Vox Machinae - Mech Sim
May 06, 2015 05:45PM
Just leaving this here.


I know its quite specialised but just the fact this exists should give you all boners and hope for the future.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/06/2015 05:46PM by Deathbane.
Re: Vox Machinae - Mech Sim
May 06, 2015 06:33PM

We can dream and we can hope though I dont think i like the idea of Zordon appearing in the top left of my HUD giving mission or combat updates.

"Alpha Assault! The notorious Warrior Rita has escaped! assemble team of Warriors with Attitude!"

Remember shoot or die!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/06/2015 06:35PM by Trunham.
Re: Vox Machinae - Mech Sim
May 06, 2015 09:45PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/06/2015 09:45PM by Deathbane.
Re: Vox Machinae - Mech Sim
May 06, 2015 10:00PM
I really don't know what this is, but I want it...I don't get excited over many mech games that aren't battletech. BUT I find it attractive that they've captured a battletech feel of mechs but without all the baggage that battletech has. Also, Firefly type story and a merc lifestyle. also, Open World maybe? and not sure WoT matches over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and.....

What's the catch? their website is....slick, but oddly uninformative....gameplay? what's that? here are more sick mech pic's.

I'm in, where do I sign up?

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/06/2015 10:01PM by Yalk.