^^^^^^^^^^^ Honestly this game has the best combined arms mixed space combat ever seen.by Deathbane - Other Games
Yalk showed me this pretty cool combined arms space game, that incorporates capital ships, fighters, ground armour, allsorts. Ive yet to purchase and play it, but it looks highly interesting. Enough so i thought we should get a thread on it.by Deathbane - Other Games
This is getting real good ,jsut hope it gets oculus support. had trouble with the PTU, hopefully can fly once its been patched a bit moreby Deathbane - Other Games
The Cobra was 'mostly' but back together from what I remember (advanced automated mechbay, and days in dropships hold with plentiful spare parts helps with that) and it isnt an omnimech with advanced kit.~ So its probably alot better than you think. This weekend im finally going to sort out and upload the last session. As for Yalk: dont worry dude, once planetside youll soon be siby Deathbane - Roleplaying
Fair enough dude, can imagine. Hope shes doing well!by Deathbane - Roleplaying
It would be best to post those directly to the RP thread itself. I am hoping to have the planetfall session in november. It kinda needs practically everyone to be about, and for me to have a solid two days to get ready for it. I am moving house sometime soon - once October and the move has died down we will get to Funtimes. As always, as long as people want to keep playing, ill keep rby Deathbane - Roleplaying
*ahem* Really would like to pick this back up.by Deathbane - Roleplaying
No? CQC afaik is free. From Brabens mouth. ' I'm also happy to say CQC ... will be a free addition to PC and Mac later in 2015.' Even if it wasnt alot of its content would be, like new ships and the subsystem changes.by Deathbane - Other Games
Obviously, as its pretty much the only thing that works with the rift without faff. Im just waiting for them to finish the CQC update.by Deathbane - Other Games
Yeah thats how it works from what ive been reading. So glad i have one girl with the auto CQC perk. If it wasnt for that, i wouldnt have a chance in this terror mission im half way through. Killed about 12 chrysalids in two turns as they just keep swarming me starcraft style. If it wasnt for the shotgun reaction fire theyd have murdered me.by Deathbane - Other Games
Been playing this mod and literally played almost 9 hours this one weekend, which for me is quite a lot these days. What i like most is how it feels like the aliens actually have a strategy and are trying to execute it.. rather than just responding to you. It feels ALOT more dynamic.by Deathbane - Other Games
Maybe on the second one? On the first one it didnt for sure.by Deathbane - Other Games
Rainbow shields are FABULOUS Honestly though, she is the one im leaning to for empire. Kinda feels a bit macrossy and that amuses me greatly. Don't want to go with someone who is stereo typically evil or a dirty feddie.by Deathbane - Other Games
So faggots, there are some interesting powers out there now for us to join and do shit for when we are bored. There are a few cool independent ones, but the ones to choose from if we are going empire are either Zemina Torval or Aisling Duval. Pick your poison.by Deathbane - Other Games
Probably the the 5th of July or the week after, since I know our americans have their FREEDOM Day.by Deathbane - Roleplaying
Depth for best game. The following is ingame footage from my last round in it.by Deathbane - Other Games
Never played it, but looks pretty fun!by Deathbane - Other Games
QuoteYalk QuoteIceVamp Yes. Well, one of the perks is get dollah, but to get 50 mill a week, you have to get 1300 merits per week for 39 weeks straight. Then it "slows down" to 1250 per week to maintain rank 5. Or you could mega grind 5000 merits per week for three weeks. Or aim low and own a Cobra and not give a fuck I play to spess not grind Same. Don't have loaby Deathbane - Other Games
'dick each other over in fun non harmful ways.' 'other over in fun non harmful ways.' 'fun non harmful ways.' 'non harmful'by Deathbane - Other Games
Whilst I am indeed fabulous, I actually dont own a single skin from the vibrant pack, because ill only pay for textures that have taken 20 minutes to make, apart from 2 using colour sliders in photoshop. Reading galnet, and its likeby Deathbane - Other Games
See you on tonight man. Also, everybody go see Zweis explorer thing in one internal games section, got an expedition planned.by Deathbane - Other Games
QuoteIceVamp Systems without depleted asteroid belts, or planetary rings. Especially if the system has a refinery economy. Going close to the rings or fields should make resource extraction sites pop up in your navigation pane. Edit: Close here is within like 500 ls. Pop off the discovery scanner at that range if you don't have system info and if there are any, you should know. But you can aby Deathbane - Other Games