April 15, 2015 01:06PM
So now that GTAV (Grand Theft Auto V) is now out on PC and the general PC gaming community is committing mass amounts of bukkake over it here is the question million dollar question is.

Will CJW bother to grace the wonderful world of GTA Online with our glorious retarded presences of trollduggery and random acts of stupidity?

I will probably get the game anyway at some point when I get a better computer of course which I wish would hurry the fuck up and happen! But yeah, I am not fussed but it would be cool if this was something that we all derped about on every now and then even if it is 85gb of pain.

Remember shoot or die!
April 15, 2015 07:22PM
Was actually considering getting it on PS4... Buut if the retard bros are all going to do heists and kill stuff.

-I would if I could, but I can't so I won't.
April 16, 2015 04:03AM
basically, no....unless CJW plays it, in which case its then, abso-fucking-lutely!

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
April 17, 2015 01:52AM
Once its release has settled down ill consider it for myself maybe. Heard it had a very rocky launch.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/17/2015 01:52AM by Deathbane.
April 17, 2015 03:30AM
It did and it did not, there was a few problems with getting it to launch but all in all its pretty optimised and runs smoothly though people trying to record it or stream it are having a few problems.

Most of the problems though where with scrubs on Steam that have no idea of the workings on a technical level and just assume everything its press the install button, wait and play.

There was also problems with windows user names but as long as you had no fancy characters or a name like ##[]Dim[]DL@RD## or some bollocks nonsense like that you where fine, but there was instructions of getting your user name working if it did contain any fancy characters.

It probably is a good idea to wait a few months or so though so that issues if any can be sorted out as lord knows GTA4 had its share of problems.

Remember shoot or die!
April 17, 2015 07:56PM
There are 2 reasons I wont be getting this:

1. It costs 60 EUR. Fuck that, I'd rather buy Starcraft, Star citizen or A10-C DCS module for that money and still have leftovers.

2. I played GTA games before. Never seen the much amusement in them except in stealing and stacking 50 cars in a small alley and then beating one unit it explodes and causes a chain explosion.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

April 18, 2015 07:18PM
There are 2 reasons I wont be getting this:

1. It costs 60 EUR. Fuck that, I'd rather buy Starcraft, Star citizen or A10-C DCS module for that money and still have leftovers.

2. I played GTA games before. Never seen the much amusement in them except in stealing and stacking 50 cars in a small alley and then beating one unit it explodes and causes a chain explosion.

1. Valid, btw Zwei, there is a upcoming starter with LTI going to be sold, I would buy a $45 aurora package and then get the new ship...I'll keep everyone posted

2. Eh, imagine that but all of us and we managed to clip trap 20 random other players in a bus at the end of the chain reaction

Reason I won't be most likely getting it...for a while anyway, I've heard the install process is more complicated than getting DOSbox mw2 working (which I just did again with haarps help, it's still a bitch)

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/18/2015 07:19PM by Yalk.
April 20, 2015 11:17AM
I've heard the install process is more complicated than getting DOSbox mw2 working

Terror intensifies
April 22, 2015 01:17PM
I've heard the install process is more complicated than getting DOSbox mw2 working

Terror intensifies

Yeah, no might be better now but apparently at launch you had to do a ton of old school shit to get it combine Arma2/i44 mod and MW2:31cc

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
May 22, 2017 05:37PM
So, resurrecting this

Been playing with my buddy, and Erk (when his PC isn't melting or his account isn't getting hacked), and Icevamp, also been doing solo stuff or stuff with randoms (a mixed bag of fun/misery)

So far been enjoying it ok, shooting ni**** gang members never really gets old

I'd love if we could get 4 bros online some Saturday to play through the heists, they have a pretty solid tacticool feel too them...not too mention CEO car stealing and crate transport is fun

Missions are more one off but also fun

Free roam is also fun when a modded isn't fucking with everyone by stripping them naked and teleporting them to the ocean

If anyone is interested in playing let me know and we can work out a time to play

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/22/2017 05:40PM by Yalk.
May 25, 2017 04:31PM
GTAV is one of the many games on my "wish list" though a pain is I'm only limited to one or two games a month depending on price

As I get very little money every two weeks but the only time when i can freely spend is when it ties in with my mums pay day so my money is not so dependant and its al ways the way that there will be a steam sale on when I have NO MONEY!
Thanks Steam!

But yeah I most def aim to get it and jam about

Remember shoot or die!
May 26, 2017 03:59PM
Well, I'm gonna buy you a couple games if you get your pc today

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"