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Funbocks updated

Posted by haarp 
Funbocks updated
March 09, 2012 11:08PM
That's right, Funbocks is now running on new hardware!
We have a Sandy Bridge i7 quadcore with 4x 3.4GHz (3.8 in turbo), 8 threads and 16GB RAM.
Other MWLL servers are toys in comparison. Huntress runs an old dual Xeon with 2.2GHz. >grinning smiley< Even if our machine was clocked at 2.2GHz, we would still be about 30% faster. In other words, we could run 4 servers on this machine and still blow Huntress out of the water with ease!

It's hosted in a German datacenter, attached with 100mbit/s full-duplex, which should give the Europeans excellent ping. Traffic is not limited anymore either, 10TB/month oughta be enough. Also the ping will now show in the server list.

We can all thank eRkkituo for affording this beast. So make sure to mail the old Finnish bastard some love letters!

Oh, did I mention that it runs under Linux/Wine using my extensive run script? Because it totally does. Much better stability than on Windows.

I have increased the player limit to 28. If it wasn't for the clients crapping out, we could probably do 40.
Oh, and TS3 runs on this machine aswell. Much better connection guaranteed!


If the radiance of a thousand suns
were to burst, at once, into the sky
It would be like the splendor of the Mighty One...
I am become Death, the shatterer of worlds.

Edited 7 time(s). Last edit at 03/10/2012 12:47PM by haarp.
Re: Funbocks updated
March 09, 2012 11:13PM
I already said cheers to the but face, but yes, this is most good.

SJ ain't got shit on these nuts.

Re: Funbocks updated
March 09, 2012 11:19PM
There's only one word to efficiently sum up my feelings


"Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam"
Re: Funbocks updated
March 10, 2012 12:47AM
I'm thinking of slipping eRk a fiver a month to help cover the costs a bit. Anyone else fancy that as well?

Re: Funbocks updated
March 20, 2012 10:21PM
Sure. Got his Paypal/bank account no/whatever?
Re: Funbocks updated
April 16, 2012 05:01AM
oi, guys... since I've been directed here by Focht I'll let you know that Funbocks is running at 32 players right now and the performance both server and client side is just awful. 30 players seemed workable but not great but 32 is spoiling the experience for a large section of the playerbase.
Probably best to go back down to 30.
Re: Funbocks updated
April 16, 2012 06:58AM
Yeah, it was a test. We're going back to 30, thanks for the feedback!

If the radiance of a thousand suns
were to burst, at once, into the sky
It would be like the splendor of the Mighty One...
I am become Death, the shatterer of worlds.
Re: Funbocks updated
April 16, 2012 08:12PM
Sure. Got his Paypal/bank account no/whatever?

He's setting one up to allow for it dude, I'll PM you when I know thumbs up

Re: Funbocks updated
April 20, 2012 01:32AM
This news makes me happy in my private places
Re: Funbocks updated
May 23, 2012 01:01AM
Derp, I should really check these forums more often tongue sticking out smiley. Cool to hear, TY eRk Bro i7 WOW >grinning smiley< . I also have other questions: when are you guys online tongue sticking out smiley, cause playing LoL with my friend and my brother for the past month has left me spoiled. I need company. Also is everyone from CJW the admin on our server, cause people have been asking me to ban Simon Phoenix, and frankly I can't blame them. The guy is a fucking flame machine, that doesn't know when to shut up.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/23/2012 01:02AM by Zweistein000.
Re: Funbocks updated
May 23, 2012 11:08AM
I love Simon Phoenix grinning smiley

I say we all buy him flowers and chocolates

"Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam"
Re: Funbocks updated
May 23, 2012 12:16PM
He's like a mini Kbucy

If the radiance of a thousand suns
were to burst, at once, into the sky
It would be like the splendor of the Mighty One...
I am become Death, the shatterer of worlds.
Re: Funbocks updated
May 23, 2012 06:21PM
Don't you dare banning my favorite pet-troll!
Honestly, he's completely harmless.
Re: Funbocks updated
May 27, 2012 01:11PM
But he is pure fail.

I asked him how much he weighed and whats appeared to be his boggle, but he failed to get the reference.

I say we burn him as a heretic.
Re: Funbocks updated
May 27, 2012 05:56PM
We should first further shame him by officially declaring him our CJW Mascot, cause he doesnt like us, dunno why....maybe we too baws...
Then we could proceed with burning him as a heretic, quineg ?

Re: Funbocks updated
May 28, 2012 10:58AM
Brilliant plan Rad.

Make it so number one.
Re: Funbocks updated
May 30, 2012 05:10PM

"Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam"
Re: Funbocks updated
May 31, 2012 05:35AM
I've got a paypal account set up now, erkkituo@gmail.com.
Re: Funbocks updated
June 03, 2012 12:53PM
Rad that sounds like a plan. Errk I'll through some to you when funds permit.

of course you should fight fire with fire, you should fight everything with fire. grinning smiley
Re: Funbocks updated
June 03, 2012 06:57PM
Much appreciated.
Re: Funbocks updated
June 14, 2012 04:22PM
I've got a paypal account set up now, erkkituo@gmail.com.

Might want to stickie that somewhere, I'll have to chuck you some cash after the megawub I'm afraid. Everything I've got now has to go towards that.