It's hard to find a job in IT that allows part-time flexible hours that fit together with school. The modteam keeps on trucking at a faster pace than ever since the .4 patch series, so all's well on that front. I don't wear tags because I'm a ninja developer.
I'm not sure if you've thought about it much, but you could do what I did when I was in school (and still doing now), work a telecommuting job. Most of those people just want someone to supplement their workload either because they over did it, or they're cheap. In either situation, most pay pretty decently and are fairly lax with the schedule if you explain to them in advance what could possibly be a "problem." But it's just a thought. I actually had the same problem, which is why I looked at this kind of work, and luckily enough I was able to find an opportunity that appreciated my want to do more than flip burgers lol.
I will say, the only downside to the work, unless you're programming, is that you'll more than likely have to deal with quite a few people on a regular basis. So if you're squeamish of dealing with a fair number of people that are just diabolically dumb at times on the phone, I'd make that a talking point during the interview.. XD
Anyway, the mod team should make you a special brightly flannel colored tag that just says "ninja" on it. It's only appropriate.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/28/2012 11:12AM by Bobby.