like it will grow to be better than the server we originally played on.
Re: New UCGO Server
March 18, 2014 09:26PM
GM-Lights yo.

take them into spess and watch your evade skill go from 1 to 100 in half hour.

Remember shoot or die!
Re: New UCGO Server
March 26, 2014 02:47AM
Can we go full on Zeon this time?

I mean....

Zaku's Forever!

Re: New UCGO Server
March 26, 2014 05:49PM
Hail Zeon!

Remember shoot or die!
Re: New UCGO Server
March 27, 2014 02:15PM
Of course we can, made a test zeon character and it looks like already they are adding alot of stuff in at a decent pace.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/27/2014 02:20PM by Deathbane.
Re: New UCGO Server
March 27, 2014 04:25PM
this is all lost on me

but stompy robots, so I'm in...I will of course need help getting it working....

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
Re: New UCGO Server
March 27, 2014 06:41PM
We are basically playing interstellar space nazis, is all k.
Re: New UCGO Server
March 27, 2014 08:34PM
Well kinda, mostly, not really.

Re: New UCGO Server
March 28, 2014 01:57PM
More like Imperialistic Communist Space Nazis.

Remember shoot or die!
Re: New UCGO Server
July 01, 2014 10:57AM
More Feddies getting rekd

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/01/2014 11:00AM by Deathbane.
Re: New UCGO Server
July 02, 2014 11:27PM
*fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap*


There is nothing you cannot do with a Zaku!

Remember shoot or die!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/02/2014 11:31PM by Trunham.
Re: New UCGO Server
July 05, 2014 07:34PM
Re: New UCGO Server
July 08, 2014 01:48PM

City Warfare post a dev pointed me towards...


More Vids:





Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 07/08/2014 01:59PM by Deathbane.
Re: New UCGO Server
July 09, 2014 10:34AM

Re: New UCGO Server
July 15, 2014 01:43PM
Just finished watching MSG for the first time and am now on to Zeta.

Gout wants a Gouf

"Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam"
Re: New UCGO Server
July 15, 2014 02:45PM
Federation: Prepare your anus, gouf edition. TBF they are definitely the suits we will end up rolling with in some number. since this is end of one year war technology, they are relatively upper mid tier, and only some of the very odd zaku II prototypes which are better in some areas.

The dom and gouf pretty much became THE zeon suits for frontline units before they were superceeded and did make it into mass production so we should be able to make them in decent numbers once we are out of Zaku I / Zaku II training wing phases. Probably keep the Zaku II High Mobility types for our space ops as from what i hear they are going to be like the show and have more verniers for spess.

But yes, much zeon, all the zeon.


Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 07/15/2014 03:04PM by Deathbane.
Re: New UCGO Server
July 16, 2014 12:04AM
Well yeah as Mobile Suits where designed for space combat primarily that was the whole design concept for them. unlike the Zaku, Doms where designed specifically for combat on earth with rapid mobility.

Whereas the Rick-Dom was redesigned for Space being that rather than Giant hovercraft fans in the feet they was replaced with Boosters.

Remember shoot or die!
Re: New UCGO Server
July 18, 2014 03:47PM
Delicious Mining Update

So, as many people may or may not remember - we here at Icarus Server had worked out our entire crafting system except for one tiny snag - and that snag was Mining. There's a reason I'm talking in the past tense here, though.

Because, as of today, Icarus Server now grants you the ability to dig holes! In style. Here's the lowdown:

There are now six unique Mining Drill Parts and Thunder Goliath Vehicles, split into four different tiers.
Tier Four Mining Drill Parts and Thunder Goliath Vehicles each split into three different variants.
All Mining Drill Parts and Thunder Goliath Vehicles are Craft-Only! There are no "stock" variants.
Higher-Tier Thunder Goliath Vehicles and Mining Drill Parts yield noticeably more material than the tiers below it.
Mining Drill Parts can be made at 0.0, 40.0, 60.0, and 80.0 Weapons Crafting, each using a higher tier of material.
Thunder Goliath Vehicles can be made at 5.0, 40.0, 60.0, and 80.0 Machine Crafting, each using a higher tier of material.
Mining currently yields three distinct item sets: Raw Materials (for Refining), Gemstones (for Painting), and Fossils (for Selling).
The Player Skill "Mining" boosts the amount of Raw Materials, Gemstones, and Fossils you Mine.
Many factors of Mining are heavily influenced by RNG.

That's the cliffnotes version of Mining, to give everyone an idea of what's happened. Now, let's get into some nitty-gritty:

As noted, both the Thunder Goliath Vehicles and Mining Drill Parts are split into four distinct tiers.

For Mining Drill Parts, these Tiers are:

Tier-1: Basic Mining Drill Parts.
Tier-2: Advanced Mining Drill Parts.
Tier-3: Refined Mining Drill Parts.
Tier-4: Perfect Mining Drill Parts, Mineral Mining Drill Parts, Gemstone Mining Drill Parts.

Each tier has a higher percent chance of digging up items than the tier below it, as well as a higher per-item maximum yield. This means that while the higher tier Drill Bits may seem quite expensive compared to the Basic Mining Drill Bit - they're definitely worth their weight in quickly procuring raw materials. (And remember, as you gain Refining skill, you get bonus metals from that as well!)

At Tier 4, things get interesting. The Perfect Mining Drill Parts are the tier above the Refined Mining Drill Parts - but you can also get the Mineral Mining Drill Parts and Gemstone Mining Drill Parts. These, as their names imply, will favor digging up Minerals and Gemstones, respectively, but will heavily cut into your rates for the item they're not focused on as well as your rate for Fossils. So, while the Perfect Mining Drill Parts may be the most well-rounded - if you really need something right now, you can take the specialized parts and eschew everything you're not looking for.

Meanwhile, the Thunder Goliath Vehicle Tiers are:

Tier-1: Thunder Goliath I.
Tier-2: Thunder Goliath II.
Tier-3: Thunder Goliath III.
Tier-4: Thunder Goliath IV Perfect, Thunder Goliath IV Custom, Thunder Goliath IV Armored.

While the Mining Drill Part Tiers control yield - the Thunder Goliath Tiers control capacity. Each Thunder Goliath higher has a larger Container Size and Weight Capacity, allowing it to Mine for longer without being impeded, as well as slightly higher mobility to get you where you need to be faster and slightly higher Armor to protect against raiding players.

At Tier 4, they split into a similar setup to Mining Drill Parts. The Thunder Goliath IV Perfect is a balanced Miner that is a step up from the Thunder Goliath III, while the other variants have special properties. In this case, the Thunder Goliath IV Custom has lower Armor and Capacity, but Speed to rival end-tier Mobile Suits like the RX-78-3, meaning it's good for making quick escapes or for short Mining trips. The Thunder Goliath IV Armored, though, is the opposite - Mobility of only the Thunder Goliath I, but the highest Armor and Capacity, making it good for long-term Mining but difficult to make an escape in without other players providing active cover.

NOTE! that both the higher tier Mining Drill Parts and Thunder Goliath Vehicles have two other perks to them. Firstly, using a higher tier Mining Drill Part and Thunder Goliath Vehicle will increase your skill gain with Mining, making it important to tier up if you're looking to maximize Mining and in turn maximize your rewards from the system. Secondly, the amount of damage your Mining Drill Parts takes from each use of /mine is actually completely random - and both using higher quality Mining Drill Parts and Thunder Goliath Vehicles will increase the chances of taking little to no damage, allowing your investments more longevity on average.

However, these aren't the only things divided up - the Mining Locations have also been given diverse yields:

"Balanced" Mines - Southern Cross, Brisbane.
"Mineral" Mines - Richmond, Newman.
"Gemstone" Mines - Adelaide, Canberra.

"Balanced" Mines yield a moderate distribution of each Gemstones, Minerals, and Fossils, though they lack a Material Shop to resell your goods at. This combined with their locations (away from most active PVP zones) makes them good for newer players who'll end up needing a variety of Materials and a decent cash influx early on in their careers.

"Mineral" Mines yield a higher amount of Raw Materials - but fewer Fossils and Gemstones. However, being at Richmond and Newman, they have the advantages things such as a local Material Shop and a Weapon Factory and Refinery to allow for local Drill Part construction. (Note that the EXAM Machine Factory and CBHM Machine Factory cannot build standard Vehicles such as the Thunder Goliath, though, so you'll have to supply those yourself beforehand!) Also note that, obviously, Richmond and Newman are Warfare Zones in themselves - all things when considered together making them incredibly dangerous to Mine at without protection!

"Gemstone" Mines yield a higher amount of Gemstones - but fewer Fossils and Raw Materials. They, similar to the Balanced Mine, lack a Material Shop or Factories, mandating trips back to the City when a resupply is needed. However, their smaller size and proximity to Sydney and Melbourne (where the Gemstones are actually used as Paints) puts both the Mine and the City at their own risk of raiding.

Also note that there will be Raid Camps for the opposing Faction placed outside of the Mines at Brisbane, Southern Cross, Adelaide, and Canberra, similar to the Raid Camps used for the Cities themselves, so don't be surprised when enemy players show up at them! Especially because the new Mining Vehicles are treated as Crafted Mobile Suits - meaning they'll drop Junk Parts when destroyed on top of whatever you were already digging up, and players will likely want your Mining Drill Parts as well.

There's a bit more to this Mining System but it's mostly under the hood so there's no point in mentioning it here. Basically, Mining is high-risk, high-reward, with plenty of opportunities for other players to ruin your day and lots of RNG to make it incredibly unpredictable. That's a lot of depth for something that originally started as "buy things from store, drive forward, type /mine", I'd say!

Also, if you're really, really, really lucky, you might just mine up something special...

They took some of my ideas onboard, woop.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/18/2014 03:57PM by Deathbane.
Re: New UCGO Server
July 18, 2014 11:26PM
Do they have a license? Or do they call it a mod? Since it kinda seems like they're building a whole new thing!

-I would if I could, but I can't so I won't.
Re: New UCGO Server
July 19, 2014 01:47AM
its a private server, so it is actually all of their own code. So technically, its just a modded game client that can connect to their own code. By UCGOs eula, it probably isnt against the license, due to it being a rather old game and they didnt foresee a private server group.Rather murky area though.

Either way, with the fact hardly any gundam games get an international release, and they are making shittons of money off the action mmo they released in japan only, i think they ll leave Icarus alone. The normal private server has been going on for 3 years now since release without anyone doing anything, and Icarus is an even smaller community.

We'll see I guess, but im quite confident it wont get foxxed.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/19/2014 01:48AM by Deathbane.
Re: New UCGO Server
July 20, 2014 01:00PM
Moar sydney test footage of new combat weapons etc.


Also why we need high mobility Zaku IIs illustrated..

Re: New UCGO Server
July 21, 2014 01:50PM
Woh, that station's size made them seem very slow.

-I would if I could, but I can't so I won't.
Re: New UCGO Server
July 21, 2014 09:14PM
Think its one of the new smaller colonies they are putting in so that makes sense! It looks at least 3 to 5 km in length. (Actual in game, not fluff)

ALso not icarus, but this will show you how many people are now playing UCGO on the other private server.. many have talked about crossing when Icarus gets out so hopefully we'll see battles this size.


I mean jesus.. Me and tom and ens had some large battles in this but nothing this insane. Glad to see more people are playing it overall as that bodes well for icarus, even if they are all japs on the jap client. The bit where they force the fucking EFF from their gay ass campy ridge is my fave bit.

They also seem to know where it is at.


I also asked the devs if we could dig up dobday land battleships... their response..

Edited 6 time(s). Last edit at 07/22/2014 10:29AM by Deathbane.
Re: New UCGO Server
July 28, 2014 01:27PM
Old information ish, but wanted to post as i doubt you gys have seen it and its quite important.

Crafting Newspost


Skill Gain, Rank Gain, Medal Gain, Money Gain Newspost


Seems a much more involved, deep and fun system than the existing PS.
Re: New UCGO Server
July 29, 2014 06:17PM
Applied to join the dev team and they seem quite keen grinning smiley

Re: New UCGO Server
July 29, 2014 11:53PM
Uh oh, another mod ruined by bane.
Also, don't you have enough to do?
Also also, cool.

-I would if I could, but I can't so I won't.
Re: New UCGO Server
July 30, 2014 01:19AM
I do, but this is gundam.

I have been accepting as mapping tool extraordinaire.

My first task:

To make a map editor that deals ONLY in hexadecimal with no gui because currently they enter it all manually every tree. So even that will save significant time.


grinning smiley
Re: New UCGO Server
July 31, 2014 03:31PM

That must be an incredibly tedious job

Remember shoot or die!
Re: New UCGO Server
August 05, 2014 01:53AM
Not as bad now my tool is done.. next job is fixing up Australia heightmap.. they dont know what format it is but i suspect is a 13 channel RAW... is going to be a right cunt.

Anyway have some spoilers FOR GLORIOUS ZEON

Re: New UCGO Server
August 05, 2014 09:20AM
Video cannot be into seen in the land of the frozen north.

-I would if I could, but I can't so I won't.
Re: New UCGO Server
August 06, 2014 10:08AM
Video cannot be seen is the oppressed lands of soviet Slovenia.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: New UCGO Server
August 06, 2014 01:00PM
Meh gay.

Have a video of a guntank tearing up a gundam.

Pretty sweet showing that even the Guntank is now a reliable and useful suit unlike on that other server.


Note texture improvements and the size of cities beign increased to make them more fun battlegrounds.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/06/2014 01:07PM by Deathbane.
Re: New UCGO Server
August 06, 2014 03:46PM
Alright alright.
At least there's one anime thing; battles last for ever.

-I would if I could, but I can't so I won't.
Re: New UCGO Server
August 06, 2014 07:17PM
Its the damn Feddies censoring the media from glorious Zeon propaganda!

Remember shoot or die!
Re: New UCGO Server
August 15, 2014 09:03PM

tropical test type dom wrecks all
Re: New UCGO Server
August 16, 2014 08:50PM
Woggle pops

Remember shoot or die!
Re: New UCGO Server
August 17, 2014 03:25PM
I haz a Dobday class land battleship.

Next Saturday the rape train will be well lubricated and void of all brakes.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: New UCGO Server
August 17, 2014 07:12PM
Got terrain editing working. Think its going to be on the front page, soon as its publicly available ill whack it in here
Re: New UCGO Server
August 18, 2014 05:24AM
MS-06(k) Zaku cannon

My choice of Mobile suit

1. Big shoulder cannon
2. Heat axe
3. Big ass shoulder cannon
4. Fairly cheap
5. Big fucking ass shoulder cannon

It also seems to have good jump jets

The floor is now open to tell me why this is horrible

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
Re: New UCGO Server
August 18, 2014 11:22AM
It isnt, the 180 mm cannon is really really quite powerful. And will be made more so when / if sieg decides to add it in as an area of effect weapon using the same attack type as grenades (technical issues).

It must be remembered that the suit has 10 accuracy, making it THE most accurate zeon mobile suit if we are talking stock machines. Only a Guntank MKII and Full Armour Gundam, both much more expensive, on the EFF side can match its targeting capability.

I remember it also having a 2700 meter range radar, which is great for a mobile suit, will even outrange all but the most dedicated radar assets in the game. The only real downside within its range bracket is it is incapable of operations in space, due to its TJ engine.

So for the price its a bargain, and we should include a Zaku Cannon or Gigan in every land operation we run where minovsky particles dont fuck radar.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 08/18/2014 11:27AM by Deathbane.
Re: New UCGO Server
August 18, 2014 04:29PM
awwwwwwwesome.. then its my ride.

Will the regular run of the mill MS-06F Zaku II go spess? Cause I'll just default to that if we do a spess op.

Do you know how hard it will be to earn 2 Million? I mean, I'm not familiar at all with the lore. Are Mobile suits and Gundams Rare? meaning we will be running a single Suit with a bunch of tanks for support....or are they the main front line unit? meaning we will all be in Mobile suits?

....because that is how the game should be set up, economy wise. If they are meant to be rare then 2 Mil should be a grind...or I'd expect it to be. If we are meant to have at least a MS-06F(variant) then 2 Mil won't be too hard to get. Then the main limit on awesome rape will be crafting or stealing the upgrades to the suits. BUT the basic suit and weapons won't be hard to acquire....

Yes, I liked it when I pulled it from the store (looks awesome)...looked up its lore loadout and fitted that best i could. Then went tank hunting. Since my character sucks nuts at the moment I could actually hit things with the shoulder cannon. It did a pretty good job of wrecking face. so with a 5/5 pilot/gunner it held its own. The only draw back is that you can't fire it on the move, your MS braces and fires. but can fire like 20 rounds before reloading....

Not too mention, you still can carry a Machine gun, a Heat Axe, a Bazooka (limited ammo), grenades and 3 harded shields....on top of the shoulder cannon....so you aren't lacking for weapons....ammo is an issue if you carry all of those though....

if the cannon could swap between AP and HE...hnnng

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/18/2014 04:31PM by Yalk.
Re: New UCGO Server
August 18, 2014 05:02PM
awwwwwwwesome.. then its my ride.

Will the regular run of the mill MS-06F Zaku II go spess? Cause I'll just default to that if we do a spess op.

Do you know how hard it will be to earn 2 Million? I mean, I'm not familiar at all with the lore. Are Mobile suits and Gundams Rare? meaning we will be running a single Suit with a bunch of tanks for support....or are they the main front line unit? meaning we will all be in Mobile suits?

....because that is how the game should be set up, economy wise. If they are meant to be rare then 2 Mil should be a grind...or I'd expect it to be. If we are meant to have at least a MS-06F(variant) then 2 Mil won't be too hard to get. Then the main limit on awesome rape will be crafting or stealing the upgrades to the suits. BUT the basic suit and weapons won't be hard to acquire....

Yes, I liked it when I pulled it from the store (looks awesome)...looked up its lore loadout and fitted that best i could. Then went tank hunting. Since my character sucks nuts at the moment I could actually hit things with the shoulder cannon. It did a pretty good job of wrecking face. so with a 5/5 pilot/gunner it held its own. The only draw back is that you can't fire it on the move, your MS braces and fires. but can fire like 20 rounds before reloading....

Not too mention, you still can carry a Machine gun, a Heat Axe, a Bazooka (limited ammo), grenades and 3 harded shields....on top of the shoulder cannon....so you aren't lacking for weapons....ammo is an issue if you carry all of those though....

if the cannon could swap between AP and HE...hnnng

The Zaku II was made for space combat by Zeon to control Earthsphere and be the primary tool for the ground invasion.. its specialty is therefore space where it actually performs much better than on earth due to its tr engine.

You can put a HB engine (hybrid) in a Zaku II to make it more effective on ground, or to allow the Zaku Cannon to become space capable.

They arn't as rare as in battletech as they are not considered lostech but they are still highy costly bits of kit to maintain and run. Although they are main line units, it wasnt rare in the anime for them to become temporarily rare quickly due to battlefield losses. even one 2 million can be a bit of a grind from what i remember of the PS, but it depends how much money can be gained from battlefield salvage and mining.. as we gain in skill, we will be able to participate in more lucrative battles. i havnt seen the final figures for any of this mind..

Gundams are rather rare, for the best versions. The cheapo gundams are still very uncommon. Compare and contrast the rx-78-3 with the RX-79[g].

That said, especially in the early days, we wont be able to piss suits up the wall so using tanks and other assets will be vital, at least when we first begin playing. As time goes on, we will probably have enough where standard MS wont be difficult to make as long as we can maintain some kind of resource flow to manufacture them.

The F variant Zaku was a closer to the end of war upgrade to the standard zaku II, so it might be a little harder to get than worse suits.

Yes, its a very good suit, specially once its in position and if other more CQC units can stop it drawing too much enemy fire as its armour isn't the best (ok but not capable of tanking focus fire). The ability for it to mount other weapons means it does also have some recourse if something gets in close, which a tank doesn't.

I'd ask zwei to install one with a Type A engine for you. This will reduce its acceleration to the lowest, but top speed to highest. That way you can choose where and when to deploy and beat some of the more advanced suits for top speed if you need to retreat. This might serve your better than sheer mobility, but its something to test / try out.

*EDIT* Gundam Unit History

'The deployment of the Principality of Zeon's mobile suits, the MS-05 Zaku I and the MS-06F Zaku II, in the One Year War had given the small nation a major tactical edge over the much larger Earth Federation. Capable of propellant-less maneuvering thanks to their AMBAC systems, and able to be retrofitted to suit a variety of missions and environments, they easily outclassed the Federation's arsenal of fighters and ground vehicles. Realizing that the gap needed to be closed, the Federation instituted Project V (the Vinson Plan in the English translation), a development program that would produce a Federation mobile suit design that would be able to be mass-produced. While the ultimate result of the program was the RGM-79 GM, the engineers in the project tested several design concepts for the mass-production units in the RX-78 Gundam series. Some of the developments in the RX-78 models were later incorporated into the GM line, but many were scrapped due to cost and/or complexity.

The official stance is that only 8 RX-78 were produced during the One Year War and this should not be confused with RX-78-[1~8]. The last number is associated with the model number instead of the quantity of units. There were 8 variations of the RX-78 thus having designations ranging from RX-78-1 to RX-78-8. However, the original 8 units were continuously remodeled and therefore create a misunderstanding that there were a larger number of RX-78 units produced. However, the EFAF (Air Force) created their own RX-78E (GT FOUR/Gundam Transformer/Flight & Operations Unifications Reactors) and is different from the 8 RX-78s produced. Another extra unit is the RX-78XX which uses scrap parts of the RX-78s and are also not considered to be one of the 8 units. After the One Year War, the GP series are numbered after the RX-78 convention but of course are newly produced units.

The RX-78 series introduced Minovsky particles weaponry to mobile suits, developing and deploying the first successful beam rifle and beam saber. These would form the primary component of mobile suit weaponry for at least the next century and a half. The core block system, which allowed the RX-78's pilot to escape the destruction of his mobile suit in a functional aerospace fighter, would be dropped for expense from subsequent units but reused on occasion (most notably in the Anaheim Electronics MSZ-010 Double Zeta Gundam during the First Neo Zeon War) and resurrected by the League Militaire in the UC 0150s on the LM312V04 Victory Gundam. Survivability was also a key issue, since the Federation could only make a few Gundam units, both the self learning computer and mobile suit had to survive. The use of Luna Titanium Alloy for armor solved these problems; 1. It was lightweight. and 2. It was extremely durable. Point blank range shots fired from the Zaku's 120mm machine gun, and 280mm bazooka's had little if not no effect on the RX-78-2 Gundam.'

There was enough parts left over frmo producing these 8 models to create the ground only gundams. So there are very few gundam units in total, there are more in the game than ever was in the universe. Still they should be treated wit maximum caution as they are the equal of our gelgoogs.

**On last note, adde you to a google drive folder for UCGO me and zwei will be adding guides and guidelines etc for play as a group. Would love your input on it. And anyone else who is interest.

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 08/18/2014 06:43PM by Deathbane.
Re: New UCGO Server
August 18, 2014 07:24PM
Also to anyone who wants to pre-plan their character, I have made a spreadsheet that allows you to do just that.

Character Sheet

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/18/2014 07:24PM by Zweistein000.
Re: New UCGO Server
August 18, 2014 08:17PM
Yeah, I can make some guides...I have to learn more about the game though at the moment. I could make something up in Mechwarrior without playing due to knowing general speed on units, armor values and general tactics that work in "tank sims"

This isn't really a "tank Sim" where as in Mechwarrior you steer the legs separate from the torso and arms...mobility and accuracy of fire (skill of the user are paramount) ....this doesn't rely on those things. In this you target and the skill of your character and the accuracy of your suit and weapon system determine your chance to hit.

My general guide for now would go

Desert or Open terrain
1.) Get your in house crafting bitch master to craft you the best suit (high durability, Radar ability, targeting system)
2.) Get also to craft long range, High accuracy weapon
3.) Grind tanks and low tech level crap to improve skills in accuracy, radar range, targeting
4.) Profit, General overall strategic planning, strategic awareness and knowledge of skill levels and equipment ratings of your force are far and away more important than the individual skill or group skill level of the players sitting behind the keyboard....

...and so on....This is more a strategic game than a tactical one, its FAR more important to know where you'll be fighting and with what than anything else...because they will decide the winner....In a Sim, these are important also and often times decide a win/loss, BUT personal skill at the computer can tilt the balance in favor of the ill prepared (having pimp gear won't mean you auto win).

Correct me if I'm ill informed, I have only played the game a few hours at this point.

Me you and Zwei need to go to supply camp 1 with tanks....basic tanks and develop our tactics there...you won't develop good knowledge of the game where you either get murdered instantly (alice springs) or its too easy (Supp. Camp 01 with top tier suits)

....or if not tanks, basica Zaku II's....we just have to go someplace that is a not guaranteed win but isn't impossible....

btw, thank you for the background and read out...

...is there anything to be crafted for tanks? or are they pretty much good to go from the factory? I might have asked this but I can't remember

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"