NoFunbocks September 25, 2012 12:35AM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 829 Star Commander |
Re: NoFunbocks September 25, 2012 01:22AM |
Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 471 Star Commander |
Re: NoFunbocks September 25, 2012 09:10AM |
Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 1,251 Warrior |
Re: NoFunbocks September 25, 2012 12:08PM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 829 Star Commander |
Re: NoFunbocks September 25, 2012 05:51PM |
Re: NoFunbocks September 27, 2012 09:11PM |
Re: NoFunbocks September 27, 2012 09:30PM |
Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 1,251 Warrior |
Re: NoFunbocks September 27, 2012 10:28PM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 829 Star Commander |
I know that it's confusing, but it's all I have to work with. I already try to keep those profound changes to a minimum.Quote
Oi, I'm cool with the weapon changes or w/e... but if you can't change the buy menu, please don't change/nerf variants.
It's pretty lame to buy something and figure out it has tags or mguns or some shit instead of weapons.
Re: NoFunbocks September 27, 2012 11:51PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 1,085 |
Vult B? Faf A? I have no pity on whoever buys one. The B always ruins any SA game it appears in and the A's IHG were Defender's little ridiculous toys which have no place in this game. The fact that these two variants are a joke now? Well, call me a troll!
Re: NoFunbocks September 28, 2012 12:08AM |
Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 1,251 Warrior |
Doesn't work.Quote
I also see mk.2 prime hasn't received any love. Could you at least give it 2 free tones pls?
Re: NoFunbocks September 28, 2012 01:54AM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 58 Warrior |
Re: NoFunbocks September 28, 2012 08:09AM |
Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 32 Warrior |
Re: NoFunbocks September 28, 2012 10:03AM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 829 Star Commander |
Re: NoFunbocks September 28, 2012 08:42PM |
Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 1,251 Warrior |
Re: NoFunbocks September 29, 2012 09:43AM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 6 |
Re: NoFunbocks September 29, 2012 11:16AM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 829 Star Commander |
The changes suck. Clearly and fully suck. It looks like "ha, I like this variant, I don't like that variant, so i will change it to shit". No real base under variant changes. What's more, those changes can't be used as a balancing info since there are too many of them and they are not following any logic. No coolant - great! But then we get some random additional HSs, that have no tonnage base or anything, not allowing us to see those weapons real behaviour in those conditions.
Then you change variants you don't like to shit, not even thinking about balance or tonnage or anything. This is not the way it should be done.
But the most important part of it is splitting the community even further. Sometimes we may not have enough people to fill at least one server. I can only imagine the frustration for the new players.
Re: NoFunbocks September 29, 2012 12:04PM |
Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 378 Star Commander |
Re: NoFunbocks September 29, 2012 01:07PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 6 |
I do not use any of the boats you have changed. However, I feel that the whole idea of changing the boat configs is flawed. If you have removed 4*RAC5 and 4*LBX20, then why there is a NCat with 4*CERPPC and NCat with 5*CERLBL? Those two (CERPPC one especially) are cool enough to run without a problem and wreak havoc much better then RACs or LBXes. That is just one example that your change is very subjective.Quote
Everything has a reason. Feel free to cry after your beloved lolboats, but don't blame me when you suck without them.
Again, stop thinking like MWLL=CBT and Leer missed under/over tonnage while doing a building rules leveling pass. Mk2 Prime is supposed to have free tons in CBT, not MWLL! Here, if you want Mk2 to get free tons, downgrade 2 MBLs to SBLs, not simply getting tonnage out from the air.Quote
Ryoken: The real Stormcrow can dissipate 44 heat for a maximum generation of 41 (or 46 with the additional mlas in MWLL). That's just about unoverheatable. You'd rather have me remove one mlas aswell?
Loki Prime: It lost its 3-ton targeting computer. In return it gets eoptics and C3. Still leaves one ton.
Mk2 Prime: It's supposed to have 4 tons of gauss ammo. It does now.
Uller B: It's supposed to have an SRM6. Oh, also an mlas and slas. Oh, and be unoverheatable, too. I settled on just upgrading the SRM6. It still sucks enough as is.
Vulture Prime: You know the original. It only sucked so much because CLPL suck so much. See above.
Yea,yea! I see Fafs A raping people left and right. Oh, wait... This is such a rare thing on the battlefield, Fafs Prime are way more usual.Probably, because iHG Fafnir has lower armour, worse support weapons, worse electronics, low ammo count.Quote
Fafnir A: IHG have no place in this game. Gaussboat becomes trollboat.
MWLL has it's own tonnage and building system, that is working way better for 3D simulator game, then the standard CBT system. Rules are different, but they are strict.Quote
If you really need fully valid tonnage in a game that's been fudged up and down, left and right, then you'd start by complaining about MWLL. And then you will have to wait until I finish my mechlab.
Re: NoFunbocks September 29, 2012 01:57PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 264 |
Re: NoFunbocks September 29, 2012 03:48PM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 829 Star Commander |
Could you prove that, please? Last time I ran a modded server, it actually attracted a whole throng of old players who had sworn off the game. It was a smashing success.Quote
Also, I will say it again: creation of a popular server with heavily changed rules are hurting the already-small player base.
It's not a matter of "working better", it's simple design choices.Quote
MWLL has it's own tonnage and building system, that is working way better for 3D simulator game, then the standard CBT system.
No, they're not. The dev team often fudged the rules in the past to make some particular variant work or make it fit within certain cost constraints.Quote
Rules are different, but they are strict.
That is also highly subjective. My point is that dual IHG one-shotting lights at 800m has no place in this game. If that strikes your fancy, go play Counter-Strike and grab an AWP. At least firebombs have a point, need a lot of skill to use and long reload runs. Every kid can grab an AWP.Quote
Yea,yea! I see Fafs A raping people left and right. Oh, wait... This is such a rare thing on the battlefield, Fafs Prime are way more usual.Probably, because iHG Fafnir has lower armour, worse support weapons, worse electronics, low ammo count.
Yet here I am, doing a pretty good job at it, if I may say so myself. And keep in mind that the actual "official" build rules are still kept secret. So everything is based on assumptions.Quote
I do not like the whole idea, but at least if you are trying to change variants - assume that they all have proper tonnage and you just can't add or remove random stuff or base your actions on CBT things.
I did not pay much attention to the Fafnirs, mainly because the weights are all kept secrets and don't add up in any way that makes sense. The changes are also temporary until I (or someone else) can think of something better.Quote
Fafnir C got RAC2s? Then add MPLs or MXPLs to feel up the tonnage.
Explain to me why I should do that? I didn't downgrade it just for fun. It ruined air combat. And I try to always keep the spirit of the original. Adding other weapons would be even more confusing and completely change the variant. Nobody would be getting what they tried to buy anymore!Quote
Shiva E downgraded to LBX10s and 5s? Then add more of them, or add other weapon systems.
It balances air combat pretty well, I'd say. No more one-shotting everything with wings. In case of the Vult B, it also balances SA better. No more perma-shake by people out to ruin others' fun. Do you think that this is subjective? then go and ask others.Quote
Why do you think that taking a powerful variant and changing it into shit balances anything?
Good point, actually. I might have a look at those next.Quote
then why there is a NCat with 4*CERPPC and NCat with 5*CERLBL?
Re: NoFunbocks September 29, 2012 05:55PM |
Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 471 Star Commander |
Re: NoFunbocks September 29, 2012 07:05PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 264 |
haarpNo, they're not. The dev team often fudged the rules in the past to make some particular variant work or make it fit within certain cost constraints.Quote
Rules are different, but they are strict.
haarpThat is also highly subjective. My point is that dual IHG one-shotting lights at 800m has no place in this game. If that strikes your fancy, go play Counter-Strike and grab an AWP. At least firebombs have a point, need a lot of skill to use and long reload runs. Every kid can grab an AWP.Quote
Yea,yea! I see Fafs A raping people left and right. Oh, wait... This is such a rare thing on the battlefield, Fafs Prime are way more usual.Probably, because iHG Fafnir has lower armour, worse support weapons, worse electronics, low ammo count.
Furthermore, MWLL avoids experimental tech (with exceptions), but suddenly it's ok, because it was Defender who wanted it? Oh please.
haarpI did not pay much attention to the Fafnirs, mainly because the weights are all kept secrets and don't add up in any way that makes sense. The changes are also temporary until I (or someone else) can think of something better.Quote
Fafnir C got RAC2s? Then add MPLs or MXPLs to feel up the tonnage.
Add MPLs? How is that less arbitrary than what I'm doing right now?
Explain to me why I should do that? I didn't downgrade it just for fun. It ruined air combat. And I try to always keep the spirit of the original. Adding other weapons would be even more confusing and completely change the variant. Nobody would be getting what they tried to buy anymore!Quote
Shiva E downgraded to LBX10s and 5s? Then add more of them, or add other weapon systems.
haarpIt balances air combat pretty well, I'd say. No more one-shotting everything with wings. In case of the Vult B, it also balances SA better. No more perma-shake by people out to ruin others' fun. Do you think that this is subjective? then go and ask others.Quote
Why do you think that taking a powerful variant and changing it into shit balances anything?
Good point, actually. I might have a look at those next.Quote
then why there is a NCat with 4*CERPPC and NCat with 5*CERLBL?
I've got to side with haarp here, he's testing things out as an alternative to the balance structure placed by the team.
Re: NoFunbocks September 29, 2012 07:48PM |
Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 471 Star Commander |
Re: NoFunbocks September 29, 2012 09:58PM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 829 Star Commander |
Yup, but what am I to do? I can't leave the LBX Shiva as-is. I can't add weapons. I'd only reluctantly change the spirit of the variant. So what's left? Do you have other suggestions?Quote
He means because there is probably tonnage left which you didn't fill up, gimping the variant.
Again, please try to think about how you would change the weapon itself or the build rules in order to balance variants. Just changing a lolboat variant so that it is not a lolboat variant only solves the problem intermittently.
Of course. What I'm doing is mainly ugly workarounds, not actual fixes. It's all I have to work with, though. If I could change the buy menus and change loadouts more thoroughly, you'd be seeing a ton of new and more interesting ones.Quote
Yeah, but changing the variants instead of the build rules or weapon stats is not really changing or testing anything. Only changing the variant does not make the problem go away.
You are exactly right here. And I already have a solution for this and many other problems. But that will have to wait until a more thorough mod of mine is complete. It will introduce a mechlab that solves many of the prevalent problems.Quote
If 4x DSSRM6 on a Mech are still too powerful and if you are still able to put them on a mech as per the build rules then it's still a problem and you simply need to think about what can be done against it.
This is an interesting anecdote, and something that always irked me. It's about the free ton of ammo that every weapons receives. Now obviously, weapons can not share ammo bins between them (yet), but it is nonetheless something that needs to be solved.Quote
On that particular note: one thing the devs (Maus I believe) have done is reducing the ammo of (D)SSRMs. Which solved nothing for the Vulture B and only gimped variants like the Owens B. And which thankfully Maus also has realized by now and will look at it again at some point in the future... Another change that will happen to the SSRM problem is shake dampening according to mech size. But that still wouldn't solve the core problem with a 4x DSSRM6 boat. It would still be ridiculous, unless shake is dampened across the board with that as well.
Re: NoFunbocks September 30, 2012 12:55AM |
Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 1,251 Warrior |
Re: NoFunbocks September 30, 2012 06:14PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 1,085 |
Re: NoFunbocks October 02, 2012 02:54PM |
Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 1,251 Warrior |
Re: NoFunbocks October 03, 2012 06:06PM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 829 Star Commander |
Re: NoFunbocks October 04, 2012 02:33AM |
Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,830 Star Captain |
Re: NoFunbocks October 04, 2012 09:20AM |
Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 1,251 Warrior |
Edit: also, we should use nofunbocks for PL
Re: NoFunbocks October 04, 2012 10:27PM |
Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,830 Star Captain |
Re: NoFunbocks October 04, 2012 11:39PM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 829 Star Commander |
Re: NoFunbocks October 07, 2012 09:42PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 1,085 |
Re: NoFunbocks October 22, 2012 01:13AM |
Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 1,023 Khan |
Re: NoFunbocks October 23, 2012 11:15PM |
Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 378 Star Commander |
Re: NoFunbocks November 18, 2012 10:43AM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 3 |
Re: NoFunbocks November 21, 2012 03:33PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 1 |
Re: NoFunbocks November 22, 2012 12:10AM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 829 Star Commander |
Nope, sorry. I can't change heat-related settings because they're all hidden in the code.Quote
Have any of the suggestions in the Heat! thread been implemented in nofunbocks besides no coolant? If not, any chance they will?