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Posted by haarp 
September 02, 2012 08:30PM
Greetings. It is me, haarp. You may know from educational threads such as A new heat system, fix heat already and fuck this shit. I am here today to talk about a topic that concerns us all. Heat.

I won't even bother to post this on the MWLL forum. They have shown that they don't really care about fixing critical things. Or anything, really.

So why post it in the first place? Well, I needed a place to collect and write down my ideas. It also helps that others can point out any flaws they find.

So, what's wrong with heat? For your consideration, I shall organize the problems.

a) Engine heatsinks
Got single heatsinks? That's 10 free heatsinks in your engine. Got double heatsinks? Too bad, you only get 5 free engine heatsinks instead.
- This affects many mechs, primarily the Clan Primes, which rely on them for their config to work. Consider Primes such as the Cougar, (old) Mad Dog, Timber Wolf or Hellbringer, which have terrible problems with heat dissipation.
- But what's important here are the consequences on energy boats and similar machines. Notice how once you go above ~12 DHS, heat becomes meaningless? A Nova Cat in the right hands thrives, even on Inferno! Why is this so? It actually has to do with engine heatsinks.

Consider Battletech: You have 10 engine heatsinks (20 dissipation) and want to improve that. You invest 5 tons to add 5 HS (10 dis.) and get 30 dissipation. Your dissipation has improved by 50% (from 20 to 30). Another 5 HS gives you 100% (from 20 to 40).
Consider MWLL: You have 5 engine heatsinks (10 dis.). You invest 5 tons to add 5 (10 dis.). Your dissipation has improved by 100% (from 10 to 20). Another 5 HS yields an improvement by 200% (10 to 30)!

In MWLL, each additional heatsink is much more worthwhile!

b) Heat capacity
You cool down extremely quickly. How long does a mech with intact heatsinks stay above 900? A second? During prolonged battles, the pattern stays the same. Heat spike, cool down, heat spike, cool down. For a good pilot, heat is not a factor apart from its immediate danger above the magical 900 line.

This means that fleeing to cool down is not necessary. By the time you're behind cover, you might aswell turn around again.
It means that heat effects are pointless, because they'd barely play a role in combat. If "heatsink damage" wasn't cumulative, how many of us would ever suffer from it?

c) Non-linear heat dissipation
Ah, my favorite. Notice how you dissipate heat a lot quicker the hotter you get? That is non-linear dissipation.

Now, physically, this is correct. Heat flow is proportional to delta T to environment. It is, at the same time, bullshit. If real-life physics were an issue in this game, then you'd have to use radiator temperature, not core temperature. Radiator temperature would barely change. You have hundreds of liters of coolant that could absorb a megajoule (kinetic energy of a one-ton car traveling at over 160kph!) of heat before it would even rise by 1 °C! You'd have so much heat capacity in this bitch that you could spend minutes laying down fire before finally having to cool down. You know what? Screw that.

Now that we have established that, why is it bad for gameplay?
- It decreases the effective heat capacity even further. Does it ever go below 500 during combat? Do you care if your heat is at 25 or 250 at all? Nope, only temperatures above 500 are of interest. -> We just about halved the effective heat capacity.
- It makes it difficult, if not impossible to judge your heat dissipation. How long does it take to dissipate half my current heat? If I fire this ERPPC, how far will my heat spike? How long until I can fire my medium lasers after that? -> The current system is arbitrary and unpredictable.
- It encourages "riding the red line". It is more effective to stay as hot as possible because you're able to dump more heat this way. I'm serious. The longer you stay hot, the more heat you lose. How does rewarding high-heat conditions make sense?

Don't believe me? Try MASCing back to base. What gets you farther: Using coolant to keep the heat between 700 and 900, or using it to keep heat between 850 and 900?

d) Brake heat
The idea is this: To stop quickly, you hit x and generate a bit of heat.
Vehicles: It makes no sense. A hovercraft would deploy airbrakes. A wheeled or treaded vehicle would apply brakes. Let me tell you something about brakes. A fully-loaded 400-ton Boeing 747 has a take-off speed of 300 kph. Its uncooled disc brakes are capable of dissipating this energy in an emergency before it reaches the end of the runway. Sure, the brake discs will glow an unhealthy red and possibly catch fire, but it's possible. There is no point in forwarding brake heat to the vehicle.
Mechs: Myomer are not very efficient. They generate waste heat that is fed into the mech's cooling system. Furthermore, myomer depend on reactor power to perform any kind of movement. So it makes sense that rapid deceleration heats the mech. But then why doesn't acceleration?

Why is it bad for gameplay?
- Movement should always generate some heat. Not moving is a risk that should be rewarded. Ergo the process of going from moving to not-moving should be rewarded. Brake heat does the opposite, it punishes those wishing to stay still.
- Some vehicles like the Huey or Long Tom already have enough problems with heat. Adding the act of stopping their (pitiful) top speed to that often is troublesome.

e) Clan Large Pulser Lasers
Those things still dump more heat than anything else. Over a longer period of time, too, meaning it does not gain as much from the non-linear dissipation as non-pulse weapons do.

Now that I have discussed the problems, let me approach their solutions.

a) Engine heatsinks
This is simple to solve. Every mech with DHS gets its full 10 engine heatsinks. At the same time, effectiveness of each individual DHS is reduced to, say, 66%. The result:
Mech with no extra heatsinks: It previously had a dissipation of 5*2= 10 through its engine. It now has 10*2*0.66 = 13. A slight improvement, which should help variants with few or no extra heat sinks.
Mech with 12 extra heatsinks: It previously had 17*2 = 34. It now has 22*2*0.66 = 29. A small penalty for this heatsink boat.

b) Heat capacity
This is a tricky one. We want high heat capacity for its obvious benefits. Yet we also need a low capacity to stop alphastrike country (Nova Cat behind hill).

Why not both?

We implement two heat scales. The peak scale has the capacity of maybe 1/2 or 1/3 of our current scale. It will not only prevent alpha striking like mad, it also encourages chainfire, careful selection of weapon groups and makes you think about which weapons to use at which range. High-heat weapons easily fill it completely in a matter of a second, but it also dissipates heat at a high rate.

Heat dissipated from the peak scale enters the bulk scale. It has around 10x the capacity of the peak one. This is the bulk of the mech's heat capacity and takes a while to fill up. It is not a problem for short engagements, but the longer you fight, the more it fills. When it's near full, you better seek cover, because you need a while to cool down. Should the pilot however choose to continue fighting, we now have a beautiful opportunity to implement heat effects (e.g. blurry vision, scrambled HUD, lower engine output, ammo explosions, etc.) that would be pointless in the current system due to its quick dissipation.

Both heat scales are summed and the result is a single heat scale as the pilot sees it. It is one that peaks when he fires energy weapons and then normalizes to a now slightly elevated level. Beautiful, isn't it?

c) Linearity
Simple. X*HS*deltaT/time. In words: remove the delta T element from the equation.

d) Brake heat
First we add heat for acceleration to all assets. This is a good idea either way, because at the very least the fusion engine will work harder to accelerate the asset.
Now we can decide whether to remove brake heat from vehicles only or all assets. My vote is on vehicles only. Not only are the physics sound, but maneuvering on a mech (which is its biggest advantage) should put an additional burden on the pilot.

Just get rid of it. I have already proven that gameplay works, nay, benefits from its removal.

And thus concludes my article. Give me your opinions!

If the radiance of a thousand suns
were to burst, at once, into the sky
It would be like the splendor of the Mighty One...
I am become Death, the shatterer of worlds.

Edited 19 time(s). Last edit at 10/27/2015 09:29PM by haarp.
Re: Heat!
September 02, 2012 10:56PM

Honestly very well thought out.

I think it'd resolve a lot of problems I have with the heat scaling.

Re: Heat!
September 03, 2012 01:41AM
My 2 cents:

Engine heatsinks:

Your Idea is definitely worth trying out. Also if DHS is HSx1,3 it might actually make sense for it to cost 2xHS. But the problem is, will 13 heat dissipation be enough it if before we only had 10 and it wasn't.

Heat capacity and nonlinear heat dissipation:

Basically the idea is ok, but I would still like to alpha-strike sometimes, so how about this: 2 lines one is the reactor heat, the other os mech heat.
When you fire your reactor heat spikes, but cools down much the same way it does now (nonlinearly), but once you are above say 500 degrees your reactor starts melting down for the period you are above that and your mech enters the auto shutdown cycle (basically to prevent a thermonuclear explosion the mech it will try shut down). When melting down, the reactor destroys it's own casing causing more and more heat to sip through it and heat up the mech. This also causes reduced power output which is shown by your weapons taking longer and longer to reload and your top speed starts dropping more and more until you reach the point where your mechs stops in it's tracks and your weapons no longer reload. There is also a second line at 1000 degrees, but that is the good old MW3 stile Super Nova alpha strike effect: A thermonuclear shutdown AKA 100% Crit. There could be another line at 750 that forces a shutdown even if you want to abort it.
The mech heat scale would work a little differently: The lowest point of it would be the outside temperature and would dissipate linearly. When you heat up your reactor your mech will also begin heating up slowly. Once you get up to 250 mech heat you get a warning. Above 500 you would start having mech heat effects: 500 - blurry vision, 750 - Ammo explosions, 1000 - heatsinks exploding and your reactor would only be able to cool down to mech heat. Heatsinks outside engine would obviously sink mech heat, those in the engine would sink both heats. So here's an example:

Long ass example
External temperature: 23 Degrees
You fire an alpha with 10 CERMBL, your reactor spikes by 600 degrees (now 623). Your reactor heat starts dropping nonlinearly, you get a meltdown warning and your mech prepares to enter emergency shutdown procedure. If you shut down, your reactor heat vents twice as fast, there is no meltdown and your mech heat increases by 30 degrees. But you are a greedy bastard and don't care about you mechs as long as you get your kill - you override and you reactor continues working and starts melting down and slowly reducing your top speed and increasing your weapon reload time. You mech also heats up by 60 degrees (now at 83). Now you add a CERLBL to the mix heating up your reactor to 860 degrees. Your mech shuts down, increasing your heat form 83 to 169, because your reactor is already melting down. Now meltdown stops, but damage to reactor has already been done: It cools down a bit slowly, you are a bit slower and your weapons recharge a bit slowly too, but now you've got your kill. You continue on, when a wild Demolisher appears. Your mech in the meanwhile cools to 150 degrees and reactor obviously cant cool down pas that. You alpha with CERMBL again, and again ignore the meltdown warnings. You also start hammering with your CUAC 20. Your reactor heats up to 705 degrees. Meltdown again ensues, but because you are in a constant battle your mech heats up to 220 degrees, which is now your resting point for your reactor. After your reactor slowly cools down and your UAC 20 shoots slowly and slowly you realize that your mech recklessness is getting the better of you, so you start firing more carefully, stopping the meltdown (cooling below 500 reactor degrees) and avoiding meltdowns, but your mech is still getting hotter and hotter and is now at 400 degrees. Your vision blurs and you defeat the demo, but now there is that annoying owens plinking at you with it's 4 MBL and 3 ERSBL. So the battle continues and while your careful heat managment does keep you below meltdown thresh point your mech heats up to 800 degrees. Your SRM and UAC ammo explodes, but your mech is saved due to clan C.A.S.E. also you are now unable to actually stop the reactor meltdown You realize that after all those battles you are about to be defeated by an owens and you will have none of it. You alpha with your 10 CERMBL and CERLBL doing heavy damage to it and your reactor Explode at 1000 degrees in a small nuclear explosion killing the owens and yourself.


Someone seriously has to tell Leer, that his isn't a rapid-firing PPC. Damage is kinda ok, heat needs to go.


Reduce the capacity by 75% and give it a 1 ton mass. It cools down both reactor and mech, but one costs 5xHS and is prone to explosion above 750 degrees. I wouldn't want it to go away entirely.

P.S. Props to you if you figure which mech was in the example.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: Heat!
September 05, 2012 01:36AM

Honestly very well thought out.

I think it'd resolve a lot of problems I have with the heat scaling.

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
Re: Heat!
September 05, 2012 01:38AM
^^^because I can qoute bill here with zero fucks given and not get moderated for quoting

Also, zwiestien....coolant....you want it? .....GTFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------>

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/05/2012 01:40AM by Yalk.
Re: Heat!
September 05, 2012 02:58PM
Yes, I wouldn't want it gone for ever, because I would actually use it mostly because I like to alpha-strike, but like I said it's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too easy to use now. I liked it MW3 stile better.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: Heat!
September 05, 2012 03:53PM
Learning when to alpha without a crutch would make you a better warrior brostallion.

Re: Heat!
September 05, 2012 04:58PM
I'm not talking about random alphas until you're about 999 heat, then infinite coolant. I'm talking about that time when you really need that one last alpha, but you're at 750 heat. That's how MW3 worked. You could use your coolant for random alpha strikes, but then you didn't have it when you really needed them (bushey vs orion, thor/orion vs annihilator, annihilator/timber wolf vs daishi, ...)

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: Heat!
September 07, 2012 09:03PM
This is why i want you haarp to help us design our systems of tonnage/power/slots for our game haarp.
Re: Heat!
September 07, 2012 10:33PM
This is why i want you haarp to help us design our systems of tonnage/power/slots for our game haarp.
I'm all up for it, you know that.

If the radiance of a thousand suns
were to burst, at once, into the sky
It would be like the splendor of the Mighty One...
I am become Death, the shatterer of worlds.
Re: Heat!
September 08, 2012 12:29AM
The Scariest thing here is, even though I am risking coolant, I actually think that letting Haarp's ideas lose on MWLL in-dev build is a good idea. He usually has the right ideas behind the problems (most notably omnimechs vs battlemechs).

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: Heat!
October 04, 2012 04:45AM
I'm not talking about random alphas until you're about 999 heat, then infinite coolant. I'm talking about that time when you really need that one last alpha, but you're at 750 heat. That's how MW3 worked. You could use your coolant for random alpha strikes, but then you didn't have it when you really needed them (bushey vs orion, thor/orion vs annihilator, annihilator/timber wolf vs daishi, ...)


Coolant is a crutch, it causes all sorts of bullshit...the only way I'd support coolant in any mech game is: you flush coolant to insta cool your mech BUT you just flushed all your freon out of your air conditioner, so, sorry your heat sinks are empty and don't work no more...

How did you make it into CJW with blasphemy like this...I think all future trials (all) must be on extremity with no coolant in non haarp Mad dog primes

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
Re: Heat!
October 04, 2012 09:22AM

Coolant is a crutch, it causes all sorts of bullshit...the only way I'd support coolant in any mech game is: you flush coolant to insta cool your mech BUT you just flushed all your freon out of your air conditioner, so, sorry your heat sinks are empty and don't work no more...

That could work too.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: Heat!
October 07, 2012 10:09PM
The only time I have used coolant in MWLL is to cool down after constant MASC to GET OUT OF HERE STALKER!

I don't often use it on combat for two reasons I don't need to or I don't live long enough. Now that's saying that I'm hopelessly shit at the game but that's not the case I just suck at 1 on 1 brawling

Time to Prepare my Anus for a Flamer Harasser for saying this but here goes.

In MWO there's no Coolant it works good, 85% of the players are too derp or too stupid to realise that constant Alpha strike = exploding heat-sinks and or ammo explosion, I have on occasion shut down my self while playing but its because I am almost dead and I'm firing all my weapons away without care because I am panicking and going "come on! come on! one more shoot! yes! yes! BOOM aww man..." while doing that I override shut-down and I can hear screaming coming from my mech, parts of me start spontaneous combustion (I.E arm with Large Pulse in it) and some times I come out on top meant while the Atlas I was fighting falls over and the pilot rage quits because he fails to grasp weapon groups and runs off to cry in a corner mean while round ends I go back to mech bay and pay maybe up to 11k in repairs.

But Im off to apply burn salves and bandages to my bum hole now.

one last note... IF your mech is running hot at 750 Degrees Celsius how has the pilot not spontaneously combusted?

Remember shoot or die!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/07/2012 10:11PM by Trunham.
Re: Heat!
October 07, 2012 10:29PM
one answer magic cooling vests. tongue sticking out smiley

of course you should fight fire with fire, you should fight everything with fire. grinning smiley
Re: Heat!
October 21, 2012 01:55AM
This is why i want you haarp to help us design our systems of tonnage/power/slots for our game haarp.
I'm all up for it, you know that.
YES! This a thousand fucking times, this.