Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 08, 2015 10:20AM
Now do porn.

-I would if I could, but I can't so I won't.
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 11, 2015 04:05PM
Now do porn.

phantom limb syndrome.....I'm not nvm, do it and report back

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 12, 2015 01:33AM
Will do!

Also, sounds like Thargoids:



For everyone playing this in the clan currently:

We are currently based out of Ashby City in the Luyten Star system.

As such, please hang around Luyten's Star / Procyon / Stars of the Canis Major/Minor Constellation. Keep within 6 to 9 jumps maximum upon logout - ie 15 minutes max travel for us to group up. There should be enough credits in this area of space to suit us for now.

Due to being near sol it seems reasonably populated. keep an eye out for good bounties on players and npcs but be aware you might get lit up if you arnt careful yourself.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/12/2015 12:56PM by Deathbane.
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 17, 2015 04:48AM

Playing this now, faggots

(Thanks for the green hud bane, orange was painful)

Will slowly make my way to your location and build up some credits along the way

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 17, 2015 10:24AM

Playing this now, faggots

(Thanks for the green hud bane, orange was painful)

Will slowly make my way to your location and build up some credits along the way

Don't forget to scan solar systems and then sell those scans at space stations.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 17, 2015 03:08PM
Yes, will do....don't know how to scan

What ships do everyone use currently?

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 17, 2015 06:02PM
Vamp has a vulture I have a cobra, zwei an eagle, riv is in a sidey nd erk hs like 4 ships including a viper

If we can get some wings together we might want to head to alliance space and test our luck. Theres a call out for bounty hunters up that way.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/17/2015 06:03PM by Deathbane.
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 17, 2015 06:04PM
Ill be on in two hours.
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 17, 2015 08:46PM
I'll be on later, I'd like to get a viper...when I get back on I'll make my way to yalls sector, got a fuel scoop so good to go

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 18, 2015 01:12PM
I got enough for the viper last night on my second bounty run....had an exciting escape though the ring asteroid field, (engaged a wing of 3 hostiles with no backup cause full aggro ) but I inadvertently led them into the arms of 28 cops that were raping this other poor dude...I had killed 1 guy and they helped me bag the other 2

I'm gonna do another run in the sidewinder tonight then jump back to my starting system and buy the viper, then hop back and earn some more I the stock viper and upgrade it

Bane, you said upgrade (power gen, power distributor)

Then? (Was thinking)

Shield cell
Fuel capacity
fuel scoop (better)

All of these im only going to upgrade from E to maybe C or B depending on the price....if I understand correctly, my ship will already be at "capacity" but the rating letter of the component has room for improvement?


"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 18, 2015 03:07PM
FSD first.

After that its personal preference. I prefer to upgrade m shield gen and thrusters after that, then life support.

Life support is one of those odd ones. You dont need to use in 95% of the time, but when you do, you REALLY need it or you are fucked.

Standard e life support is 5 minutes of breathable air.. kinda cutting it close if you get vented whilst in the outer reaches of a system.

And thats correct. Class is the SIZE of the component. Usually you always want to have the largest class of component you can fit on your ship.. unless you are going for a specific build that minimises heat. This is how you can fuck yourself if you are not careful.. if you are in a heavy ship, say a cobra, but mount a class 1 fsd by mistake, you could have a jump range of a mere light year or two and strand yourself.

The rating is what kind of upgrade that is. It gets better as you go up as a general rule, although each rating has its own 'niche' as below.

E - Cheap as fuck, but awful
D - Lightest, and reasonable performance
C - Balanced, better performance than d but standard weight now
B - Bit better performance, but heavy as fuck because it ARMOURED. Makes it harder to shoot up.
A - Top tier, is superior in every way, apart from not being as armoured as a B type.

Also for those confused about what the states on systems mean and how you can influence minor faction in a system:

Boom states start when there are increases in wealth and standard of living. While active it increases the wealth of the system and benefits of trade missions completed for the minor faction. Generally a boom state will continue for 3 weeks or until its accrued "boom value" is spent.

Triggered by low level standard of living and development level. Decreases standard of living while active. Medicine trade missions are more effective, combat missions and actions provide no benefit to the minor faction.

Triggered by low security and development level for system. Increases security level while active and loses wealth for the same period. Bounty hunting for the minor faction has a greater impact. Checkpoints are only spawned when the controlling minor faction is in a lockdown state.

Civil Unrest
Is triggered on decreases of security and standard of living. While active it continues to lower security and standard of living for the system. All combat missions and actions for the minor faction are more effective. Creating civil unrest can be done by importing prohibited items to a station.[citation needed]

War is triggered by an invading minor faction reaching a high enough influence level. Decreases standard of living, wealth and security for the system while active. Influence changes only apply to the involved parties and are only applied from combat missions or actions.

Civil War
Triggered by changes in influence between competing minor factions or when a single minor faction reaches a high enough influence level. Standard of living and security level is decreased while this state is active. Generates Conflict Zones and only combat missions or actions provide any benefit to the minor faction.

Civil War can not be triggered by a faction with less than 5% influence in a system, however any minor faction above 5% can start a civil war with a minor faction below 5%. If a minor faction has greater than 70% of influence a Civil War will automatically start between the minor faction and the controlling faction.

If one of the current effects on a faction is Lockdown while trying to cause Civil War one can do bounty hunting to reduce the Lockdown time.

After a civil war is triggered there is a cooldown of 3 days before another civil war can occur. Civil wars can only occur between two minor factions at a time. Upon the conclusion of a civil war the most valuable space station is transferred from the losing minor faction to the winning minor faction and thus can cause the system's controlling minor faction to change.

Zenk here; not entirely clear on how Election works yet as it's still new. Basically Election happens instead of Civil War if the two minor factions are the same government type (ie Democracy vs Democracy). In this situation I'm guessing trade and general missions will have more of an effect, rather than violent actions. If anyone knows more, please post below and I'll revise.

When a minor faction's influence reaches a high enough level (75%+) they will enter a state of expansion. This state will decrease wealth while active and increase development level at the same time. The minor faction who obtained the expansion state will be added to the minor faction list of a nearby system. While the expansion state is active missions will begin to appear in a nearby system to allow the expanding faction to build their influence in the new system.[citation needed]'

The allegiance of the ruling minor faction to one of the major pwoers controls whether it is seen as being part of their empire or not.

Hopefully that info is useful. Going forward with powerplay, we ll have to align ourselves to one of the factions. Im leaning towards an alliance one. Most fed / empire players seem up their own ass, and helping the underdogs and playing hard mode for the glory is always good.

Interested on your thoughts on that though, im not going to select for everyone.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/18/2015 03:12PM by Deathbane.
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 18, 2015 05:28PM
What's the run down on the different factions?

I think we need to avoid aligning with anyone until 1 or both of 2 things happens.

1. We as CJW are self sufficient (all players have hefty bank accounts and good ships)

2. We can hire each other out, or transfer credits or something

I like to keep my options open in these types of games, at least until the point that we can do whatever we want due to infinite moneyz


I think for now we roam around a bit and keep our options open, but that's me just starting the game, don't move further away until I can get a decent ship that can jump more that 1 ly at a time without running out of fuel.

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/18/2015 05:32PM by Yalk.
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 19, 2015 09:47AM
Ping me the next time you play, my total worth is now around 6-7 mil so I can easily spare a million or so for your refits.
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 19, 2015 02:56PM
well, I don't mind working my way up...also, unless your willing to also give me a amount that will cover the insurance, I don't want to upgrade beyond what I can afford to the moment my insurance is 10k, not much above stock, but I can easily replace that amount on my own.

So, I would gladly take a few million in upgrades, I just don't want my insurance to suddenly require 500k and I only have 50k in the bank....not a good scenario...

My Warp drive can currently reach 10 ly, no idea how good that is, but, was relatively inexpensive (30k) and much better than my 6 ly it comes stock with.

Oh, I bought the Viper last night, went for another bounty run, bagged a cobra for 38k (hot damn) but then helped bag a Anaconda for 120k (fuck yeah)...had to travel back to Evarata system to buy it, upgraded some stuff (power generator, distributor, FSD etc) and loaded it out with weapons...with only 10k buy back I can easily afford to lose this a couple times with no great anguish, yet is still way better than the stock SideWinder....

a couple systems are "C" rating and most everything else is "D"

Now that I got my ride and somewhat pimped it out, I'll start making my way over to y'all....will be more careful this time though, do some hunting along the way etc....with a more robust drive it should be easier to manage hitting scoopable stars along the way (upgraded that as well)....

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 19, 2015 04:01PM
What I'm mostly getting at is that the power usage curve is pretty steep as you upgrade things; hence the offer for a million so you can pop in an A rating generator (around 500k in class 3) early on and not worry about it so much. Plus you'd still have half of the money left over, so you can cover the insurance (and some smaller bumps in equipment grade).
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 19, 2015 05:33PM
What I'm mostly getting at is that the power usage curve is pretty steep as you upgrade things; hence the offer for a million so you can pop in an A rating generator (around 500k in class 3) early on and not worry about it so much. Plus you'd still have half of the money left over, so you can cover the insurance (and some smaller bumps in equipment grade).

Then yes, I will take that lol

How do you give me a million then, I thought credits couldn't be transferred?

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 19, 2015 06:14PM
I buy valuable cargo and dump it piecemeal for you to scoop up and sell at a station.
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 19, 2015 08:12PM
Palladium is a good choice.. just be careful where you do it..

ill be on tonight.
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 19, 2015 09:14PM
Palladium is a good choice.. just be careful where you do it..

ill be on tonight.

my late ass time of night? or normal person time of night?

I want to take my new ship out for some brap brap, I didn't last night as it was late when I finally bought it and upgraded it slightly...then proceeded to incure fines by testing my pew pew in the no fire zone...thanks elite for the warnings, paid everything off, like 200cr, but was a pain....

Does one need a cargo hold for this Palladium exchange? I got rid of mine for a Shield cell, second question, Do you keep equipment when you buy something new to go in the slot? Cause, then it really isn't a big deal to swap my cargo bay back in...isn't a big deal regardless, but....

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 19, 2015 09:17PM
Palladium is a good choice.. just be careful where you do it..

ill be on tonight.

my late ass time of night? or normal person time of night?

I want to take my new ship out for some brap brap, I didn't last night as it was late when I finally bought it and upgraded it slightly...then proceeded to incure fines by testing my pew pew in the no fire zone...thanks elite for the warnings, paid everything off, like 200cr, but was a pain....

Does one need a cargo hold for this Palladium exchange? I got rid of mine for a Shield cell, second question, Do you keep equipment when you buy something new to go in the slot? Cause, then it really isn't a big deal to swap my cargo bay back in...isn't a big deal regardless, but....
Loitering in the docking area for 2 seconds? 200 cr fine or instant death. You have 30 seconds to comply.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 20, 2015 12:51AM
Palladium is a good choice.. just be careful where you do it..

ill be on tonight.

my late ass time of night? or normal person time of night?

I want to take my new ship out for some brap brap, I didn't last night as it was late when I finally bought it and upgraded it slightly...then proceeded to incure fines by testing my pew pew in the no fire zone...thanks elite for the warnings, paid everything off, like 200cr, but was a pain....

Does one need a cargo hold for this Palladium exchange? I got rid of mine for a Shield cell, second question, Do you keep equipment when you buy something new to go in the slot? Cause, then it really isn't a big deal to swap my cargo bay back in...isn't a big deal regardless, but....

Yes, you need cargo space. Ideally at least 4 tons, preferably more. Having more speeds up the process since the scooping party needs to dock with the station to sell the cargo off.

Equipment staying available for rebuying between dockings isn't guaranteed as far as I know, but you don't lose cash in selling it - I would advice finding a piece of equipment in an internal slot which is available at the station (marked red in the list - "already installed"). That part can be safely removed and replaced with cargo racks and later bought again because it's in stock anyway.

Lastly, palladium is a decent material for the task, but it's hard to come by (don't know any systems nearby selling it off the top of my head) and seems to have a heavily variable profit margin. Meanwhile, beryllium can be acquired at Duamta and sold at Luyten's Star, a minimal jump distance away, and on a good day earns you 1200-1400cr/ton.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/20/2015 12:52AM by eRkkituo.
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 20, 2015 04:19AM
Palladium is a good choice.. just be careful where you do it..

ill be on tonight.

my late ass time of night? or normal person time of night?

I want to take my new ship out for some brap brap, I didn't last night as it was late when I finally bought it and upgraded it slightly...then proceeded to incure fines by testing my pew pew in the no fire zone...thanks elite for the warnings, paid everything off, like 200cr, but was a pain....

Does one need a cargo hold for this Palladium exchange? I got rid of mine for a Shield cell, second question, Do you keep equipment when you buy something new to go in the slot? Cause, then it really isn't a big deal to swap my cargo bay back in...isn't a big deal regardless, but....

Yes, you need cargo space. Ideally at least 4 tons, preferably more. Having more speeds up the process since the scooping party needs to dock with the station to sell the cargo off.

Equipment staying available for rebuying between dockings isn't guaranteed as far as I know, but you don't lose cash in selling it - I would advice finding a piece of equipment in an internal slot which is available at the station (marked red in the list - "already installed"). That part can be safely removed and replaced with cargo racks and later bought again because it's in stock anyway.

Lastly, palladium is a decent material for the task, but it's hard to come by (don't know any systems nearby selling it off the top of my head) and seems to have a heavily variable profit margin. Meanwhile, beryllium can be acquired at Duamta and sold at Luyten's Star, a minimal jump distance away, and on a good day earns you 1200-1400cr/ton.

Is that how you've made bank?

I traveled 6 systems closer, will be there by this weekend

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 20, 2015 11:34AM
You definitly need to come brap. I hunted for about 3 hours last night, made about 3 mill. But had some really good shows from Anaconda's and Pythons. And lesser ships (cobras and down) melt away really quick.

-I would if I could, but I can't so I won't.
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 20, 2015 12:34PM
Them adders and sidewinders man.

Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 20, 2015 02:30PM
You definitly need to come brap. I hunted for about 3 hours last night, made about 3 mill. But had some really good shows from Anaconda's and Pythons. And lesser ships (cobras and down) melt away really quick.

I'm working on it!!

I didn't even make any stops, just straight through, flying around stars (a good scoop is so worth it)...checking each jump though to make sure about the types of stars or stations etc.

What is the best way to find REC sites?

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/20/2015 02:46PM by Yalk.
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 20, 2015 03:06PM
Systems without depleted asteroid belts, or planetary rings. Especially if the system has a refinery economy. Going close to the rings or fields should make resource extraction sites pop up in your navigation pane. Edit: Close here is within like 500 ls. Pop off the discovery scanner at that range if you don't have system info and if there are any, you should know. But you can also ply the nav beacons by the stars. But usually not as many bounties there.

-I would if I could, but I can't so I won't.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/20/2015 03:08PM by IceVamp.
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 21, 2015 10:19AM
Systems without depleted asteroid belts, or planetary rings. Especially if the system has a refinery economy. Going close to the rings or fields should make resource extraction sites pop up in your navigation pane. Edit: Close here is within like 500 ls. Pop off the discovery scanner at that range if you don't have system info and if there are any, you should know. But you can also ply the nav beacons by the stars. But usually not as many bounties there.

And by not many bounties, he means shit like 'wanted' fer de lances with 200 credit bounties. woooo. Me and Zwei were dicking about near Tau Ceti.. we are planning an expedition out to one of the nearest black holes to human space, its 200 ly away.

if anyone is welcome to join us, we ll be going on friday/saturday is the plan hopefully.. need some more money for replacement modules as fuel scoop and scanners are required. We could make quite abit of money, even explore surrounding areas for any untagged stars.

Minimum equipment would be jump drive with a range range of at least 10 light year, an a fuel scoop. If we cant go, its fine, but would be a cool 'mission' to achieve.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/21/2015 10:24AM by Deathbane.
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 21, 2015 10:48AM
So who will be nominated to fly into the black hole its self?

Remember shoot or die!
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 21, 2015 12:39PM
So who will be nominated to fly into the black hole its self?

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 21, 2015 06:39PM
Sadly, I work Friday. Which means I get off 08:00 on Saturday. And then it's confirmation pretty much most of the day, until drinks later. :/

-I would if I could, but I can't so I won't.
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 22, 2015 02:58PM
I'm game, maybe, I JUST upgraded my FSD to 11.86ly laden, so I'll get 9 ish avg range now. my fuel scoop is pretty clutch though

How long will this jaunt take? I'll be on super late for you guys, so, there's that....also, I'd rather not be left in deep space if I have to get off randomly (unlikely if its after baby bed time, but again, will be past Zwei's bedtime tongue sticking out smiley ). HOWEVER, I discovered that you can color your galaxy map by scoopable stars, SUPER USEFUL, and makes navigating easy...

My Viper is still mostly "D" rating components, the rest are "C" and a "B" FSD....avoided "B" due to weight (except FSD), "C" seems fine, "D" is actually good if you can't get "A" due to being lighter...its in decent shape, not "A" grade yet, but, serviceable, I also have 300'000 in the bank now, (I know, I'm still poor) its enough to buy my viper indefinitely at this point, I can't upgrade it much more than I have unless I start getting "A" grade stuff and that's all super expensive...

What are the thoughts on downgrading to Class 2 (from Class 3) to get a higher rating or save power/weight?

How do you swap between fire groups? (Or bane, how do you setup the pinky "shift" trigger?) right now I've got weapons on group 1, Discovery scanner on group 2, I've also got sheild cell on that groups, but it has its own dedicated button. I'll probably assign "Kill warrant scanner" and FSD:i to the same button in a different control group as well...

EDIT : Thinking on it more, I'm totally game if ya'll want to wait for me to play (I can make my way to Tau Ceti) I need a better scanner, otherwise I think I'm good to guys can judge my equipment when we are together and can shop for new stuff if mine is crap...I got the best FSD I can afford (and find), I don't really want to sacrifice my fighting ability for it, to get much better range I'd need to start stripping stuff...

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 05/22/2015 03:12PM by Yalk.
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 22, 2015 03:17PM
So who will be nominated to fly into the black hole its self?

You are required now to undertake this upon arrival at the black hole, failure to do so will be met with trials of strength for your cowardice Mechwarrior Commander Point Commander...

tongue sticking out smiley

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 22, 2015 04:07PM
I'm game, maybe, I JUST upgraded my FSD to 11.86ly laden, so I'll get 9 ish avg range now. my fuel scoop is pretty clutch though

How long will this jaunt take? I'll be on super late for you guys, so, there's that....also, I'd rather not be left in deep space if I have to get off randomly (unlikely if its after baby bed time, but again, will be past Zwei's bedtime tongue sticking out smiley ). HOWEVER, I discovered that you can color your galaxy map by scoopable stars, SUPER USEFUL, and makes navigating easy...

My Viper is still mostly "D" rating components, the rest are "C" and a "B" FSD....avoided "B" due to weight (except FSD), "C" seems fine, "D" is actually good if you can't get "A" due to being lighter...its in decent shape, not "A" grade yet, but, serviceable, I also have 300'000 in the bank now, (I know, I'm still poor) its enough to buy my viper indefinitely at this point, I can't upgrade it much more than I have unless I start getting "A" grade stuff and that's all super expensive...

What are the thoughts on downgrading to Class 2 (from Class 3) to get a higher rating or save power/weight?

How do you swap between fire groups? (Or bane, how do you setup the pinky "shift" trigger?) right now I've got weapons on group 1, Discovery scanner on group 2, I've also got sheild cell on that groups, but it has its own dedicated button. I'll probably assign "Kill warrant scanner" and FSD:i to the same button in a different control group as well...

EDIT : Thinking on it more, I'm totally game if ya'll want to wait for me to play (I can make my way to Tau Ceti) I need a better scanner, otherwise I think I'm good to guys can judge my equipment when we are together and can shop for new stuff if mine is crap...I got the best FSD I can afford (and find), I don't really want to sacrifice my fighting ability for it, to get much better range I'd need to start stripping stuff...

Class downgrades are viable for certain components (generator for cargo ships for example), but they degrade performance a lot. If you're running a viper, you'll probably want to avoid doing that.

Default key for switching between fire groups is N, it's configurable under controls->weapons->cycle fire groups.

I have a dedicated group for KW scanners and such, mixing them with weapons never felt quite right.

Also, if you're struggling with part costs, we could try to agree on a time when I drop by and dump some valuable metals on you. See my earlier posts.

All in all the viper isn't well suited to become a long-range hopper in any case due to its various constraints. You can get it up to 13-15ly with an A-rating FSD and conservative internal upgrades whilst enjoying a relatively effective armament, but it's not going to be able to keep up with heavier enemies 1v1 in that configuration.
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 22, 2015 06:02PM

Class downgrades are viable for certain components (generator for cargo ships for example), but they degrade performance a lot. If you're running a viper, you'll probably want to avoid doing that.

Default key for switching between fire groups is N, it's configurable under controls->weapons->cycle fire groups.

I have a dedicated group for KW scanners and such, mixing them with weapons never felt quite right.

Also, if you're struggling with part costs, we could try to agree on a time when I drop by and dump some valuable metals on you. See my earlier posts.

All in all the viper isn't well suited to become a long-range hopper in any case due to its various constraints. You can get it up to 13-15ly with an A-rating FSD and conservative internal upgrades whilst enjoying a relatively effective armament, but it's not going to be able to keep up with heavier enemies 1v1 in that configuration.

Ok, so from this, my initial presumptions were correct, I know which joystick button I'll assign for swap weapon groups...

Yeah, I'm all for getting money, um, I'll be on tonight and randomly this weekend.

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 22, 2015 06:35PM
See you on tonight man. Also, everybody go see Zweis explorer thing in one internal games section, got an expedition planned.
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 22, 2015 06:50PM
operation Authism.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 23, 2015 04:31PM
Btw, when noting a system to meet in, note the number, there are at least 3 Luyten systems FYI

I'm currently in a pretty nice system nearby the double star Luyten system (the one with the white dwarf) it has a BIG fed station around a ringed planet with 2 RES which is amazing for hunting....takes under a minute to go from docked to hunting

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 23, 2015 08:33PM
Luyten's star, IIRC. Only one should be named that. Alternative is to get to Saktsak, which is pretty close to the correct luyten's star (as in 1-4 jumps close, depending on your FSD).

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 23, 2015 09:34PM
Luyten's star, IIRC. Only one should be named that. Alternative is to get to Saktsak, which is pretty close to the correct luyten's star (as in 1-4 jumps close, depending on your FSD).

How do you tell the stars name without solar system info?

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 23, 2015 10:43PM
Luyten's star, IIRC. Only one should be named that. Alternative is to get to Saktsak, which is pretty close to the correct luyten's star (as in 1-4 jumps close, depending on your FSD).

How do you tell the stars name without solar system info?

No, the system is literally named "Luyten's Star". A system always shares the name with its primary star.
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 26, 2015 06:35AM
Oh.. there's going to be faction specific weapons in Powerplay..

Ya'll know I'm all like

but if their advantages and weapons are shite..
Assuming we all join the same faction of course.

-I would if I could, but I can't so I won't.
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 26, 2015 03:10PM
You did read that Bane wants to join the Alliance right?

which ever faction has blue/green lasers, that's the one I want to roll with...I guess I need to read some lore on the factions...

edit : that pic tho...its compelling, I like the tear drop...

edit edit : read the brief lore, I like the Alliance as well...they have a "fuck off and leave us alone attitude" which I find appealing, they are also a Confederation of independent planets (THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN) also means we can pick the flavor of the alliance we like the most as our "home" system, apparently they vary (from autocratic, to republic to theocracy) need extensive permitting to enter their territories, meaning that players will be sparser in Alliance space than Federation/Empire...

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/26/2015 03:59PM by Yalk.
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 26, 2015 04:33PM
You did read that Bane wants to join the Alliance right?

which ever faction has blue/green lasers, that's the one I want to roll with...I guess I need to read some lore on the factions...

edit : that pic tho...its compelling, I like the tear drop...

edit edit : read the brief lore, I like the Alliance as well...they have a "fuck off and leave us alone attitude" which I find appealing, they are also a Confederation of independent planets (THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN) also means we can pick the flavor of the alliance we like the most as our "home" system, apparently they vary (from autocratic, to republic to theocracy) need extensive permitting to enter their territories, meaning that players will be sparser in Alliance space than Federation/Empire...

I just like them because they have a socialist faction.

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 27, 2015 11:41AM
Well, I AM a socialist.

But I am not an evil undead lord of blight, and let's face it, if there's an option to be one in a game, I'll be one.
Through total dominion with an iron fist, there will be peace. And rebels, so there's something to fight.

-I would if I could, but I can't so I won't.
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 27, 2015 02:07PM
So the Alliance is effectively the Free Worlds League if the FWL was a periphery faction.

Remember shoot or die!
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 27, 2015 05:11PM

Well, I AM a socialist.

But I am not an evil undead lord of blight, and let's face it, if there's an option to be one in a game, I'll be one.
Through total dominion with an iron fist, there will be peace. And rebels, so there's something to fight.


So the Alliance is effectively the Free Worlds League if the FWL was a periphery faction.


"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 05/27/2015 05:14PM by Yalk.
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 28, 2015 07:03PM
I also get a Firefly vibe from the two factions.

Main factions anyway.

Remember shoot or die!
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 28, 2015 07:13PM
Speaking of factions, the feds are still searching for that president's ship. The news articles have a certain tone to them, like the acting president is involved in something shady.

Anyone taking bets on whether it was Winters or the aliens?

*edit* oh my, the news are already speaking of aliens

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/28/2015 10:40PM by eRkkituo.
Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 29, 2015 11:52AM

Re: Elite. Dangerous
May 29, 2015 05:20PM

Remember shoot or die!