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CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs

Posted by Deathbane 
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
July 14, 2013 09:47PM
Ship board Communication system

:Incoming Audio Message:

Message Author: Cadet Jacob Dorn
Destination: Team Lead Dierson Pyre
Other Destinations:
Time: 20:05
Message Stamp: STMP-10-0445756334

You got it Chief..... Sorry I have been hanging around with the Techs to long.
*there is a brief pause and a silent sound of throat clearing*

Team Lead Dierson, now that I have acclimatized to the ship I shall partake in endurance training to "Tough up" for the Trials ahead of us, and there for will be there.

unique code: 0-55784432-6664-23-78952

Remember shoot or die!
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
July 21, 2013 03:02PM
Personal log.

I have been thinking about everything thats happened the last few weeks. Going from a police officer to warrior is a dream come true. But why when some good comes into my life must there always be bad. When I get to the dust off I will find the bastards that took out the colony ships and kill them. With my bare hands if neccecery. I want to see the life leave their eyes when I kill them. Ruth, Branwen I will avenge you if you are died or save you if your alive.

Ship board Communication system

Message Author: Cadet Bran
Destination: Team Lead Dierson Pyre
Other Destinations:
Time: 21:01
Message Stamp: STMP-10-0445757441

Lead I will be doing the following on the days leading up to our dust off.

5:00; wake up, shower and dress,
5:30; go to mess hall to eat,
6:00; exersize to regain some former strength,
8:00; get with the techs to make sure my mech is ready for battle,
12:00; have lunch,
13:00; physical training with Team Lead.
16:00; wash,
16:30; have food;
17:30; go through manuvers that can be done with the Clint IIC as last mech was a Conjurer.
19:30; Meet with other cadets for comraderie perposes,
22:00; sleep.

If there is anything I need to amend please let me know.

unique code: 0-55784432-6664-23-75242

of course you should fight fire with fire, you should fight everything with fire. grinning smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/25/2013 02:20AM by Namarah.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
July 24, 2013 09:36PM
Personal Log
8th Sep. '67

Finally gotten off that chunk of ice and hell. Though into the fire. Pyre offed Victor in the mechbay. Apparently he struck one of Victor's bondsmen. I never liked Victor, guy had anger issues unbefitting of his command. I clock him as a retard.

The Spider they've assigned me.. has issues. There's something wrong in the software apparently, causing the gyros to stop. A medium that's not moving.. Too bad I don't know software. Maybe I'll coerce Remus to have a look at it after the techs sign off one evening, or that other guy, Linus. I've had a look at the myomers of it as well. Quads are crazy. My tech lead seems friendly enough, so maybe I can get an update from him.
I need to find out who moves and who shakes this ship as well. We aren't exactly getting the best of the best. Might have to part with some tokens to grease the right palms. I'll hit up Jek to see if I can get an introduction. He still owes me for that girl, with the thing in the place. If Remus doesn't come through on the software, maybe I can scrounge something up.

I would like more training with the spider, but I guess it's all or nothing now, without the sims. I'll be joining Pyre on his personal combat practice. apparently his dispatching of Victor was quite the sight.


Ship board Communication system

Message Author: Vane
Destination: Team Lead Dierson Pyre
Other Destinations: -
Time: 20:24
Message Stamp: STMP-05-3545867473

Intended Schedule during transit, post restitution of wounds. Changes are AO.

5:00; Rise
6:00; PE
8:00; Oversee work on Spider. It has issues.
13:00; PE
17:00; Misc duties
22:00; Restitution

unique code: 3-65785461-5738-37-16030

-I would if I could, but I can't so I won't.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
July 24, 2013 11:15PM
Cadet Remus' has been sighted at these locations at various times throughout the trip, one might think this is his schedule.

Day 1-4:Recovery from wounds and meditation, filling in any gaps by reviewing the Jade Wolves Rememberance.

Day 5: Scoff at Jade Wolves version while doing calisthenics and physical training to make up for lost time.

Day 6-10: Review with the techs the current capabilities of his Urbie, going over maintenence checks and helping the crew with any computer calibrations, get friendly with Kveta and try to get in good with the tech team.

Day 11-20:Alternate between calisthenics and endurance training on odd days, and reviewing literary sources for both pleasure and history/tactics on even days. Be sure to socialize with other cadets, try to get their barings on current mission, possibly find out more information on their histories.

Day 21-23:Work on final tweaks with Urbie's computer systems, make sure it's set up to personal liking. Continuing socialization with techs.

Day 24: Complete isolation for personal preparation for coming mission.

Day 25: Prepare thy anus.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/24/2013 11:15PM by Ensalus.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
July 26, 2013 09:38PM
OOC: Stephan has been seen emerging form hypersleep after 14 day vacation at Croation shore. Missed me fuckers?



6.00 Wake up and grooming/hygiene
6.15-7.00 Morning Exercise
7.00-7.30 Breakfast
7.30-9.00 Weapons training (small arms)
9.00-10.00 Support weapons training
10.00-10.30 Launch
10.30-12.00 Reading the specs on his mech, working with techs to try to learn as much about field repairing it as possible or harassing them for not acting like the are talking to a full trueborn of the warrior class (Stephan was being Stephan)
12.00-13.00 Dinner
13.00-16.00 Melee training with Dierson
16.00-17.00 Rest and/or MedLab depending on severity of the training
17.00-20.00 Random stuff that he did/had to do (*)
20.00-20.30 Supper (Ready my CS - stephan likes to eat - blame it on mutation)
20.30-22.00 Time spent inside his mech by switching it to training mode and virtually firing at virtual targets
22.00-23.00 Devising and revising tactics to use in Different scenarios/conditions
23.00-6.00 Sleep

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
July 26, 2013 10:03PM
Ship board Communication system

Message Author: Cadet Stephan
Destination: Cadet Dorn
Other Destinations: None
Time: 18.32
Message Stamp: STMP-Q8-W246425P

To the attention of freeborn Jackob Dorn, Claw 2, Point 4

First let us get one thing straight - no matter what you are an Inner Sphere freebirth, worth less than even Remus or that Wolf pup that does not know his place. But you ARE the one that ... prolonged my life ... in a that fight against the Xenoform. it is because your fire that I was not let to die. I had been fully prepared to do so, but it was logical that Diersons fear of dying in that base and hatred of my mannerisms got the better of him and he wanted me to die as only a Solhama warrior could - a waste of resources that would not even have stopped the creature before it mangled you all. It would seem that I have underestimated you slightly.

Thus in return for swaying the battle and thus saving clan resources, in this case myself, I offer this to you: You are reknown for Inner sphere freebirth behavior that strains heavily upon your relationship and communication with other clansmen. I can teach you how to interact with different people from different clan caste and ranks and the protocol that comes with those interactions, both with dezgra wardens and with honorable crusaders. I will also refrain form challenging you for the position in claw 2. I can see why Dierson was assigned to a low-quality unit such as ours and thus I no longer feel compelled to join his star.

Consider my offer carefully, Jackob, for I only offer it once.


unique code: 0-5578452-6795-24-89225

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/27/2013 09:40PM by Zweistein000.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
July 26, 2013 10:15PM
Ship board Communication system

Message Author: Cadet Stephan
Destination: Ships quartermaster and techs assigned to service the incobus
Other Destinations: Dierson Pyre
Time: 17.16
Message Stamp: STMP-56-62464258

I am pleased with the state the incobus is in even while manners of some of the larborer-techs have left a lot to be desired, but I have a question.

The Incubus Prime is armed with a Large Pulse Laser in its mech-portable rifle while it is possible to arm it with an ERPPC instead. I ask if such a weapons system is available for requisition or trade-in for the current Pulse Laser Rifle, or if it be possible to refit the rifle itself to carry an ERPPC instead of the Pulse Laser in the following days before our deployment.

Cadet Stephan

unique code: 0-256753-4577-74-78459

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
July 26, 2013 11:02PM
Ship board Communication system

Message Author: Dierson Pyre
Destination: Cadet Stephan
Other Destinations: SCpt DeVega
Time: 17.21
Message Stamp: STMP-46-655621

Request denied Stephan, you were assigned the Incubus as is for your trial. You will complete it in the state it is in.

Survive the upcoming trial with honor and earn further allocation of resources.

Dierson Pyre

unique code: 0-26753-459

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/26/2013 11:02PM by Yalk.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
August 09, 2013 11:20PM
+++LOADING Dropship Preplanned Mission Data+++




Timestamp:13:40 hours, 4th October, 3067

Current Primary Objectives:

Satellite Array, detected. Commence mission: Destroy Sattelite Arrays.

Elevator, detected, localised grid 0710: Secure topside area, then gain interior access.



Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/09/2013 11:25PM by Deathbane.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
September 17, 2013 05:57PM
//Session uploaded xp to follow. See other thread for changes and question sbout gake schedule asap as I would want to run a game this friday.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/10/2014 12:27PM by Deathbane.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
January 12, 2014 11:54PM
//Session 19 uploaded and xp assigned

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/10/2014 12:27PM by Deathbane.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
January 16, 2014 02:15AM
Ship board Communication system

Message Author: Dierson Pyre
Destination: GM
Other Destinations: SCpt DeVega
Time: 15:34
Message Stamp: STMP-78-666743

This thread is for official RP communications only. The other thread is for announcements.

Please follow official clan protocols

Dierson Pyre

unique code: 0-8887-23

"SORRY, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my tits! what were you saying?"
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
January 16, 2014 01:04PM
Vane's log:
Had a sudden desire to laugh today. Very strange.

-I would if I could, but I can't so I won't.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
March 04, 2014 01:56PM
//Bump for Session 21 update

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2014 01:56PM by Deathbane.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
March 17, 2014 03:46PM
//Bump for session 22 update
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
May 21, 2014 12:27PM
//Bump for session update. Let me know in other thread ASAP if there are any issues. I need people to turn up to this one, if we are to get the campaign rolling

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/21/2014 12:28PM by Deathbane.
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
June 09, 2014 09:29PM
//needs moar updating

Human + CJW = Spit drooling retard

Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
August 11, 2014 06:32PM
Re: CBT RP: Rebirth - The Third White Fangs
October 28, 2014 02:28AM
//He's dead, Jim.//